Agenda and draft minutes

Licensing of Alcohol and Gambling Sub-Committee - Monday, 12th December, 2016 10.00 am

Venue: DBC Gade Room - Civic Centre. View directions

No. Item



To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting


The minutes of the meeting held on 23 May 2016 were confirmed by the members present and then signed by the Chairman.



Apologies of absence

To receive any apologies for absence


There were no apologies for absence.



Declarations of interest


There were no declarations of interests.



Premises Licence applications under the Licensing Act 2003 pdf icon PDF 109 KB

Additional documents:


The Sub-Committee were required to consider an application for a new premises licence for the following premises:


Ration Book Bakery

67A St John’s Road

Hemel Hempstead



The Chairman introduced herself, the members on the Sub-Committee and the officers present.


The Chairman asked the members of the Sub-Committee to confirm that they had read the agenda. Councillors Mrs Bassadone and R Sutton confirmed they had read the documents at hand.


The Chairman asked the applicants if they wish to add anything to the report.


Mr Habachi said that since June, the Ration Book Bakery has held wine nights under temporary event notices which have proved very popular with the local community. This is a start up business and both applicants are local residents.


Ms O’Byrne said she was a trained chef and held a personal alcohol licence.


The Chairman asked R Hill if he had anything to add to the report.


R Hill said the committee were asked to consider an application for the grant of a premises licence and the options available to them were listed in the report. The objector to this application had sent an email apologising that he was now unable to attend the hearing, and asking that his written representation be considered by the committee. Furthermore, a petition had been submitted by the applicants in support of the application for an alcohol licence.


R Hill passed the petition to the members of the committee.


Mr Habachi said he accepted the concerns of the objector and would like to clarify some points in the application. At no stage did he intend to turn into an off licence. It is a quaint, small, tea room like premises and is a small family business. Mr Habachi said his interest came about from a family friendship and with a licence to sell alcohol; it will introduce a new strand into the business. The customers are local and the alcohol to be sold on the premises is not conventional alcohol that can be found in an off licence. The aim is to appeal to an up market audience providing cream teas with prosecco, baby showers and wine tasting events. Since June, the wine nights have been a monthly event and have proved there is a local demand and support for this kind of business. Mr Habachi explained that he was previously a police officer in the Metropolitan Police mainly covering Hackney and was heavily involved with the night life in Shoreditch so totally understood licensing issues. The objector’s reasons were valid but staff would not serve alcohol to those already intoxicated and parties would not suit the business aims and were not the intention. The applicants had offered to reduce the proposed opening hours in response to the concerns raised but mediation between the applicants and the objector had ultimately been unsuccessful.


The Chairman asked for clarification on the size of the premises, inside and outside.


Mr Habachi said the total capacity was 15 plus staff. The inside  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.