Venue: MS Teams
Contact: Corporate and Democratic Support 01442 228209
No. | Item |
Minutes To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting Minutes: There were no minutes to be signed at this meeting.
Apologies for absence To receive any apologies for absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence.
Declarations of interest To receive any declarations of interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interests.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub-Committee were required to consider an application to vary a premises licence for the following premises:
London Road Berkhamsted Hertfordshire HP4 2NB
The Chairman asked if all legal requirements had been complied with and N March confirmed they had. The Chairman asked N March to introduce the report. N March advised that the application was to vary the licence of the Old Mill in Berkhamsted. The application seeks:
During the consultation period one of the proposed conditions was checked with the applicant’s agent as it appeared to contain an error, this condition is shown in section 4.7 of the report. The applicant has advised that the mention of ‘maximum’ in this condition is an error, and in fact this should say ‘minimum’. As the applicant has confirmed that the conditions should say minimum this should be reflected in the condition should the Committee grant the licence with that condition as proposed by the applicant. With regards to the proposed conditions, it is noted that the proposal in the application is to remove a condition that places a requirement on the licensee during any entertainment, with one that would only have effect when regulated entertainment is taking place, given deregulation having a significant impact on when entertainment is regulated, the proposed condition is considered to be much narrower than the existing condition that has been applied to be removed. Section 4.7 of the report covers this also. During the consultation, there were 8 representations received, all from residents. No representations were received from the responsible authorities. The full content of the objections is included as annex D. In summary, the key issues raised are as described in section 4 of the report (starting page 9):