Agenda item

Actions from the Previous Meeting


·         Action: Councillor Douris asked KM is she could talk to Finance about adding officer time to the Quarterly Budget Update.


Outcome: It is not possible to add officer time to the Quarterly Budget Update.



·         Action: KM said that they would be asking other Local Authorities about the training that they provide to their Members.


Outcome: Completed – See page 16 of Agenda.


·         Action: Councillor Freedman suggested speaking to the Communications team about Social Media platforms and whether they could provide internal training on this.


Action: KM said that they could look for a broader provider to deliver this type of training.


Outcomes: We are looking to find another course/provider to provide this type of training.



·         Action: KM said that there was a function in ModernGov which could enable Councillors to have their own blogs and that these would appear on their Councillor page on the website. She said that they could look into this and provide training for Councillors on how to use it.


Action: KM said that the blogs had to be approved by Member Support first. She said that they would work on implementing it and would produce a guide including guidelines on what was appropriate to include. She added that it could be beneficial for residents to read Councillors’ blogs without them having to use Facebook.


Outcomes: The blog function is outdated and is no longer supported and updated by ModernGov.



·         Action: KM said that they would be arranging ICT Training sessions for Members.


Outcome: 8th April session cancelled due to Covid-19 and needs to be rescheduled.


The possibility of holding this session virtually was discussed.


Councillors Bhinder and Freedman agreed that it would be best to deliver this training face-to-face.


Councillor Freedman suggested holding an optional virtual training session on virtual meetings.


Councillor Bhinder said that he received a request for Microsoft Teams training.


KM said that 1:1 sessions had been offered to Members.


Councillor Douris suggested a general training session as well.


Councillor Griffiths suggested offering to distribute Microsoft Teams instructions to Members if they requested it.


·         Action: KM said that they would speak to IT about the firewall issues Councillor Griffiths was having.


Outcome: We have spoken to IT about this issue.


Councillor Griffiths confirmed that the issue had been resolved.



·         Action: KM asked about what other training courses Councillors would like. She suggested emailing all Councillors about more training that they would like and then bringing the responses back to the Member Development Steering Group meeting in March.


Outcome: Completed – See page 16 of Agenda.



·         Action: KM said that she would speak to Mark Brookes and Farida Hussain about Constitution Training with a specific focus on Full Council meetings.


Outcome: Training session scheduled to take place on Thursday 17th September.



·         Action: Councillor Douris suggested providing a line on training evaluation forms where Councillors could add their name to the feedback form if they wished to discuss the session further.


Outcome: Completed.



·         Action: KM said that they could make the comments section more focused.


Outcome: Looking at the best way in which we can do this.



·         Action: Councillor Bhinder asked that alternate rows were shaded on the Attendance Totals spreadsheet so that it was easier to read.


Outcome: Completed.



·         Action: KM said that she would get an update on the progress of the introduction of the online training booking system for Councillors.


Outcome: We have been meeting with HR to move this forward.


KM demonstrated the system and explained the traffic light system for mandatory training. She showed how to book onto training and said that a confirmation email was sent out after booking onto a course which also often included an outline of the course contents. KM said that they were working with HR and the software developers on the mapping of this and that when it goes live instructions and training will be provided.


Councillor Griffiths asked if the training available was Councillor-specific or whether Councillors could book onto training that was also available to officers.


KM said that the training available would be Councillor-specific to begin with but that they would ask HR whether training could be made available to everyone.


Councillor Griffiths asked if there was a date on this yet.


KM said that they were hoping for it to go live in the next few months.