Venue: Conference Room 2 - The Forum. View directions
Contact: Katie Mogan Member Support
No. | Item |
Minutes To agree the minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes: The minutes of the Strategic Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 18 July 2017 were confirmed by the members present and signed by the Chairman.
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Barrett.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
Public Participation Minutes: There was no public participation.
Consideration of any matter referred to the Committee in relation to Call-In Minutes: None. |
Budget Monitoring Q1 PDF 101 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: D Skinner introduced the report to members – quarter 1 was a good news story with a continued positive outturn from 2016/17. The main highlights of this quarter are: - A £77,000 over spend on employee costs due to additional spending in Strategic Planning as a new post has been created to deal with the Brownfield Land Register which is a government requirement and is funded from reserves. - A £98,000 over spend due to legal costs in Regulatory Services which is met from litigation reserves. - There is a £100,000 over achievement in income due to an increase in planning applications as there has been a decrease in the factors that affected the downturn in 2016/17. - There is also extra income from the Alternative Financial Model and recycling credits.
In the capital program there has been slippage due
to the fleet replacement which is delayed costing £1.5
million as refuse vehicles are needed for the flat recycling
project. Councillor Birnie asked what the complex legal case was
about. Councillor Riddick asked where the council are in the legal
process. Councillor Riddick questioned the £76,000 over
spend from employees due to a new post.
He said the employee was already employed by the Council and just
moved roles – surely this wouldn’t create an additional
spend. Councillor Fisher asked about the progress of the Brownfield
Land Register. Councillor Anderson asked if councillors could have a copy of
the brownfield sites identified for development in their ward Councillor Riddick referred to paragraph 4.3 and the under achievement of £90,000 in the waste service. Has there been any progress on understanding why commercial customers are taking ... view the full minutes text for item 110. |
Regulatory Services Q1 Performance Report PDF 90 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: E Walker introduced the item to the committee and ran through the main highlights: - 53.3% of A-C food inspections have been completed in Q1. There has been successful recruitment in the department at the beginning of Q2 so this should improve. - The Corporate Health and Safety team has been working on 12 work streams to improve management of health and safety risks. - The enforcement team has served two prohibition notices - There are continuing investigations into two accidents in the borough - The Environmental Protection and Housing Team Leader post has been filled. - A vehicle has been seized for fly tipping offences and has been crushed.
The dog warden was involved in an animal welfare
case where the owners licence has been revoked and the 100 rabbits
affected have all been found new homes. Councillor Riddick referred to paragraph 3.2 and the two major
accidents that the department is investigating. He asked what
happened in these cases. Councillor Birnie asked about the enforcement investigation into
a staircase at a public house. Councillor Matthews asked about the seized vehicle. He asked if
the vehicle had been dumped as part of the fly tipping. Councillor Timmis referred to the action taken by the dog warden
and asked what establishment it was. Councillor Riddick referred back to the seized vehicle which has
come up previously at this committee. He asked if this case will be
given a high profile to get the message out there that the Council
will not accept fly tipping. Councillor Riddick referred to paragraph 4.4 and said he had been deeply involved in the noise complaints from Bovingdon Airfield. He asked if E Walker could confirm that officers were staying on top of technical information and data. Councillor Riddick said he was being contacted regularly from constituents who believe they are not getting ... view the full minutes text for item 111. |
Environmental Services Q1 Performance Report PDF 162 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: C
Thorpe introduced the officers that were in attendance. R Hall is
the new recycling advisor on the flat recycling project and has
also visited all 70 schools in the borough to help and advise them
on recycling. H Butterworth has been in the department for six
months and has been working on educational awareness and has
produced a new letter that replaces WasteWire. C Thorpe then ran through the highlights
of the report: - The additional garden waste service now has 130 green bins and 591 subscriptions which has generated £33,000 in extra income. The refuse vehicles are recording data from garden waste collections to identify households that may benefit from the extra service and the department has sent letters to them. - The Love Food, Hate Waste campaign has been very successful this year with 55 households taking part. - The Clean, Safe and Green team have been maintaining the gateways to the borough and have retained all the Green Flags for the parks. - A Lead Gardener has been employed for the Water Gardens and there will soon be an advert for an apprenticeship. - Page 26 of the report gives a sickness update. C Thorpe advised that there was a mistake in the report, it should say 68 days in June not 8. - In relation to the performance indicators, there is only one red in relation to complaints. The complaints system changed and the department couldn’t get access to the system. Councillor Timmis referred to page 26 and said that long term
sickness was still pretty high. She asked what was being done to
combat stress and anxiety in the department. Councillor Riddick referred to the gateways into the borough and
said they were clean, tidy and presentable. However, fly posting
was ruining the hard work especially at the Two Waters junction and
Magic Roundabout. There has been a huge increase in posters for
circuses and fairs which do not seemed to be removed. He asked if
this was something the council could do. |
Minutes: C Thorpe gave a presentation to members regarding recycling in flats. - In 2002/3 there was a weekly backdoor collection and there was no limit on the number of black bags that would be collected. Garden waste sacks could be pre-paid. The cycling rate was poor but comparable with other authorities. Waste was taken back to Cupid Green and sorted and sold. This was labour intensive. - In 2005/6 recycling frames were installed in flats. 200 frames were installed serving 4000 properties. After this, no more were installed and 3000 properties had no kerb side collection for their waste. This increased the recycling rate to 48%. - In November 2014, the recycling boxes were removed and blue lidded bins were introduced for co-mingled recycling. This was well received by residents - In 2016, a task and finish group was set up with members and officers to try and establish a way forward. - There were three options suggested. Option 1 was to leave the situation as it was but it was clear that this wasn’t an option. - Option 2 would be co-mingled recycling and cost a maximum of £450,800 - Option 3 would include weekly food waste collection and cost a maximum of £612,800. - The task and finish group decided that option 3 would be the best but were worried about the costs. - There are 8000 flats in the borough which have no food waste collection. A pilot will be carried out over three months in Berkhamsted for 70 blocks of flats. - The department will contact residents in these blocks of flats to let them know and the trial and provide them with kitchen caddys, bags, posters and signage. - Officers have commenced surveying all the flats in the borough to find out their individual needs. Councillor Birnie asked if these costs were above existing
costs. Councillor Matthews was curious as to why Berkhamsted was
selected for the trial. Councillor Anderson said it would be interesting to see how this
huge project would work and how many residents would be left on
black sack collection afterwards. |
Planning, Development and Regeneration Q1 Performance Report PDF 68 KB Additional documents: Minutes: J Doe introduced the report to members and apologised that the performance update report was not in the agenda as there had been some technical problems. He ran through some of the highlights in the report: - The speed of processing Building Control application is just under target and there is a £33,500 under achievement in income which is being watched closely. - Income has increased within Development Management and is £60,000 ahead of target. It is predicted that the department will have a £100,000 surplus by the end of the year. - The appeal success rate is also just under target however; two enforcement appeals were partially allowed which has had an effect on the rate. - The department is struggling to validate applications on time due to a high volume of complex applications and the team are recovering from long term sickness and overtime is currently in operation. - Enforcement targets are good, Priority 1 cases are visited within one working day. - The new homes indicator will fluctuate from quarter to quarter but there is a lot of building currently underway in the borough. Last year 630 new homes were built which is well over target. Councillor Birnie asked what cases fall into Priority 2 and 3 in
the enforcement department. Councillor Birnie questioned the craft beer shop in Berkhamsted and the awning they have placed outside which doesn’t match their planning permission. What class would this fit into? J Doe said that wouldn’t require immediate action. Priority 2 cases are visited within 10 days and Priority 3 are visited with 15 days. The recent reoccupation of the Bobsleigh hotel site by travellers was dealt with on the same day. Councillor Birnie asked if it was possible to have figures for
actual successful enforcement action. Councillor Anderson suggested that it would be useful if J Doe could arrange to send members a distinction of the two categories. He asked Councillor G Sutton if he would consider a new performance indicator regarding enforcement as this would be beneficial to watch. Councillor Riddick asked if the Council could recover its costs
if the enforcement action was successful. Councillor Matthews referred to page 47 and the refusal rate.
How does this performance compare to other authorities? Councillor Timmis said she was concerned about water in the borough, both shortage and flooding. Private households have received letters about conserving water usage yet there seems to be more and more ... view the full minutes text for item 114. |
Economic Development Update PDF 131 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: C Taylor introduced the report to members. This was an annual update and members have been circulated a document which shows the activity that took place in 2016/17. C Taylor ran through the highlights of the report: - There are positive economic signs. - The team has 7.5 staff members but only 2.5 are funded by the Council. - There has been a 4% growth in jobs and a 2.4% growth in the participation rate (those that can be employed) - The new extension to the Maylands Business Centre is complete and all units have been occupied since opening. - The Urban Realm improvements have been completed on time and in budget. - The Enterprise Zone was launched successfully and there has been lots of investment and 60 businesses are paying into the scheme. - There has been a drop in vacancy rates in the Town Centre but extra events have taken place this year which has increased footfall. - The team has undertaken 350 face to face meetings with local businesses and this has produced good outcomes and has highlighted issues that we can address. - Dacorum Den has been fully funded by business this year. Councillor Birnie said it was good that footfall was increasing
in the Town Centre but he had been approached by businesses in the
Old Town that were concerned about the lack of footfall
there. Councillor Birnie said a lot of money had been invested into the
Marlowes and perhaps it would be a good idea to exploit the Old
Town as an important heritage site. The Tour of Britain was well
attended in the Old Town. Councillor S Hearn congratulated C Taylor and her team on the changes in Hemel Hempstead. He said there was a simple reason as to why the Old Town suffers a lack of footfall and that is because it does not have the necessities that the Town Centre has. Also, the car parking is an issue; it is normally full by the morning by people who are working, not shoppers. He said he felt that the Council had done as much as possible. Councillor Hicks echoed the comments that the Town Centre
changes were great. However, he asked if similar work was planned
for the other towns in the borough. |
Markyate Surgery Update A verbal update will be given at the meeting. Minutes: J Doe gave a verbal update to the committee on the progress of the Markyate Surgery. The background to this issue is that a new unit was built for the surgery to move into but the previous practice did not think it was fit for purpose. They did look at building a new surgery on the Council owned car park with a development partner that they would rent back to the practice. The unit was also rejected by the CCG as it was not fit for a refurbishment. J Doe advised members that he was attending meetings with the practice, the CCG and NHS England. There may be a chance to use funding from NHS England which must be used by March 2019. As matters develop and progress, then reports can be submitted to the committee for consideration. Councillor Timmis said this affects her ward and been involved
with the potential solutions. The surgery should have been built by
the developer under a s106 agreement. It
is frustrating that a solution seems no closer. Outcome That the Strategic Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee approve the report.
Work Programme 2017/18 PDF 105 KB Minutes: The work programme was approved.