Venue: Conference Room 1 - The Forum. View directions
Contact: Member Support
No. | Item |
Minutes To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 15th November 2017 were confirmed by the members present and then signed by the Chairman.
Apologies for absence To receive any apologies for absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence.
Declarations of interest To receive any declarations of interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interests |
Application to vary Premises Licence PDF 110 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub-Committee were required to consider an application to vary a premises licence for the following premises:
345 High Street
The Chairman introduced herself, the members on the Sub-Committee and the officers present.
The Chairman asked the members of the Sub-Committee to confirm that they had read the agenda. The members of the committee confirmed they had.
The Chairman asked S Mcdonald if the legal requirements had been complied with and S Mcdonald confirmed they had.
The Chairman asked S Mcdonald if she had anything to add to the report. S Mcdonald explained that the sub-committee had before them an application for the variation of a premises licence for Shell Budgens Berkhamsted, Cross Oaks Service Station. The application and accompanying documents were set out on page 6 of the agenda onwards. The options available to the sub-committee were set out at paragraph 4 of the report, and members were reminded that any steps taken should be considered appropriate in order to promote one or more of the licensing objectives. Furthermore, the sub-committee needed to give clear reasons for any decision made.
The Chairman invited the objector to make his submission to the sub-committee. Councillor Armytage said he was representing Berkhamsted Town Council. The planning committee had debated this proposal and had objected on the basis of local and national policy. He said this area already suffers with drink fuelled noise and the extended hours would increase anti-social behaviour. There are a lot of elderly residents in this area and so the application is inappropriate. The Chairman asked S Mcdonald if the Licensing department had
received any complaints. |