Agenda item

Work Programme


The Work Programme was discussed – Cllr Birnie said that some items were already on the list and went through those. He then invited suggestions for items for future meetings.

Cllr Timmis suggested climate change and Cllr Birnie agreed it was an important subject but pointed out that it is rather a ‘catch all’ heading and it would be difficult to decide which of the portfolio holders would be responsible and he would rather have more specific subjects.

Cllr Anderson said that garages which was on that list did not come under this committee.  He suggested that in terms of environmental sustainability the committee could review the Council’s private emergency plan and also the Council’s environmental management system, which gives an analysis the Council’s use of gas, electric, water etc., this is something which comes into Nigel Howcutt’s area and is something he could present.

Cllr Hobson said that an enquiry on recycling of plastics would be valuable and for instance asking the company that does our recycling to attend a meeting and give us some evidence and also ask some businesses to come. Not just about what happens to the waste but also what the Council can do to encourage people to use less plastic. Cllr Hobson added an enquiry would show that the Council was being pro-active in understanding the issue and what it could do.

Cllr Anderson said it is important that members who request reports lay out what information they require and what it is they hope to achieve, he added that he felt Cllr Hobson had brought together two different subjects, one being dry recyclables and the other waste reduction.

Cllr Birnie suggested that Cllr Hobson come up with the bones of the enquiry – what topics you want to cover and how you want to cover them.

Cllr Wyatt-Lowe said that we do have within Cupid Green a team who go out educating particularly in the schools with regard to environmental matters and it might be quite useful as a precursor to anything else to have an in depth look at what they do.

Cllr Birnie asked if the committee would like him to approach Craig and see if a visit could be arranged to Cupid Green and members of the committee concurred.

Cllr Wyatt-Lowe suggested that it would be helpful to have the meeting held at Cupid Green.

Cllr Sutton added that it could be taken a stage further and a visit to the recycling centre and also to the food waste unit could be made as Cupid Green is only the first stop on the journey.

Cllr Birnie agreed that would be particularly useful for new councillors.

Cllr Beauchamp said it would be useful to have a report based on the number of offences and penalties that have been issued with regard to the recent by laws that have been introduced.

Cllr Banks said that at the moment it is all about education, but indeed the first of the figures should become available.


The meeting was closed at 21:10. The next meeting is to be held on October 29 2019



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