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Contact: Corporate and Democratic Support 01442 228209
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Sammy Barry-Mears sent her apologies. Cllr Griffiths arrived late to the meeting. |
Minutes: None |
Member Development Programme - 2021- 2022 PDF 421 KB Minutes: IT Training
Training about use of and other IT software was discussed. Cllr Freedman suggested that a questionnaire was sent prior to the training to optimise the training session. LF suggested that a drop-in session was held allowing IT and members to discuss issues and provide support. This could be a hybrid session as well to allow virtual attendance. Cllr Freedman asked that this be extended into the evening to allow attendance for those who cannot be there during the working day and LF agreed to stay until 7-7.30pm to accommodate this. LF thought it would be helpful for those members who are proficient with the IT systems to offer support in the session to those members who are struggling. Cllr Bhinder thought this was a positive idea based on the number of IT questions other members ask him. MK noted the reduced capacity in the team to put something together but agreed that by the end of October a date could be set for the training and the questionnaire could be sent out.
LF added that other officers could also attend this training depending on what the training covered e.g. HR would be required if training was about DORIS. The questionnaire will help gauge and shape the training to know what needs to be covered.
Actions: • MK to put together a questionnaire and arrange a date for the training by the end of October.
Additional planning training
At the planning training in June there was not enough time to cover enforcement. The enforcement team are currently recruiting so have not yet been able to give their availability for a future training session. Cllr Freedman felt a lot of time was spent on the Q&A throughout the session which meant the presentation part did not get finished as time ran out. Instead there should be the Q&A at the end of the session only. It was felt that members interjected giving examples where they did not feel procedures had not been followed as the training set out based on historic occasions and this was not the best use of the time. Cllr Bhinder asked that licensing be added to this training as well. Cllr Douris added that this was okay but it had to be clear that the first hour was for presentation and the second for Q&A so all of the topics were covered.
Actions: • MK to organise a future training session on enforcement and licensing
MK asked how many people read Members’ News. Cllr Freedman scans through it. Cllr Silwal, Cllr Griffiths and Cllr Douris read it. Cllr Bhinder does not read it. Cllr Griffiths finds the links in it useful. Members were keen that Members’ News was circulated but did not want it to take too much staff time if people were not going to read it
The member development programme training took place in June and July and the planning, enforcement and development management and the housing and improvement ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Additional documents: Minutes: No update |
Quarterly Budget Update There has been no expenditure against the 2021-2022 budget to date, however there are pending training expenditures to come as follows:
Budget = £10,020 Pending = £3,250 + VAT (Licensing Training and Mandatory Social Media Training) Minutes: No update |
Training Evaluation Feedback PDF 343 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Currently for virtual training, a Word document is emailed after the training session to be filled in and sent back. When training was in person it was much easier to get the forms filled in as people would not leave the room until their forms were filled in. With virtual training this has meant that there have been times where there has been only 1 completed form received. LF proposed that she speaks to IT about using a poll at the end of the session. Cllr Bhinder was keen that people could not complete the course until they had filled in the feedback. Cllr Griffiths was against this idea as she does not always find the feedback form useful. LF to see if the poll options add-on in Teams is something that can be added to the package they already have for Teams. There is also the option of having Survey Monkey as an add-on as well. Cllr Freedman felt strongly that feedback was necessary for the training and felt it was a mark of respect for the trainer. Cllr Freedman suggested that an embedded link is produced in the training session on Teams that allows the form to be populated and sent from your email automatically. Cllr Griffiths suggested that the trainer lets members know at the beginning of the session that feedback will be taken at the end so people are aware and can think about the feedback throughout the training. Actions: • LF to liaise with IT about how best to capture feedback as part of a virtual training session on Teams. |
Town and Parish Council Event With social distancing measures appearing to ease, the Member Support Team are looking into arranging a Town and Parish Council Event. Further details to follow in the coming weeks. Minutes: MK is looking into hosting a marketing event in November and this is waiting for clearance from SLT. MK is also reviewing the local plan to replace it with the finance team. The budget setting and finance meeting is on 30th September and the social media training is on 7th October. |
DORIS To be discussed Minutes: LF explained that DORIS would work better in the next 4-year term because it does not allow any training sessions to be backdated prior to the DORIS system being implemented. It therefore flags training as not having been attended, when it has been. LF is going to liaise with IT/HR about whether a ‘fake’ arbitrary date can be added to at least show that the training has been completed even if the correct date is not noted in the system. LF has cross-referenced the training on DORIS with her spreadsheet to ensure she has an accurate record of training for members. DORIS does allow members and staff to book their own training and it has to be a system that fits for all staff as well as members. Cllr Silwal added that he had issues accessing DORIS and he was encouraged to pick this up with IT. Cllr Bhinder asked that the cost of DORIS as a system is considered as clearly it is not functioning as it should. LF and MK will liaise with HR about the system and the issues the members have had and look at future dates for members so they can be added to DORIS with 2 dates for each training for the members to book in advance. LF was keen that in future terms that all of the mandatory training is completed in the first year to make it easy to capture and so people did not have to be regularly chased. Actions: • LF to liaise with HR to see if a date acceptable to the DORIS system can be added for training that cannot be backdated. • LF and MK to get future training dates added onto DORIS for members to book. |
Any Other Business Minutes: There was no other business highlighted by members for discussion |