Venue: Conference Room 2 - The Forum. View directions
Contact: Katie Mogan Member Support
No. | Item |
Minutes To agree the minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes: The minutes of the Strategic Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 19 June 2018 were confirmed by the members present and signed by the Chairman.
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor C Wyatt-Lowe.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
Public Participation Minutes: There was no public participation.
Consideration of any matter referred to the Committee in relation to Call-In None. Minutes: None. |
Budget Monitoring Q1 PDF 116 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: F
Jump introduced the report to members and ran through the projected
outturn. The headlines for this quarter were as follows: Councillor Matthews said that other local authorities must be
facing the same issue. He questioned whether there was any way of
increasing the value of the waste by changing the collection
strategy. Councillor S Hearn commented that the provision of services is more important that the financial implications. Councillor Birnie referred to the increase in planning incomes
fees but queried as to why the same wasn’t true for land
charges. Outcome That the Strategic Planning & Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee approve the report.
Environmental Services Q1 Performance Report PDF 188 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: C
Thorpe introduced the report to members and ran through the
highlights: Councillor Matthews said there was always some confusion in
Berkhamsted about bin collection days and what bin should be
collected. He asked if the calendars would be reissued. Councillor Birnie said he was pleased to see that the trial for
flat recycling had gone well. He asked why the focus was on newer
flats? Councillor Marshall said the food trial lasted for three months over three areas. The comingled recycling will be provided through wheelie bins held in metal frames. In October, wheelie bins will be rolled out for flats that currently have no facilities. Councillor Hicks asked if this would save money. Councillor Hicks said he had been contacted by residents who
have reported missed bins or waste left by bin lorries but the
council do not respond to say they have cleared it up. Councillor Anderson said that the Splash Park had been a huge success. Outcome That the Strategic Planning & Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee approve the report.
Environmental and Community Protection Q1 Performance Report PDF 92 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Anderson said that E Walker was currently off and sent best wishes for a speedy recovery on behalf of the committee. Councillor Anderson asked about the recent PH decision in
relation to temporary staff. Councillor Howard referred to paragraph 3.10 about pest control.
She asked if the hot weather had increased the number of
calls. Councillor Birnie said he was happy to see the department had met the targets on fly tipping as it continues to be a huge problem. Outcome That the Strategic Planning & Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee approve the report.
Planning, Development and Regeneration Q4/Q1 Performance Report PDF 76 KB Report to follow. Additional documents: Minutes: J Doe introduced the report to members and ran through the highlights: - The decision targets have been met at 82% for appeals. The national average is 65%. - The competitive situation in building control has increased due to the growth in private approved inspectors. One has now opened in Hemel Hempstead – these private companies can make a profit but the council must balance its books over three years. To bolster DBC’s competitiveness, we are looking at providing a high quality service which will include being able to book inspections via an app. - Land charges are currently £60k below budget which is due to a slowdown in the property market. - Planning validation is disappointing as 43% but this has already improved this year – August was 68%. - Paragraph 22 refers to the roll out of the new planning software. This should be fully operational in 6-9 months. Councillor Birnie asked if time had been allocated for officer
training on the new planning software. Councillor Hicks referred to the problem in Building Control.
Wouldn’t it be easier if wages could be raised for these
positions to attract the right candidates? Councillor Matthews asked if training would be given to
councillors. Councillor Matthews asked if the letters sent to residents would
be improved as there are many complaints from residents about not
receiving letters for developments close to them. Councillor Birnie said there was often many valid objections
from residents that are not being reported to the Development
Management Committee. That the Strategic Planning & Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee approve the report.
Parking Access and Movement Project PDF 66 KB Additional documents: Minutes: J
Doe introduced the report to members. The Hemel Hempstead
Masterplan refers to improving the access and movement around the
Water Gardens car park. Bridge Street would be improved by
narrowing the road and making it one way out of the car park. One
issue is that it would remove the disabled parking but this does
currently cause congestion. The project has been delayed as it was
felt the Water Gardens regeneration should be completed first. The
budget for the project is £759k with a £160k
contingency as it is classed as a high risk project in the town
centre. Councillor Anderson asked why was it necessary to make the slip
road into the car park so long and take out so many of the trees
softening the urban landscape. Councillor Birnie said he had two concerns with this project.
Firstly, it seems rather expensive and secondly, the displacement
of blue badge holders who have already been affected by the taxi
rank. Councillor Ransley hoped that the road markings would be
repainted as the roundabout on Bridge Street is invisible. She also
raised the issue that people may become confused about the one way
system. J Doe said the main cost of the project was the creation of the slip road. At the moment, Bridge Street divides the Water Gardens in two so this project will create a seamless feel to the gardens. Councillor Birnie asked how this project would make it easier
for pedestrians to enter from Leighton Buzzard Road. Councillor Anderson said the slip road was quite close to the
crossing. |
Minutes: Councillor Birnie said he
wanted to bring forward the parking standards report as January was
too far away. This policy was causing issues at the Development
Management Committee. |