Agenda item

Quarter 1 Resident Services


J Guiton presented this report in absence of Julie Still. For new Members this report covers Neighbourhood Action, Anti Sociable Behaviours, Community Safety, Children Services, CCTV, Old Town Hall, Youth Democracy Safeguarding Children and Young people.


J Guiton was happy to take questions from Members on the report.


Cllr W Wyatt-Lowe referred to page 50 Community Safety Partnership could this be made clearer as we don’t know what the ratings are.

J Guiton explained that 1 = good and 9 = not good,  and that this is a county score and cannot be changed but he will look at adding a key for Members to refer to as a reminder.


Cllr Mahmood referred to item 6.6 and sought clarity on how resources were targeted to items listed and if the items were listed in any order of priorit?


J Guiton said yes they are priorities that come from the police and others, and high priorities are in order. He also added that it doesn’t mean to say if the priority isn’t there it’s not dealt with.


Cllr Mahmood referred to item 10, is there anymore verge hardening planned for future years as this was a positive scheme in recent times..

J Guiton said so far we are in the final year of the scheme, with 4-6 projects left.


Cllr Conway referred to item 10, Tring. She went to that event and it was really well done.


Cllr Bassadone also liked to add that the open days at the Adventure Playground were fantastic and a good attendance.


Cllr W Wyatt-Lowe referred to CCTV on page 54. Are there any new CCTV in place to cover the new projects like the Water Gardens.

J Guiton said with those sites are already covered with CCTV, there is a new code coming out so they will have to justify why they have CCTV in certain places and the need for it. This won’t be a problem in the mentioned area as it’s in the Town Centre so these areas will still be covered.


Cllr Mahmood has had requests from Taxi drivers regarding CCTV, if they can have CCTV that covers their area for public safety.


Cllr Mahmood moved onto the Old Town Hall and wants to see it do well. He asked, Is there something we can put in ‘News and Views’ about the old Town Hall as the attendance has gone down in the recent quarter and yet there is a lot more performance space to let. Is there anything in the pipe line?

J Guiton said yes the numbers have been low purely due to a vacant position and sickness.

Council Services are starting to use the Old Town Hall a lot more.

Cllr Mahmood reads a lot of reports around Art Funding for Art Projects maybe this is something to pass on to the Old Town Hall team to pursue?

J Guiton said they have just filled a position and the new employee has come from an Art establishment background and is looking at different funding pots.


Action:  None.

Outcome: Report was noted.


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