Agenda item

Review of Hemel Evolution Programme


Report to Follow


Officers will provide a presentation on the subject at the meeting.




C Taylor gave a presentation to the Committee regarding the improvement works throughout Hemel Hempstead.

  • The Masterplan sets the context of all the work within Hemel Town Centre area and the document sets out the aims of the improvement works and identifies suitable uses within the Town Centre.
  • There are seven zones in the Masterplan starting from the Plough roundabout to the Old Town.

Projects completed

  • The physical works in the Old Town are now complete but this is not the end of the regeneration. The team are working with retailers to develop an Old Town Partnership.
  • There is a new entertainment area and space for markets. The Sunday Market is weekly and currently working with the market provider to hopefully put on a Saturday morning food market in the spring. All these plans are hoping to increase footfall.
  • Retailers have expressed an interest in having an ATM installed in the High Street which is being explored by officers.
  • There have been four new shops opened in the Old Town. There is a new tea shop which has 5-6 members of staff and are currently looking to take on more. There is a new barber shop with a downstairs gaming room for waiting customers. Also, there is a new coffee shop called “Elbows Off The Table” and the Acorn well-being Centre has relocated into the Old Town after previously moving out of the Old Town.
  • There is a draft Old Town Strategy and the economic regeneration of the Old Town will continue into the future.
  • The Plough roundabout has got new lighting and improved planting and new street furniture in Heath Park and is seemingly quite well used by the public.

Nearing Completion

  • The Town Centre now has play areas, stage and a fountain.
  • The Christmas event in the town significantly increased the footfall and produced positive feedback.
  • One issue is the provision of electricity as there was a problem with a substation. This should be solved by the end of April and then the new footfall counters and the fountain can be switched on. The providers of the fountain warned that if it was used with the current electricity supply, the warranty would be void.
  • The planters that have been installed in Bank Court are moveable so can be moved for events. Also, it was important to have the sightline through to the centre of the town so when the Water Gardens are complete, it will be a lovely avenue into the centre with the fountain.
  • The new Bus Interchange opened on 21st December. There are now bus stops into and around Bridge Street and the Marlowes. New shelters have been installed with real time information on bus times. Arriva have a new kiosk for tickets and toilets have been installed. There are plans to turn the old bus station in Market Square to a leisure scheme which will increase the evening footfall.
  • The new Bus Interchange has also finished under budget by quite a substantial amount. There was a worry that there was not going to be enough room for the buses to manoeuvre  but the feedback is that there is plenty of room and is working quite well.
  • The Water Gardens work has started to turn it back to what is was when originally installed. The silt has been dredged from the river and will be moved in the next few weeks and work on the bridges and community building will begin. It is hoped that in the spring there will be some positive improvements.
  • It is hoped that the works will be finished in September with a launch event. The Heritage lottery fund has funded two thirds of this project.
  • The Forum is currently about two weeks behind schedule but they are catching up quickly. Soon the top concentrate will be installed in the next few weeks. The building should be finished in October and staff will move over in January 2017.
  • The wrap around housing will be provided by RG Carters and Endurance Estates who are currently in discussions on the marketing detail for delivery.
  • The site of the Magistrates Court and the Health Centre has been obtained so this land can be used as part of this site.
  • The Health Centre has relocated in the Gazette offices opposite the Civic Centre and there are active discussions with the police about them potentially developing the old Civic Centre site to acquire their current land site.
  • The Maylands Urban Realm will improve the quality of public areas in the Maylands Estate. Paths will be widened and flower beds planted. This contract has been offered and they should be on-site February.

Councillor Ashbourn asked if there will be any planting in the Water Gardens after the silt has been redistributed.

C Taylor said there are plans for a flower garden area opposite Bank Court. However, the original design was quite urban.

Councillor Anderson referred to the historical picture in C Taylor’s presentation and pointed out that alongside Waterhouse Street there are no trees on the verge so hopefully this will allow grass to grow as it is used to be overrun by bird excrement.

C Taylor said wild fowl management was part of the project.

Councillor G Adshead said that when this plan was first being developed, there were plans to install electric signs to link with phones.

C Taylor said they are looking into a digital High Street and Hemel Hempstead has been put forward as a pilot for a government scheme to identify ways of enhancing the shopping experience.

Councillor S Hearn questioned whether the soil from the river had been analysed before it was to be redistributed.

C Taylor said that this has been done. They were expecting all of the soil to be contaminated but the results were better than expected. Some is safe to reuse.

J Doe said that the worry was that the waste may have to have been classified as specialist waste which would have had an extra cost to dispose of. As this is not the case, it will be redistributed to farmers.

Councillor Ransley said that a local Tring company have developed the ‘My Town’ app. People can download it on their phones and when they walk down the High Street, it alerts the users to daily offers in the shops.

Councillor Fisher asked the timescale for the Market Square redevelopment and what will it be used for in the meantime?

C Taylor said that it is hoped that the old office, Indian restaurant and the toilets will be demolished and prices are currently being submitted. However, this is unlikely to start in the next two years. In the meantime, the building contractors will leave and remove their equipment. There have been enquiries from car salesmen and a go-kart operator to use the space. There needs to be a balance between generating income and the cost of business rates.

Councillor G Adshead raised an issue regarding the new LED screen. He stated that some of the slides hang over the edge and the text does not fit on the screen. Also, Councillor G Adshead has noticed that sometimes the Bus Interchange signs say ‘information pending’.

C Taylor stated that she was not aware of any issue with the bus timetables but she will look into this. With regards to the LED screen, they are working with a contractor to take over the screen and run it properly. At the moment, she believes it is a formatting issue and this will be resolved in time.

Councillor Anderson questioned if there were any issues over chewing gum in the new Tow Centre.

C Taylor said no more than usual. In the Old town, a machine was sampled to remove chewing gum but it took a long time. In the long term, an educational programme may have to be used to reduce chewing gum ruining the new Town Centre.

Councillor C Wyatt-Lowe asked if community payback could be used to clear it?

C Taylor said it may be difficult due to the specialist equipment needed and the chemicals used to remove it so there may be insurance issues. However, it is something that could be looked into.

Councillor G Sutton said the three main events since the Town Centre had been redeveloped had all been great successes and the footfall increased significantly. This would not have happened without the excellent work from Chris and her team.


The Strategic Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee noted the report.