Agenda item

Housing Development update

Presentation from David Barrett on the night.


D Barrett gave a presentation updating on the Housing Development programme which included themes around achievements, challenges, the latest programme, scheme updates, design standards and benchmark data.. He was happy to take any question.


Cllr England referred to the footpath on the Paradise Fields scheme, the one that runs around the back of the site. He asked if it will it be widened.


I Johnston said maybe a slight widening at the front end of the site to allow Clean Safe and Green to obtain access to the wildlife meadow with tractors, .


Cllr England asked if there had been any thought in preserving the view along the footpath.


I Johnson said that they have had many discussions and there are many trees in that site that have tree preservation orders on them. They have looked at what the they can keep, sadly three will have to go as they are not good quality trees anymore, this was included in the planning application. He added that when you walk between the buildings, you will be able to see right down into Aspley’s and Kings Langley. There will be opportunities to keep that vision.


Cllr England referred to the road that runs around the Martindale Development. He asked if we had similar plans to have a road like this in East wick Row.


D Barrett said that there are no current plans, but they are exploring options for a temporary road for construction traffic only that will be removed on completion of the project. This is still subject to approval by HCC Highways Dept.


Cllr Adeleke asked that when we come up with a new developments, what we are doing to publicise it. He asked if they could let all Members know what is going on?


D Barrett stated that they do work closely with the Communications Team to publicise what is going on, there are various forms of media such as the Digital Digest and the website.

His team are happy to provide an update to Members as to what is going on.


F Williamson agreed and said that they could put something in Members News.

Action: FW


Cllr Imarni asked if we could, elaborated on the awards which the Development Team had won and what we were up against with other local authorities.

Also with the last few slides, (the home building scheme, as a percentage of stock) Cllr Imarni would like clarification, as her understanding is that as a Council she thought we had a much higher stock than other Council’s. Hence, that percentage wise it would be skewed. For example, St Albans is on there, who have very little Council stock and when they build a small amount, their percentage is higher.

This is not a criticism but I want us to appreciate how hard you work and where we are positioned.


D Barrett agreed that Cllr Imarni’s comment was accurate but said that is the only bench marking that he is able to obtain through House Mark, He will be writing to House Mark to see if they will feature more details on new builds going forwards. D Barrett clarified that our stock is much higher than a lot of other organisations. 


He stated that in regards to the awards, they were national awards run by inside Housing, which is the industry’s standard magazine and they are recognised awards. They have won two awards, one was for the Best Team and the second award was for the development of Kylna Court. They have also won a few local awards, the Berkhamsted citizen’s award for Swing Gate Lane, which was voted for by members of that community.


M Gaynor added to that, stating that awards normally go to Housing Associations. The work put in by the Team and yourselves demonstrates that we have gone over and above and it’s pretty incredible.


Cllr Imarni asked what it was specifically that lead us to get the Kylna Court award.


D Barrett said that there was a few things, the social rented scheme and the wider community benefits with the business suites. The architectural features were recognised. The project had started onsite before Grenfell had happened and we made changes very quickly to the specification and enhanced the fire strategy, which was recognised. 


Cllr Adeleke asked if all the awards and details could be put in Members News so Members could have time to digest it and appreciate what you really do.


Cllr Imarni highlighted that this is why we bring updates to OSC so we are aware of what is going on. She agrees with Cllr Adeleke that its needs to be publicized to get the full picture and educate Members as a whole.


Cllr Griffiths said that she would be grateful for any more time to tell you the different things, good and bad that are going on in Housing.


Cllr Hollinghurst applauded Cllr Griffith with her success with Housing and stated that he could happy hear a lot more.



Cllr Imarni said it was lovely to hear about it and that we should schedule this in at least once a year if not more.