Venue: Council Chamber, The Forum. View directions
Contact: Corporate and Democratic Support 01442 228209
No. | Item |
Decisions & Actions To agree the decisions of the previous meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: The Decisions of the last meeting were agreed
Full discussion can be found in the video minutes Media |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: There were no apologies for absence Media |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. Minutes: Cllr Santamaria declared her husband is a tenant at Maylands Business Centre Media |
Public Participation Minutes: There were the following 5 speakers, speaking in relation to Item 7 The Local Plan
Helena Morris Emma Lelieveld Rachel Stainfeild Stephen Bailey Keith Baker
For full discussion please see the video minutes.
Media |
Consideration of any matter referred to the Committee in relation to Call-In Minutes: There was no matters referred to the committee. Media |
Maylands Masterplan Additional documents:
Minutes: Diane Southam introduced the report.
For full discussion please see the video minutes Media |
Additional documents:
Minutes: James Doe, Ronan Leydon and Keeley Mitchell introduced the report
For full discussion please see the video minutes Media |