Agenda item

20/02507/FUL - Amenity Green, Front Of 7 To 9 Hasedines Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP1 3RA


The report was introduced by the case officer Martin Stickley


Councillor Guest declared a personal interest as she had worked on the parking scheme in Hasedines Road at a residents request, she comes to this with an open mind.


It was proposed by councillor Riddick and seconded by Councillor Woolner that the application be Granted




For:       9         against:           0          Abstained:       2


Resolved:  GRANTED


1.                 The development hereby permitted shall begin before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


            Reason:  To comply with the requirements of Section 91 (1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by Section 51 (1) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


 2.        The development hereby permitted shall be constructed in accordance with the materials specified on the application form.


            Reason:  To make sure that the appearance of the building is suitable and that it contributes to the character of the area in accordance with Policies CS11 and CS12 of the Dacorum Borough Core Strategy (2013).


3.         The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans/documents:


            Site Location Plan

            DBC/018/009 B


            Reason:  For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.




 1.        Planning permission has been granted for this proposal. Discussion with the applicant to seek an acceptable solution was not necessary in this instance. The Council has therefore acted pro-actively in line with the requirements of the Framework (paragraph 38) and in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) (Amendment No. 2) Order 2015.






Hertfordshire Highways (HCC)

The application comprises of the construction of 12 car parking bays on amenity land at Hasedines Road, Hemel Hempstead, which is designated as an unclassified local access road. The proposed parking area is located on an amenity grassed area between the highway carriageway in front and highway foopath behind and is not on land which is considered to be part of the highway.         


Further comments     


Apologies that is a mistake from my end. I meant 3m wide parking bays rather than the normal 2.4m wide parking bays (not 5m wide).       


There would not be any objections from a 3m wide parking bays along this stretch.    


If you need any further comments please do not hesitate to contact me.           




The general location the car parking spaces (as shown on submitted drawing number DBC/018/119) is considered to be acceptable by HCC as Highway Authority. Nevertheless it is recommended that the proposed car parking spaces are widened to at least 5m. This is due to the adjacent carriageway on Hasedines Road being approximately 5.3m wide (less than the normally recommended 6m required for easy and safe movement of a car into and out of a standard car parking space with a width of 4.8m). Please refer to Manual for Streets, Section 8.3.51 and 8.3.52 for further details in relation to this.         


Vehicles would have to either reverse in or out of the car parking spaces although this is considered to be acceptable when taking into consideration the status and nature of the highway.


It is not clear from the application whether or not any alterations would be required on the adjacent highway carriageway or footpath. If any alterations are required then the applicant would need to enter into a section 278 agreement with HCC as Highway Authority in relation to the technical approval and implementation of any highway works required.           


An increased level of car parking would most likely encourage a proportion of local trips that could be made on foot or by bike to be made by car. Nevertheless this would be off-set by the potential benefit of removing a number of parked vehicles from the surrounding highway carriageways and footways, which affects the free and safe of use for pedestrians and cyclists.       




HCC would not have any significant objections to the proposals but would recommend that the parking spaces are widened, the reasons of which have been outlined in this response.  


Further comments     


Notice is given under article 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 that the Hertfordshire County Council as Highway Authority does not wish to restrict the grant of permission.         


The application comprises of the construction of 12 car parking bays on amenity land at Hasedines Road, Hemel Hempstead, which is designated as an unclassified local access road. The proposed parking area is located on an amenity grassed area between the highway carriageway in front and highway footpath behind and is not on land which is considered to be part of the highway.         


The carriageway on Hasedines Road is approximately 5.3m wide (less than the normally recommended 6m required for easy and safe movement of a car into and out of a standard car parking space with a width of 4.8m) as detailed in Manual for Streets, Sec 8.3.51 / 8.3.52. Therefore an amended plan (drawing no. DBC/018/009 A) has been submitted including car parking spaces with a width of 3m. Vehicles would have to either reverse in or out of the car parking spaces although this is considered to be acceptable when taking into consideration the status and nature of the highway. The amended plans are considered to be acceptable and HCC as Highway Authority would not have any objections or further comments in relation to the planning application.




Number of Neighbour Comments














Neighbour Responses





4 Hasedines Road     

Hemel Hempstead     



Whilst parking on this street is an issue at times, I do not believe that this will solve the issue. As we are within a zone that has no parking restrictions, we constantly are faced with a street full of cars and commercial vehicles that do not belong to residents of the street. I believe that the creation of this parking will further attract more of this behaviour. A constant problem is people parking their cars/vans and leaving them for days, even weeks, at a time and this development will just increase people doing this, Just last week a large Luton Box van was parked on our street for 8 days in a row. Many of the surrounding streets have limited parking and these additional spaces will attract those to park here. It may be improved if the spaces are available to just the residents of the street only. As a resident of the street I would be more than willing to pay for a parking space, despite the fact that I have a driveway.        


Additionally, this ruins the look of the street. Hasedines Road is one of the more attractive streets in the area due to the grass bank, and this takes away a huge chunk of this and would make the street less desirable. Especially if it is littered with commercial vehicles.


9 Hasedines Road     

Hemel Hempstead     



Support to the extent that parking spaces will only be available to residents of Hasedines Road, given there is already an issue with non-residents parking on our street


6 Hasedines Road     

Hemel Hempstead     


HP1 3RA        


We have serious concerns about the increase of non-residential parking by business/commercial vehicles. This is already a persistent issue and sources of frustration for us residents on Hasedines Road. The least the council should do in protecting the interest of residents is that new parking spaces are restricted to residents or the council does not allow parking, particularly overnight and whole weekends of non-residential commercial vehicles using residential space parking spaces.           


We have serious concerns about the increase of traffic on what is already a busy street. Increased number of parking spaces and vehicles on the street will increase vehicle vandalism.         


It is the duty of the council to protect the benefits for those of us resident on Hasedines Road and requires the council to give our concerns careful consideration and the plans for additional parking spaces should address these expressed concerns.





Supporting documents: