Agenda item

Cabinet referrals

To consider the following referrals from Cabinet:




30 July 2019

Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)



30 July 2019

Dacorum Borough Statement of Community Involvement



30 July 2019

Hemel Garden Communities



10 September 2019

Treasury Management Outturn Report 2018/19



10 September 2019

Q1 Budget Monitoring Report



10 September 2019

Building Control Service






That the following be approved:

30th July 2019


8CA/071/19     Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)




The revised Medium Term Financial Strategy for the period 2019/20 – 2023/24, including the recommendations at Section 2 of the Strategy be approved.


8.2       CA/072/19       Dacorum Borough Statement of Community Involvement



That Council adopts the revised Statement of Community Involvement


8.3       CA/073/19       Hemel Garden Communities



The draw down from the Local Development Framework Reserve of £0.14m in 19/20 and the residual £0.235m in 20/21 in line with Table 2 - 2 Year Spending Plan be approved.



10th September 2019


8.4       CA/083/19       TREASURY MANAGEMENT OUTTURN REPORT 2018/19


The report on Treasury Management performance in 2018/19 and the Prudential Indicators for 2018/19 be accepted.


8.5       CA/084/19       Q1 BUDGET MONITORING REPORT




1.    Consider the budget monitoring position for each of the above accounts (as set out in the Cabinet report);


2.    Approval of the revised capital programme to move £1.5m slippage identified at Quarter 1 into financial year 2020/21 as detailed in Appendix C of the report to Cabinet;


3.    Approval of supplementary revenue budgets funded by grant income. This grant income has already been received by the Council and is ring-fenced for use in specific services. Details are set out below:


·        Supplementary budget funded by grant of £70k in the Benefits Administration service.


·        Supplementary budget funded by grant of £100k in the Strategic Planning service.


·        Supplementary budget of £62k in the Homelessness service, funded from the homelessness prevention grant currently held in reserves.


·          Supplementary budget of £21k in the Partnerships service, and £18k in the Homelessness service, funded from Dacorum Partnership Reserve. This expenditure has been approved by the Dacorum Strategic Network.


4.    The approval of supplementary capital budgets required to deliver several service changes as set out below:


·        A capital budget of £112k to fund arena seating at Hemel Sports Centre.


·        A capital budget of £36k for land transferred to the Council in lieu of a Community Infrastructure Levy contribution.


5.     £130k is drawn down from the Litigation Reserve to fund the legal costs and the fine associated with the recent HAVs case.




1.   The Borough Council’s Building Control service is transferred to Broste Rivers Limited, holding company of Hertfordshire Building Control Limited and The Building Control (Hertfordshire) Company Ltd. on the terms set out in the Cabinet report.

2.   Authority be delegated to the Chief Executive as Head of Paid Service to agree any final and outstanding technical, financial and operational matters to be concluded in effecting the proposed transfer of the Building Control service and to authorise the completion of the respective Services  Agreement, Inter-Authority Agreement , Shareholder’s Agreement and Articles of Association with Hertfordshire Building Control Ltd., together with any other legal agreements and documents which are required to give effect to the transfer.

3.   An increase in the Building Control revenue budget for 2020/21 of £40k p.a.

4.   The draw down of £187k from reserves to fund the one off initial membership purchase, £152k and subsequent £35k set up costs of transferring the service to HBC Ltd.

5.   The following Officers are confirmed to serve in regard to Broste Rivers Limited as follows: The Chief Executive (as representative of Dacorum Borough Council as shareholder; The Corporate Director (Housing & Regeneration) as Director of Broste Rivers Limited and subsidiary companies; and the Group Manager – Development Management and Planning to the Commissioning Group.

6.   To pass a resolution to delegate statutory Building Control functions to one of the Building Control authorities (“LA1”).




That the following be approved:

30th July 2019


8CA/071/19     Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)




The revised Medium Term Financial Strategy for the period 2019/20 – 2023/24, including the recommendations at Section 2 of the Strategy be approved.


8.2       CA/072/19       Dacorum Borough Statement of Community Involvement



That Council adopts the revised Statement of Community Involvement


8.3       CA/073/19       Hemel Garden Communities



The draw down from the Local Development Framework Reserve of £0.14m in 19/20 and the residual £0.235m in 20/21 in line with Table 2 - 2 Year Spending Plan be approved.



10th September 2019


8.4       CA/083/19       TREASURY MANAGEMENT OUTTURN REPORT 2018/19


The report on Treasury Management performance in 2018/19 and the Prudential Indicators for 2018/19 be accepted.


8.5       CA/084/19       Q1 BUDGET MONITORING REPORT




1.    Consider the budget monitoring position for each of the above accounts (as set out in the Cabinet report);


2.    Approval of the revised capital programme to move £1.5m slippage identified at Quarter 1 into financial year 2020/21 as detailed in Appendix C of the report to Cabinet;


3.    Approval of supplementary revenue budgets funded by grant income. This grant income has already been received by the Council and is ring-fenced for use in specific services. Details are set out below:


·        Supplementary budget funded by grant of £70k in the Benefits Administration service.


·        Supplementary budget funded by grant of £100k in the Strategic Planning service.


·        Supplementary budget of £62k in the Homelessness service, funded from the homelessness prevention grant currently held in reserves.


·          Supplementary budget of £21k in the Partnerships service, and £18k in the Homelessness service, funded from Dacorum Partnership Reserve. This expenditure has been approved by the Dacorum Strategic Network.


4.    The approval of supplementary capital budgets required to deliver several service changes as set out below:


·        A capital budget of £112k to fund arena seating at Hemel Sports Centre.


·        A capital budget of £36k for land transferred to the Council in lieu of a Community Infrastructure Levy contribution.


5.     £130k is drawn down from the Litigation Reserve to fund the legal costs and the fine associated with the recent HAVs case.




1.   The Borough Council’s Building Control service is transferred to Broste Rivers Limited, holding company of Hertfordshire Building Control Limited and The Building Control (Hertfordshire) Company Ltd. on the terms set out in the Cabinet report.

2.   Authority be delegated to the Chief Executive as Head of Paid Service to agree any final and outstanding technical, financial and operational matters to be concluded in effecting the proposed transfer of the Building Control service and to authorise the completion of the respective Services  Agreement, Inter-Authority Agreement , Shareholder’s Agreement and Articles of Association with Hertfordshire Building Control Ltd., together with any other legal agreements and documents which are required to give effect to the transfer.

3.   An increase in the Building Control revenue budget for 2020/21 of £40k p.a.

4.   The draw down of £187k from reserves to fund the one off initial membership purchase, £152k and subsequent £35k set up costs of transferring the service to HBC Ltd.

5.   The following Officers are confirmed to serve in regard to Broste Rivers Limited as follows: The Chief Executive (as representative of Dacorum Borough Council as shareholder; The Corporate Director (Housing & Regeneration) as Director of Broste Rivers Limited and subsidiary companies; and the Group Manager – Development Management and Planning to the Commissioning Group.

6.   To pass a resolution to delegate statutory Building Control functions to one of the Building Control authorities (“LA1”).


Supporting documents: