Agenda item


To receive announcements and business brought forward by the Mayor, Leader, and Members of the Cabinet or the Chief Executive.


4.1       By the Mayor:


4.2       By the Chief Executive:


4.3       By the Group Leaders:  Any apologies for absence


4.4       Council Leader and Members of the Cabinet:


Councillor Williams                       Leader of the Council

Councillor Elliot                             Finance and Resources

Councillor Griffiths                        Housing

Councillor Williams                       Corporate and Contracted Services

Councillor Barrett                          Environmental Services

Councillor Banks                           Community and Regulatory Services

Councillor Anderson                     Planning and Infrastructure



4.1       By the Mayor:

The Mayor reminded members that they were required to complete and return their DBC Related Party Transaction Declaration if they hadn’t already done so.

4.2       By the Chief Executive:


C Hamilton advised that the following Elections will take place on 6th May 2021:

Leverstock Green Ward

Tring Central Ward

Hertfordshire County Council

Police and Crime Commissioner


4.3       By the Group Leaders:

Councillor Tindall gave apologies on behalf of Councillors Hollinghurst, McDowell, Pringle and Uttley.


4.4       Council Leader and Members of the Cabinet:


(Full details are in the minutes under Announcements of the Leader and Cabinet).



4.1       By the Mayor:

The Mayor reminded members that they were required to complete and return their DBC Related Party Transaction Declaration if they hadn’t already done so.

4.2       By the Chief Executive:


C Hamilton advised that the following Elections will take place on 6th May 2021:

Leverstock Green Ward

Tring Central Ward

Hertfordshire County Council

Police and Crime Commissioner


4.3       By the Group Leaders:

Councillor Tindall gave apologies on behalf of Councillors Hollinghurst, McDowell, Pringle and Uttley.


4.4       Council Leader and Members of the Cabinet:


Councillor Williams, Leader of the Council


The Leader presented his update as follows:


Following the sad loss of Councillor Graham Sutton, a couple of changes have been made to the Cabinet; Councillor Anderson is the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Infrastructure and Councillor Barrett is the Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services.


There were no questions.



Councillor Elliot, Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources


The Portfolio Holder presented his update as follows:




The Financial Services teams focus has switched during March and April on the preparation and closure of the 2020/21 financial accounts and the completion of the 20/21 financial statements.


Initial discussions took place in March with the auditors of the financial statements, and these discussion were very positive with the service expecting to deliver fully signed off audited accounts by the end of September, well within the required deadlines.


The finance service as expected is continuing to lead on the financial reporting and monitoring requirements early on in the new financial year and as part of this process will report on any financial issues that arise and the direct financial impact of the ongoing pandemic.


As businesses and industries are starting to reopen the role of the accounts receivable service in working with council partners and creditors will become more challenging and the need to work hard with these partners to find short and medium term solutions that support the local business economy will be essential.




Despite the unprecedented challenges presented by the pandemic, the Estates, Building Services & Bereavement Teams continue to deliver effective services to customers, operational buildings and commercial partners in a difficult period.


During March the Commercial Assets team have been able to complete on the sale of the Maylands Gateway site, which has resulted in the Council receiving its largest capital receipt. In a period of uncertainty to complete on this deal at a price agreed prior to pandemic levels is a great achievement for the service and these funds will assist in financing the wider Council Strategies.


The Building services team are continuing to liaise with Health partners and the County Council to support the Covid testing and vaccination programme in regards to assets and locations available for vaccination and testing as required.




The construction project was completed in 2020 and the building is now being fitted out with appropriate signs, furniture and IT to enable the site to be fully operational as required in 2021/22.



The revenues & benefits team continue to respond to government announcements in regards to business grants, test and trace support payments and business rates relief. As part of the annual 21/22 business rates billing the service has worked extremely hard since the early March budget announcements to ensure the business rates bills were issued on time and inclusive of all the latest government reliefs, support and advice.


The service has also been busy preparing for the release of the latest government guidance in regards to the Government’s Restart business grants to roll out in mid-April. Once this guidance is finalised and published the service will be ready to start the process of distributing up to £6m of additional business grants.




Councillor Guest noted there were vacant workshops at the rear of Chaulden shops. She asked if the council had any plans for them.


The Portfolio Holder advised they were working on various plans for the units; they will probably be refurbished and let out as workshops. It is most likely they will be used for start-up businesses as we have a lot of demand for these in the borough.


Councillor Guest asked how much it would cost to refurbish the units.


The Portfolio Holder replied it would be around £50k to refurbish all the units. We would expect to rent out each unit at £8k per annum which would be considered reasonable for that size unit.


Councillor Beauchamp asked how the Maylands Business Centre had been impacted by the pandemic.


The Portfolio Holder advised the Maylands Business Centre wasn’t within his remit, however he was aware they had 23 units and 16 offices; of these 5 tenants are on payment plans. We’re trying to balance the impact of the pandemic with our social and economic balance with the borough so we’re being sympathetic and trying to work with them.


Councillor Beauchamp asked what the Portfolio Holders thoughts were on the demand for any vacant units in the Maylands Business Centre.


The Portfolio Holder replied there were no vacant units at the moment. He advised they had to build a ‘version 2’ of the Maylands Business Centre due to the demand and they had received unprecedented demand on other units within the borough. He felt reasonably confident about the economic position within the borough at present.


There were no further questions.


Councillor Griffiths, Portfolio Holder for Housing


The Portfolio Holder presented her update as follows:




·        We are very pleased to end the financial year with only 3.90% of the rent outstanding. This is a big achievement considering the financial pressures tenants have been experiencing this year. While the total rent arrears are increased from last year, this is lower than we forecast and is positive for our tenants and DBC. The level of support tenants require to sustain tenancies has increased during Covid but we will be adopting any new processes to embed these new ways of working.

·        The Supported Housing team continue to contact tenants on a regular basis to check and provide the required support. In March they made over 5900 calls. The 5 year community alarm upgrade programme will continue this month starting with Evelyn Sharpe House to ensure a new digital system is installed and further protects our tenants living in supported housing.

·        We have also purchased new soft furnishings and furniture for several communal lounges – once complete it is hoped that the upgrade of the communal lounges will encourage tenants (when it is safe to do so) to engage in a social setting and help build confidence for those taking first steps back to normality.

·        The Improvement and Engagement team have introduced a couple of new initiatives. We have launched Tenant Involvement Grant which enables tenants to apply for small grants to improve their communal areas or immediate neighbourhoods. This saves DBC tenants from needing to access the Community Grant freeing those funds for other residents. This month the grant meant that Kylna court could set up their own growing club on the roof garden, bringing together families in the blocks to grow flowers and vegetables to share. Another new scheme launching this month is Block Champions. This will empower tenants and leaseholders to complete their own estate inspections, and report any repairs or health and safety issues to us.  Providing us with direct feedback from tenants in blocks and allow us to improve communal areas, monitor communal repairs and make sure our blocks are safe, clean and pleasant places to be.

·        Some excellent collaborative work has taken place between the ASB officers in Housing, the Community Safety team and the police to tackle a number of on-going issues. A 2 year Injunction was recently granted against a tenant to ensure an improvement in their behaviour continued and to reassure local residents. A number of legal cases are also progressing with court hearing dates obtained to take appropriate enforcement and tenancy action.




          Additional funding bid submitted and approved via Covid Health Protection Board for Homeless Trainee & Homeless Pathways Officer;

          Providing help and support to those who continue to be affected by homelessness 178 households in temporary accommodation (as at 31/3/2021), 16 of which are in B&B;

          Attendance & engagement in the Vaccine Equality Group – resulting in DBC at risk clients receiving 1st Covid vaccine (including Elms residents) – 2nd vaccine scheduled end April 2021;

          Positive response to consultation on the Housing Allocations Policy with over 300 survey responses.



  • Gas servicing compliance statistics remain high during these difficult times, last week of March was 100%.
  • The cladding to the staircase and lift enclosure at Fennycroft road flats, is being removed, following receipt of the fire safety engineers report on the EWS1 (external wall systems) report. The cladding is not the same as that on Grenfell, but is one of the products that is no longer permitted on the exterior of buildings over 18m.  Residents were informed and a waking watch is in progress to provide residents with additional reassurance. Work to remove the panels has started on site this week.
  • Key to key times have started to see an improvement in March with a decrease in the average time on general needs from 42 days to 28. There are still a number of sheltered scheme properties that are difficult to re-let, with some ongoing nervousness from older tenants to move.




St Margaret’s Way

Stage 2 architectural design complete and now progressing to Stage 3.

Further intrusive site survey works planned for the end of April.

Virtual resident event being prepared for May.

Mountbatten View

(Paradise Fields)

Planning Application approved.

Overage payment to Homes England is complete.

Expression of Interest assessed and 4 contractors will receive the Invitation to Tender via the Catalyst Housing Framework.

Bingham Mews

Final account agreed, the project is completed and in the defects liability period.

Eastwick Row

Mobilising project to start in May.

Awaiting approval from HCC Highways for the construction traffic haul road for construction traffic.

Brick Shed relocation legal work with leaseholders progressing

The 2 houses have had to be removed from the project as no longer viable due to very expensive works required to divert Thames Water mains sewer. Looking at replacing with new garage blocks.

Coniston Road

Project has started on site.


Planning Application submitted.

Cabinet approved land appropriation from the General Fund to the HRA.


Stage 2 architectural design progressing.


Stage 2 architectural design progressing. Tendering for contractor via Pre Service Contract Agreement.

Cherry Bounce

Stage 1 architectural design underway.

Paradise Depot

Design progressing and looking to address a right of light issue due to a neighbouring planning application for an office block to residential conversion.

Garage Sites Project A29

6 No Planning applications submitted. Housewood End, Dione Road, Beechfield and Sempill Road have now been approved. The applications are going through planning committee over a 3 month period.

Randall’s Ride

Planning Application submitted.

Cabinet approved land appropriation.


Outline work on feasibility and purchase back of the leasehold unit underway

Varney Road

Project Initiation Document been completed and feasibility work due to commence shortly






Councillor Elliot said he had seen several beggars and individuals that appear homeless in the town centre. He queried if the individuals were actually homeless or if they were professional beggars, and also what action was being taken to resolve the matter as he had received complaints from residents about being approached by those individuals in an aggressive manner.


The Portfolio Holder explained the team were working really hard with everyone that had identified as homeless but there was a wide range of issues here; some are professional beggars and were taking advantage of the desperate situation, but many others are genuinely homeless. Action is being taken but she didn’t want to disclose too much information as it hadn’t yet been approved. She advised of a situation that members may already be aware of, involving individuals camping between the town and the water gardens car park. Work was ongoing with the Police, community support and outreach workers to assist these individuals.


Councillor Hearn asked how the negotiations were going between Tring Town Council and DBC in relation to providing council housing in Tring. She felt it was a good opportunity to provide council houses for the residents of Tring and in her opinion it can’t happen fast enough.


The Portfolio Holder advised they had made some good progress recently and there had been positive feedback from the planning department on the designs. She understood that they intended to submit a planning application around August/September 2021.


Councillor England queried what evidence there was to suggest some individuals in the town centre were professional beggars.


The Portfolio Holder didn’t want to expand too much on the information they had as she didn’t want to disclose any personal details but they did have evidence of professional beggars and the Police had been involved. She said they were working hard to find schemes that were fit for all individuals.


There were no further questions.



Councillor Williams, Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Contracted Services


The Portfolio Holder presented his update as follows:


Preparations for the upcoming elections are in full swing but the arrangements will be different this year due to the pandemic. Additional safety measures will be in place to ensure enhanced protection for staff and members of the public.


The first batch of postal votes will be distributed directly from the printers on Monday 19 April and postal vote opening sessions will commence from Wednesday 21 April at the Forum. Election Agents and Candidates are able to observe the postal vote opening process by appointment only.


This year the verification of all elections and the Hertfordshire County Council count will be held on Saturday 8 May. The counts for the Police and Crime Commissioner and Borough by elections will be held on Monday 10 May.


Councillor Allen questioned if it was normal practice for the Council Tax communications to residents to be accompanied by a glossy leaflet from the PCC.


The Portfolio Holder advised it was a regular occurrence for the PCC to include a leaflet within the Council Tax bills to explain the background to the budget.




There were no questions for the Portfolio Holder.



Councillor Barrett, Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services


The Portfolio Holder presented his update as follows:






7 new vehicles received which have been wrapped with COVID messaging on one side and recycling messages on the other. There are 7 more vehicles still to come.


Environmental Projects:


Participated in the first ever Food Waste Action Week in March. We shared tips for reducing food waste and asked residents to do the same for a competition, with three prizes for residents who shared their top tips.


Garden waste collections restarted and we have been promoting the Additional Garden Waste Subscription Service with 992 sticker’s issues so far.


Taken over management of the Street Champions programme and are planning a relaunch.


Preparing for the Great British Spring Clean (May and June) and compost giveaway (9 May).


Working with WasteAware on launch of new reusable nappy scheme, promoting Real Nappy Week and on St Albans Sustfest where we are running 3 out of the 7 events during the two week festival. (23 May to 6 June).


Trees & Woodlands:


Finished off the last of the scheduled tree planting.


Continued scheduled pruning programme and our contractors completed winter safety work programme in our woodlands.  


Waste services:


Welcomed back 6 clinically vulnerable staff members.


Successful Health and Safety audits on COVID restrictions undertaken in the depot to ensure we are maintaining a safe, secure, working environment.


Clean, Safe and Green:


Currently recruiting for summer temps and full time staff and have successfully recruited for Dog Bin role.


Pre height-of-season deep litter cleans completed including A41, A5, remote lanes, Leighton Buzzard Road, traffic islands and Hemel Hempstead town centre as well as joint fly tipping deep cleans with Enforcement.


Berkhamsted Moor - refurbishing temporary carpark area (due to finish May – June).


Football pitches –started verti drain works with new equipment as part of the football improvement works (Verti Quake – Over seeder).


Asbestos Awareness Training completed.




Councillor Birnie queried how many members of staff were included in the vulnerable category and therefore had to isolate at home.


The Portfolio Holder replied there were 6 members of staff.


Councillor Birnie asked how long those staff members had to isolate and be off work for.


The Portfolio Holder advised he would provide a written response to that question.


Councillor England noted that the compost giveaway would now have to be filled in bags by residents. He asked, what was the thinking behind this new method and what was the saving to the council by doing it this way?


The Portfolio Holder said he would provide a written response to those questions.  


There were no further questions.


Councillor Banks, Portfolio Holder for Community and Regulatory Services


The Portfolio Holder presented her update as follows:


Members, as you are more than aware the Country is currently working through the Governments Road Map to release the Covid 19 Restrictions. New continues to be positive from both Dacorum and the wider Hertfordshire area in terms of both Infection levels and Vaccination figures. As of the 9th April the infection rate in Dacorum was 29 per 100,000 a 30% reduction on the previous 7 days. 55% of adults have been vaccinated in the Dacorum area. With between 82 and 95% of cohorts 1-9 being vaccinated within the wider County area. .


The Environmental Health Team, working in close partnership with the Local Resilience Forum Partners continue to  advise businesses, inspect for COVID secure compliance, enforce and responding to residents’ queries throughout the pandemic. The majority of businesses continue to be compliant. The Environmental Health team have concentrated resources on Warehousing and distribution and take away sectors this month. 


During March, the Team investigated 24 positive cases in the community that the National and County Track and Trace scheme could not reach. Throughout March the District also took part in self-isolation action day, targeting all those self-isolating with support from Herts Help. 96 people were visited and offered support. Two cases were referred to Hertfordshire Police who were found not to be self-isolating.


Dacorum Borough Council has 6 Covid Advisors approved for funding from HCC.

During March 879 interventions were carried out by the team. The team have been well received and positive feedback has been received from both the business community and other partner organisations. The aim of these advisors is support residents and the community in complying with the ever changing Covid regulations. If they come across significant non-compliance these cases will be referred to the Environmental Health Team or the Police as appropriate. The advisors are here to help and support with compliance. 


The Corporate Health & Safety Team continue to support departments with Covid to provide COVID advice and guidance to safe guard our own employees. Ranging from risk assessments, advice to staff with positive COVID tests and associated contacts with self-isolation. Furthermore, the team is the conduit for emergency planning and resilience within the Authority and linking into our Incident Management Team. Feedback from the District response have been integrated into the Councils Business Continuity Plans which are currently under review. They are currently supporting the elections team with ensuring the Borough has a Covid –safe election. Funding from the HCC contain fund was received to recruit an additional safety advisor to support the service.


Wherever possible it’s business as usual, the Environmental Enforcement Team continues with pest control, animal welfare, environmental crime, fly tipping, filthy and verminous premises and more.




Councillor Birnie questioned how the refurbishment of netball courts were financed.


The Portfolio Holder advised it was s106 monies that funded the resurfacing and remarking of the existing tennis courts, and now includes two netball courts in the same footprint.


Councillor Birnie asked for an idea of how much those works cost.


The Portfolio Holder said she would have to provide a written response.


Councillor Beauchamp asked if there were any planned activities for the Old Town Hall when it reopens.


The Portfolio Holder explained they had updated the Old Town Hall website in the last couple of days to indicate that staff will be returning to the building soon and they hope to offer an outdoor programme of events this summer. A full indoor programme of performances will be launched in September as usual, but this will be dependent on government guidance on whether theatres can operate or not. In the meantime we have been working alongside Environmental Health teams in relation to safety advice on the Old Town Hall being used as a film location and a production based for two separate TV shows which are due to start filming next month. This will not only test our Covid-19 safety measures but it will also allow us to start generating some income for the service.


There were no further questions.



Councillor Anderson, Portfolio Holder for Planning & Infrastructure


The Portfolio Holder presented his update as follows:




The Economic Development team has been working to ensure our high streets are ready to reopen and to encourage footfall to safely return across Hemel Hempstead TC, Tring, Berkhamsted and the Old Town. Measures implemented include new signage and sanitisers promoting safe and local shopping, a free 12 week business support programme, business support packs and a radio campaign.


The team has also developed a video to promote our highstreets, showcase local businesses and reiterate the importance of supporting your local economy. This will be played on the main Hemel town centre screen and shared across both the councils and our strategic partners various channels.


We have also procured a new ‘place based loyalty app’, Loyal Free. The app is available across the whole of Dacorum for both the High Streets and our tourism and hospitality sectors. It enables residents to benefit from promotions for local businesses and assists our efforts to get the economic activity going again. The app is available to download now through App Store and Google Play, where you will be able to view the full functionality including offers, local trails and events.




In 2020/21, we ended up receiving one of the highest numbers of planning and related applications despite the adverse conditions due to the Covid19 pandemic, closing at 2921 applications – this is up over 17% on the workload received in 2019/20 (2480 applications).




The CIL and S106 team has continued to work hard during the past 12 months to ensure there will be funding to meet the infrastructure requirements in the future alongside the development of the Local Plan.


Headline figures:


·          Total amount of CIL received 2020/21 £4,720,840.43

·          that is  £1,740,068.17 more than the previous year – up by over 58%

·          We’ve collected £27,832.24 in surcharges and

·          Successfully defended 5 appeals equalling £566,852.67.

·          £710,566.55 has been added to the neighbourhood pots for use in the communities directly affected by new developments.


·          This brings the grand total of CIL collected by DBC (since 2015) to £11,410,456.06




From April 1st the Enforcement team has commenced a focused and highly structured way to reduce live caseloads to manageable and sustainable levels.


The objective is to reduce live caseload from its current 620 enforcement cases to 400 by the end of this financial year (2021/22).


This includes a new way of dealing with historic cases – changing from a geographic focus to a case type focus, as well as new processes for investigating new cases. The overall intention is to spend the least amount of time possible of the cases causes no or very little harm, allowing more time to deal with the most harmful breaches.


The addition of the one-year Enforcement Officer post will greatly assist in this project.




Councillor Symington asked the Portfolio Holder if he agreed it was unacceptable that there are residents within her ward that are unable to use their downstairs toilet due to the sewage running at capacity and the treatment plant at Bourne End being overwhelmed.


The Portfolio Holder said it was clearly unacceptable but he would need to investigate the ins and outs of the situation before he could comment any further.


The Mayor suggested it would be helpful for the Portfolio Holder if Councillor Symington emailed him with more detail on the matter.


Councillor Symington asked if there was any action the Portfolio Holder could take to work with Thames Water to solve the sewage capacity constraints, and in particular before we build another 16-18,000 homes in Dacorum.


The Portfolio Holder replied he would be looking into this particular issue. He advised that he has said the same thing for many years whenever people complain about water or sewage in respect to new developments; it’s maddening when the reality of the system is we are required to plan the housing first and tell the water and sewage authorities after. There is no mechanism by which we can hold up housing because they’re not able to provide the facilities for it. He advised we had the two companies attending an overview and scrutiny committee later this month so questions like Councillor Symington’s would be best directed there.