Agenda item

Sportspace Annual Report


D Cove presented the Annual Sportspace Review April 2014 – March 2015, the powerpoint presentation explained what Sportspace, Little Hay and XC do so new Members had a full understanding. It also provided Members with information about the performances; activities provided and outlines some proposals for the future.


Cllr Griffith arrived at 19:38


A few key points which D Cove highlighted where;

We are top 3 in the County for H&S Audits.

Post audit figures 2014/15

There are new processes put in place for Customers Journey.

The new facilities in Little Hay are doing extremely well, the function hall and foot golf.

The attendance figures are stationary but they have changed the way they record attendance.

Complaints and accident and staff accidents have gone down.

The next financial year they will be looking at income generation.


Cllr Harden Arrived at 19:50


D Cove finished off with a short video highlighting key facts.


Cllr Imarni Arrived at 19:53


D Cove was happy to take questions from Members.


Cllr Mahmood referred to the complaints at Longdean, why have they gone up?


D Cove said yes the number have complaints have gone up but there has been no trend and they are regularly monitored they are just small unfortunate complaints like accidental over booking etc.


Cllr Mahmood said you referred to facilities, did you mention the track up Jarman in your presentation.

D Cove said yes the track was mentioned however it doesn’t generate much income it’s mainly clubs and schools which use this facility.


Cllr Mahmood said the grant has gone down, do you have a risk register for this.

D Cove said the trustees monitor this closely. Since having the new low cost gym they have lost out on 150,000 due to competition.


Cllr Mahmood asked if people apply for a sports grants.

D Cove said the older ones, and it’s a struggle to get a grant.


Cllr W Wyatt-Lowe referred to the pie chart showing venues, is corporate profitable.

D Cove said corporate is not a venue it’s the Councils grant.


Cllr Imarni declared an interest. (see above OS-258-15)


Cllr Timmis said that she had noticed that Watling area is showing as an obese area, is this something that you are going to approach.


D Cove said they do work with school Nurses around obesity and help with active living, yes it can be expanded out to the villages.


Cllr Timmis also added to that by saying she had recently spoke to a resident who was a swimming instructor who would like to see an Olympic size pool. Would this be possible?


 D Cove said it’s very unlikely as its costly and there is no room to expand and they don’t have funding.


Cllr Link asked if the investment in Tring and Berko could be explained.


Cllr Harden said they are looking at the budget for Tring to see how they can upgrade the pool.


Cllr Conway said when this happens how will it be managed?


Cllr Harden said it will be down to the school and the centre to decide its likely they will bring in a management company rather than both parties managing it, unfortunately he couldn’t give a definite answer.


Cllr Griffiths said that Jarman Park is looking lovely is there anything we can do to the XC as its look old and out dated compared to the rest.


Cllr Mahmood added to that by saying some lights might give it an upgrade.


Cllr Marshall asked why the food rating still only had 4 stars when we were promised 5 stars.


D Cove said the food rating is 5 stars the thing that let us down was a light bulb out and a broken floor tile so this took us to a 4.


Action:  None

Outcome: Report was noted.


S Baker and D Cove left the meeting.


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