Agenda item

21/01712/FUL - Construction of a new 5 bed dwelling - Land adjacent to 10 Glendale, Hemel Hempstead


Cllr Hobson declared a personal interest however came to this with an open mind and was able take part in the discussion and vote


The report was introduced by the case officer Robert Freeman


It was proposed by Councillor Wyatt-Lowe and seconded by Councillor Maddern that the application be Granted     




For:      8   against:      0          Abstained: 2


Resolved:  Granted

Condition(s) and Reason(s):

1.        The development hereby permitted shall begin before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


Reason:  To comply with the requirements of Section 91 (1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by Section 51 (1) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


 2.        The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:




SK-002 Revision B (Location Plan)

P030 Revision B (Proposed Site Plan)

P130 (Basement and Ground Floor Plan)

P131 (First and Second Floor Plan)

P230 (Front and Rear Elevation)

P231 (Side Elevation and Section)

P232 (Street Scene)

5135.S01 (Foundation Design)

5135.S02 (Foundation Design)

5135.S03 (Foundation Design)


            Reason:  For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


3.         No development of the superstructure shall take place until samples of the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the development hereby permitted have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. These materials should be stored at the application site and retained for inspection by the planning authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Reason:  To make sure that the appearance of the building is suitable and that it contributes to the character of the area in accordance with Policies CS11 and CS12 of the Dacorum Borough Core Strategy (2013).


4.         No construction of the superstructure shall take place until full details of both hard and soft landscape works has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  These details shall include:


- all external hard surfaces within the site;

- other surfacing materials;

- means of enclosure;

- details of existing and proposed site levels;

- means of access to the upper garden level and any retaining structures;

- details of bin storage facilities;

- details of all trees to be retained and the measures for their protection for the duration of construction;

- ecological mitigation measures; and

- soft landscape works including a planting scheme with the number, size, species and position of trees, plants and shrubs.


All tree protection measures shall be erected prior to the commencement of development and shall thereafter be retained for the duration of construction.


The planting must be carried out within one planting season of completing the development.


Any tree or shrub which forms part of the approved landscaping scheme which within a period of 5 years from planting fails to become established, becomes seriously damaged or diseased, dies or for any reason is removed shall be replaced in the next planting season by a tree or shrub of a similar species, size and maturity.


Reason:  To improve the appearance of the development and its contribution to biodiversity and the local environment, as required by saved Policy 99 of the Dacorum Borough Local Plan (2004) and Policy CS12 (e) of the Dacorum Borough Council Core Strategy (2013).


5.       No construction of the superstructure shall take place until suitable ecological surveys of the site and a survey of trees has been provided to establish the bat roosting potential of any trees upon the site and in particular any trees to be removed from the site and where appropriate any mitigation measures. The development shall not commence until full details of any mitigation measures including the siting and design of any bat boxes and a timetable for their erection shall be submitted and approved in writing by the local planning authority.


The development shall not be occupied until the mitigation measures have been provided fully in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: In the interests of biodiversity and in accordance with Policies CS12 and CS26 of the Core Strategy (2013)


6.       No construction of the superstructure shall take place until details of proposed sustainability measures within the development shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:  To ensure the sustainable development of the site in accordance with the aims of Policies CS28 and CS29 of the Dacorum Borough Core Strategy (2013), the Sustainable Development Advice Note (2016) and Paragraphs 150 and 153 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2019).


7.       The development hereby approved shall not be occupied until the proposed access and circulation areas have been provided fully in accordance with approved plan P30 Revision B (Proposed Site Plan)


Reason: To ensure that adequate arrangements are made for parking and access to the application site in accordance with Policies CS8 and CS12 of the Core Strategy (2013) and the Car Parking Standards SPD (2020)


8.         The development hereby approved shall not be constructed until full details of any pedestrian access between Glendale and properties at Sunnyhill Road have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. These details shall include details of the levels, width and surfacing of any path.


The pedestrian access shall thereafter be retained in accordance with the approved details and shall be free from obstruction to members of the public.


Reason: In the interests of pedestrian safety and sustainability in accordance with Policies CS8 and CS12 of the Core Strategy (2013) and the Car Parking Standards SPD (2020)


9.       No construction of the superstructure shall take place until details of electric vehicle charging points and associated infrastructure have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The development shall not be occupied until the electric vehicle charging points and infrastructure has been provided fully in accordance with the approved details.

Reason:  To ensure the sustainable development of the site in accordance with the aims of Policies CS8, CS28 and CS29 of the Dacorum Borough Core Strategy (2013), the Sustainable

10.     Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 1995 (As Amended) or any revisions thereto there shall be no development falling within the following schedules to the specified units without the express planning permission of the local planning authority

Schedule 2 Part 1 Class A, B and E.

Reason: In the interests of the visual amenity of the area and residential amenity in accordance with Policies CS11 and CS12 of the Core Strategy (2013).









1. In the event that ground contamination is found at any time when carrying out the approved development it must be reported in writing immediately to the Local Planning Authority with all works temporarily suspended until a remediation method statement has been agreed. This is because the safe development and secure occupancy of the site lies with the developer.


2. Materials or conditions that may be encountered at the site and which could indicate the presence of contamination include, but are not limited to:


Soils that are malodorous, for example a fuel odour or solvent-type odour, discoloured soils, soils containing man-made objects such as paint cans, oil/chemical drums, vehicle or machinery parts etc., or fragments of asbestos or potentially asbestos containing materials. If any other material is encountered that causes doubt, or which is significantly different from the expected ground conditions advice should be sought.




1. Extent of Highway:


Information on obtaining the extent of public highway around the site can be obtained from the HCC website:


2. Storage of materials:


The applicant is advised that the storage of materials associated with the construction of this development should be provided within the site on land which is not public highway, and the use of such areas must not interfere with the public highway. If this is not possible, authorisation should be sought from the Highway Authority before construction works commence.


3. Obstruction of public highway land:


It is an offence under section 137 of the Highways Act 1980 for any person, without lawful authority or excuse, in any way to wilfully obstruct the free passage along a highway or public right of way. If this development is likely to result in the public highway or public right of way network becoming routinely blocked (fully or partly) the applicant must contact the Highway Authority to obtain their permission and requirements before construction works commence.


4. Road Deposits:


It is an offence under section 148 of the Highways Act 1980 to deposit mud or other debris on the public highway, and section 149 of the same Act gives the Highway Authority powers to remove such material at the expense of the party responsible. Therefore, best practical means shall be taken at all times to ensure that all vehicles leaving the site during construction of the development are in a condition such as not to emit dust or deposit mud, slurry or other debris on the highway.


5. Dropped Kerbs


It is an offence under the highway act 1980 to mount the kerb to reach a parking space. Therefore, a dropped kerb is required to facilitate said action from the highway network.


6. Construction standards for 278 works within the highway:


The applicant is advised that in order to comply with this permission it will be necessary for the developer of the site to enter into an agreement with Hertfordshire County Council as Highway Authority under Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980 to ensure the satisfactory completion of the access and associated road improvements. The construction of such works must be undertaken to the satisfaction and specification of the Highway Authority, and by a contractor who is authorised to work in the public highway. Before works commence the applicant will need to apply to the Highway Authority to obtain their permission and requirements.




1. The proposed development is located within 15 metres of Thames Waters underground assets and as such, the development could cause the assets to fail if appropriate measures are not taken.  Please read our guide ‘working near our assets’ to ensure your workings are in line with the necessary processes you need to follow if you’re considering working above or near our pipes or other structures. Should you require further information please contact Thames Water. Email: Phone: 0800 009 3921 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm) Write to: Thames Water Developer Services, Clearwater Court, Vastern Road, Reading, Berkshire RG1 8DB




Supporting documents: