Agenda item

West Hertfordshire Strategic Review

David Radbourne and Simon Eckett to provide Members with an update on the West Hertfordshire strategic review – “Your Care, Your Future” and the proposed next steps



David Radbourne, Programme Director – West Hertfordshire Strategic Review and Keith Hodge, Herts Valleys Clinical Commissioning Group presented the West Hertfordshire Strategic Review.


He highlighted the following points for Members attention:

·         Their Vision

Our vision is that people are healthier; we want to prevent people from becoming ill in the first place. We want people to get the care they need in the right place - often close to where they live - at the right time. More joined up community health and social care services will help people stay well and get the support they need. It will also help us live within our means.


Key themes that emerged from extensive stakeholder engagement to date include:

  • More effective prevention to support people to stay well;
  • More patient-centred care and care closer to home;
  • Better access to services, particularly primary care;
  • Better signposting to services and services being more joined-up;
  • Making efficient use of facilities and estates; and
  • Better community care for older people.



       Our vision is to ensure more people can access the care and support they need in their own community, rather than travel to hospital unnecessarily.

       By 2024 we would like 40% of current hospital trips shifted to a community setting.

       Patients’ experience and the quality of care they receive will be better. We also want to ensure care is joined-up and better co-ordinated.

       Agreed to take forward the development of a network of care and ‘hub (s)’ that delivers better outcomes and more support closer to home across Dacorum

       Kick off a stakeholder design and delivery forum – January, learning from Borehamwood

       It will define the route map for what we can do in the short term, using opportunities such as the Marlowe’s development during 2016 and roll out of rapid response as well as planning for the longer term e.g. commercial feasibility and design of the Hemel hub



Next Steps


·         Refreshing programme governance to best enable implementation and factor into 2016+ commissioning plans

·         On-going engagement with local community, stakeholders, patients and carers on implementing joined-up services closer to people’s homes

·         Building on best existing services to make improvements quickly

·         Developing networks of integrated care, close to home: develop multi-disciplinary implementation teams to design and develop local services relevant to local populations

·         Acute care options: work up detailed business case and identify preferred option

·         Set up the Dacorum stakeholder design and delivery group

·         Build the Dacorum specific road map which will set out improvements in 2016 and subsequent years




Questions and answers


Councillor Timmis asked if the Hubs were like primary care like they have in GP surgeries.


K Hodge explained that the Hubs will allow them to preserve more of the other services. They do not want to replicate the past but to produce a new modern day GP surgery with additional training offered.


Councillor Timmis asked what would happen to all of the other surgeries.


K Hodge explained that they would all still remain as part of the partnership.


T Fernandes said that they are trying to make the GP surgeries ready for the new century; the current structure at present is unable to provide this service to patients.


B Harris mentioned her disappointment in the 2011 census results, and asked if a patient is ill they will require 24/48hrs care. Where would the patient go for this care.


K Hodge said that the patient would need to attend the Watford General Hospital for their care.


M Moore referred to developing the pathways for Herts and asked what timescales the trust was working towards.


D Radbourn said that the plan covers a 10 year plan. Some elements will complete earlier than others, but this is the timescale that they are working towards for true and accurate results.


Supporting documents: