Agenda item

PSPO update


B Stevens introduced the report to members and gave a short presentation on the work carried out in relation to the Town Centre and dog control PSPOs.

Councillor Silwal asked if the PSPOs cover more than just the town centre.

Councillor Birnie confirmed it was just the town centre.

B Stevens said there are various PSPOs in place and the main one is in the town centre. There is a PSPO in place for dog control and a PSPO for alcohol and drinking on the streets. The pilot scheme suggested will cover all of these and some littering offences.

Councillor Birnie asked if the cycling PSPO will be extended further than the town centre.

B Stevens said the current PSPOs are in place until July 2022 and the pilot will form part of the review process.

D Rhoden confirmed that a public consultation would be required to extend the coverage of the PSPOs.

Councillor Birnie asked who currently collects fixed penalty notices and if they are then council funds.

B Stevens said he would get back to the councillor after the meeting
Action: B Stevens

Councillor Birnie asked how the council could monitor the amount of money that the contractor was collecting.

B Stevens said the proposal allows for the council to access their systems to monitor performance.

Councillor Beauchamp asked if this pilot would cover parking offences.

Councillor Birnie said the council employs another contractor to carry out that enforcement.

Councillor Beauchamp asked when the team was looking to implement this pilot.

B Stevens said they were hoping for the pilot to start in April 2021 but it will depend on the length of the tender.

Councillor Birnie asked when the related portfolio holder decision would be published.

K Mogan confirmed it was due to be published on 24 November.

Councillor McDowell asked for confirmation that the committee are not being asked to approve a private company and had concerns about approaching young people who are cycling.

Councillor Banks said this pilot is looking to tackle the anti-social behaviour involved in the cycling such as cycling into pedestrians without due care.

Councillor McDowell felt the council should not be outsourcing to a private company to enforce their rules. He believed the council would get a better response if residents can see if it coming from DBC directly and not seen as a way of making money. It is important to engage and educate people. He was concerned that the private company may have targets to hit on handing out fines.

Councillor Banks asked members that had any concerns to speak to her as the portfolio holder. She noted Councillor McDowell’s concerns but the report contains many comments about how the team have and will be engaging and educating and this is the first priority.

Councillor Birnie commented that the PSPO does seem to have worked well without a huge amount of public resentment. He noted that if contractors are issuing penalties based on incentives, there is a risk of losing control and the approval of residents in the enforcement of PSPOs.

B Buckley confirmed this was just a pilot scheme and it will come back for a review to this committee. There will be strict controls on monitoring the contractor and will be evaluated and reviewed after 12 months.

Councillor Birnie asked if the provision to appeal penalties will be handled by council officers.

B Stevens confirmed that the overriding decision on penalties will lay with the council.


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