Agenda item

Two Waters Regeneration Framework


J Doe gave a presentation to the Committee to brief members of work on the Two Waters Regeneration framework.

  • There is a growing need within the borough to accommodate development. Two thirds of borough is surrounded and constrained by Green Belt land so important to look elsewhere.
  • In 2014, a planning application was submitted out of the blue for an extensive 16 storey development. It went to Development Control Committee in September 2014 and the outline application was granted.
  • There is a contrast within Two Waters between intensively developed area and vast open space.
  • Creating a sense of place involves: street and spaces, access and movement, form and detail and use and activities.
  • The development corridor is the key area for future development especially on Two Waters Road with the car dealerships and B&Q.
  • Hemel Station’s facilities are poor for a town of Hemel Hempstead’s size. London Midland have issues with tunnel capacity and if Crossrail extends through the borough, how will the area respond?
  • Apsley station is smaller than Hemel Hempstead but there is potential for housing development.
  • Apsley Marina has been a huge success and good example of developing previously commercial land. Potential to be a model for other sites.
  • One issue that has been raised is the access to recreational land. The Moor has wide open spaces but the facilities to park are sparse. Therefore, people park on the road to run and this causes wider problems.
  • The Canal is a key location for developers whose customers desire a waterside location.
  • High density does not necessarily mean high rise, for example, the flats on London Road.
  • The outline consent for the Symbio, zero carbon development has been granted and the full application is soon to be presented to the Development Control Committee.
  • There needs to be commissioning work done on the access and movement throughout Apsley especially the A41 Junction which is often heavily congested.

Councillor Anderson spoke to members on the Development Control Committee and asked them to be careful expressing an opinion and leave it to other members as an applicant could challenge a decision if they feel a member has already prejudged.

Councillor G Adshead thanked J Doe for a good presentation and said he liked the look of the new contemporary buildings in this area. Have you any ideas on the timescales of Two Waters development?

J Doe said that the Two Waters area is different from the Town Centre. The Council has no land ownership in the area and therefore the Council is setting the context for the private sector. If the Symbio development is granted planning permission then they hope to start building as soon as possible. All planning permission has a five year lifespan before it is invalid.

Councillor G Adshead asked if there was anything the Council could do regarding the car wash/sales on the Plough Roundabout.

J Doe said the site had been acquired for development by the Council to build new social housing however, this did not happen. There is now a tenant on site paying income to DBC.

Councillor Anderson raised the issue of traffic through Apsley. He mentioned that he is no longer able to drive through Apsley High Street to reach Hemel Hempstead and this is not just at peak times. Apsley High Street is one of three areas in the borough that has chronic air quality. The roads are impossible to widen without knocking down houses. It is advised that the impact of development is thought out thoroughly

J Doe stated that Cabinet have not decided on numbers but have just agreed a framework and he accepts the concerns about the High Street.

Councillor Anderson said that Herts Highways undertook a traffic survey which coincided with the M1 and M25 closures. This is not a rare occurrence and is a serious concern.

Councillor G Sutton agreed with Councillor Anderson and the road situation is critical. He said that the problem can be isolated to the turning onto Durrants Hill. It is important to look seriously at Two Waters as it is the second gateway into the town. The railway station is old fashioned and needs to be improved for a large town. It is key to focus on quality and not quantity.

Councillor Howard felt she believed that residents had not been consulted or involved in the study. Apsley Lock has meant the roads and parking are impossible. The shops in the middle of the High Street are losing business because of the one way street and the 20 minute waiting time.

Councillor Ashbourn endorsed Councillor G Sutton’s view about quality over quantity.

Councillor C Wyatt-Lowe advised members to visit Hatfield’s train station if they are in the area. She said it was an amazing and appropriate development for the town. More attention should be paid to quality of design and materials used.

Councillor G Adshead said that maybe by improving the public transport links through Apsley, this may decrease car use.


The Strategic Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee noted the report.


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