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Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny

This page lists the meetings for Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny.


Information about Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny

To perform the overview, scrutiny and policy development role in relation to all matters and business associated with the Cabinet Portfolios for ‘Resident & Regulatory Services' and 'Housing'.  This will include any issues arising within the following areas:


HRA Housing Management 

Housing Needs and Allocations  

General Fund Accommodation Services  

Safe Communities 

Private Sector Housing  

Homeless Prevention 

Asylum and Refugees 

Strategy Quality and Assurance 

Investment and Project Delivery  

Housing Delivery 

Safe Homes 

Asset Management 

Commercial Housing Contracts 




The Committee will also be required to monitor the performance of relevant Council

services, including services which are provided under a contract or agreement by external organisations or private sector partners.


The Committee will consist of 14 Members of the Council, subject to any variation which may be agreed from time to time at any meeting of full Council.  Each Scrutiny Committee may co-opt persons who are not Members of the Council in a non-voting capacity.