Agenda item


The minutes from the meeting of 24/03/21 were agreed


The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed and taken as read.


·         Action Point – Member Support Team to look into providing basic ICT for Members.


MK said that they hadn’t had time as yet but as a team they have yet to decide what would be a good thing to provide, she felt that it would be a good idea to send an email to see what they may want in terms of training 


Cllr Bhinder understands the point that MK made however if they don’t ask the question they won’t get the answer, members don’t know what they need so feels and email asking may not be the best option, he gets members calling him with the most basic questions, he feels they need to suggest subjects like the how to use the Office packages, as when updates are made they don’t always understand what’s changed.



·         Action Point Member Support to liaise with ICT to find out whether the USB device can   be provided or suggestions as to where Members can purchase the device.


In terms of the USB port to allow other things to be plugged in, Cllr Bhinder to raise with IT


MK said she has spoken to ICT already and they have given 2 options with 2 costs £19 and £32 and it would be up to the members to decide which they require.


Cllr Bhinder said that the one that does a job, however ICT may wish to consider another option that is cheaper.


Cllr Griffiths said that she is happy with that however the email sent to members asking if they require one would need to be carefully worded so those that do need it understand how and why they need it.


Cllr Bhinder agreed, he said that he would like to when they are routinely back to have an open session with a Lenovo set up with various additional items so members can look at what they could need.


·         Action Point - Member Support to look at other training previously undertaken and add to attendance sheet. (DMC etc.)


The spreadsheet is up to date, we need to check if the planning session for the new members to DMC is added from last week.


·         Action Point – Member Support to discuss further planning training if required with planning department.


Further development management training is coming up in June for all members which will cover this.


·         Action Point Layla Fowell to send Mandatory spreadsheet to the committee showing who has undertaken mandatory training and who hasn’t and in what year(s).


Will go through this on agenda item 4


·         Action Point– Member Support to look into the possibility of utilising the DORIS/DENNIS Member module on the intranet to include essential training information for Members


MK needs to sit with IT and understand how members see DORIS/DENNIS see how best to utilise this, Re-add to action points


·         Action Point– Member Support to discuss with Officers regarding specific training for Members.


Discussed in agenda item 3



·         Action Point – Member Support Team to look into hosting a marketplace event once social distancing measures permit.


Members agreed to look at this after the June 21st when social distancing may possibly may have been lifted. Look to include Parish and Town Councils also. Possibly early September.



Cllr Douris would like to move the action points to a separate log to make it easier to action and read.


A.P LF/MK to move action points into a table format.


Supporting documents: