Agenda item

21/04265/ROC - Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) attached to planning permission 4/00726/17/FUL (Two three bed detached dwellings) - Land to the rear of 76-78 Belswains Lane, Hemel Hempstead


Cllr Oguchi arrived part way through item 5d and was not able to take part in the discussion or vote.


Cllr Maddern advised that she had been approached by a resident however did not take part on any discussions, she came with an open mind and was able to take part in the debate and vote.


The report was introduced by the case officer Robert Freeman


It was proposed by Councillor Williams and seconded by Councillor Hobson that the application be Granted with the removal of Class A Permitted Development Rights




For:   5             against: 5                    Abstained: 1


Cllr Guest used her casting vote as Chair and voted in favour of the officers recommendation with removal of Class A Permitted Development Rights


Resolved: Granted with an additional condition, requiring the removal of Schedule 2, Part 1, Class A Permitted Development Rights




 1.        The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans/documents







Reason:  For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


 2.        The development hereby permitted shall be constructed in accordance with the materials specified on the plans hereby approved.


Reason:  To make sure that the appearance of the building is suitable and that it contributes to the character of the area in accordance with Policies CS11 and CS12 of the Dacorum Borough Core Strategy (2013).)



3.         The development, hereby approved, shall not be occupied until details of the access circulation and parking arrangements shall have been submitted and approved in writing by the local planning authority. These plans should show the provision of adequate visibility splays to the site entrance, the provision of two parking spaces per unit, the location and type of EV charging infrastructure and appropriate circulations space within the site to enter and exit the site in a forward gear. These parking arrangements shall be provided and shall thereafter retained in accordance with the approved drawings.


Reason: To ensure construction of a satisfactory development and in the interests of highway safety in accordance with Policy 5 of Hertfordshire’s Local Transport Plan (adopted 2018).


4.         The development hereby permitted shall not commence until a detailed remediation scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The scheme shall include an appraisal of remediation options, identification of the preferred option(s), the proposed remediation objectives and remediation criteria, and a description and programme of the works to be undertaken including the verification plan. The remediation scheme shall be sufficiently detailed and thorough to ensure that upon completion the site will not qualify as contaminated land under Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 in relation to its intended use. The approved remediation scheme shall be carried out and upon completion a verification report by a suitably qualified contaminated land practitioner shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority before the development is occupied.


Reason:  To ensure that any contamination of the site is remediated in accordance with Policy CS32 of the Core Strategy and is fit for residential use.


5.         The development hereby approved shall not be occupied until full details of both hard and soft landscape works have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  These details shall include:


-           all external hard surfaces within the site;

-           other surfacing materials;

-           means of enclosure;

-           soft landscape works including a planting scheme with the number, size, species and position of trees, plants and shrubs; and

-           minor artefacts and structures (e.g. furniture, play equipment, signs, refuse or other storage units, etc.)


The planting must be carried out within one planting season of completing the development.


Any tree or shrub which forms part of the approved landscaping scheme which within a period of 5; years from planting fails to become established, becomes seriously damaged or diseased, dies or for any reason is removed shall be replaced in the next planting season by a tree or shrub of a similar species, size and maturity.


Reason:  To improve the appearance of the development and its contribution to biodiversity and the local environment, as required by saved Policy 99 of the Dacorum Borough Local Plan (2004) and Policy CS12 (e) of the Dacorum Borough Council Core Strategy


6.         The development hereby approved shall not be occupied until details of the sustainable construction measures incorporated within the development have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The development shall be carried out fully in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: To ensure that appropriate sustainable construction measures are incorporated in the design of the proposals in accordance with Policy CS29 of the Core Strategy.



Supporting documents: