Venue: Conference Room 2 - The Forum. View directions
Contact: Trudi Angel - 01442 228224
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: There were no apologies received.
Councillor G Adshead was absent.
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 14 June 2017. Minutes: Cllr Taylor highlighted that he hadn’t receive logging details for training.
J Doyle stated that he had them and that there needs to be a process for rolling them out. The e-learning details are out of date so that will need updating first.
Cllr Douris was unsure as he thought this was a package deal and asked if the trainers could update it.
J Doyle said yes and no, however it’s not a big job to update and although they can update it we need information on there relevant to us.
Cllr Douris referred to the third paragraph 69, this needs to be made as an action point.
J Doyle confirmed that he thought this was included in the pack and will confirm ASAP.
Cllr Douris said that the 3 action points from the previous minutes were still outstanding.
J Doyle confirmed that Michelle Andersons point was done but not followed up due to the staffing issue and Michelle now covering a different post.
The minutes of the meeting held on 14 June 2017 were agreed by the members present and then signed by the Chairman.
J Doyle to confirm if the members section was included in the package. M Anderson to email Herts Member Development Network Group about E-Learning. M Anderson, T Angel, A Stunell, ICT Officer and R Taylor to organise meeting to resolve issues and take E-Learning forward. A Stunell to circulate members’ log-in details.
Quarterly Budget Update PDF 64 KB Minutes:
J Doyle stated that not much had been spent this year, however there will be additional spend on scrutiny and other training coming up. This will still be an underspend for this year’s budget.
Cllr Douris suggested that all member development training was included on the listing even if it’s a zero spend. This will enable us to see what training we have had and what we get free. If an officer gives training and gets time off in Lou this is still a cost to the Council that way if we don’t spend the budget we can defend it for next year.
Members Training Feedback PDF 58 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: J Doyle spoke about parking standards on page 7.
Cllr Howard said how excellent scrutiny training was.
Cllr Douris said it was good to have 10 officers there, however if the cost was split per Councillor it would work out expensive. We need to encourage more Councillors to come.
Cllr Douris asked if we could put the training room on the form where it says events?
Cllr Howard said from the feedback forms she could see that the training given is always good.
Cllr Douris said that if the screens fail or play up we need to remain professional and help the officers so that we don’t put them off wanting to do the training.
Cllr Taylor to send new data protection documents tomorrow morning. Data protection dates to be added to the calendar. Councillors to think about who is to provide the training, John Worts or an external provider.
J Doyle gave information on the domestic abuse course stating that it was a 5 hour course and the trainer was reluctant to reduce it.
Cllr Howard said day time training isn’t well attended so it could be a possibility to do it over 2 days.
Cllr Douris asked if we could offer the 5 hour course and a bite size smaller session to those who cant attend the longer course.
J Doyle to feed this back.
Cllr Douris asked if using doodle was an option for dates.
J Doyle Confirmed that 25 Jan 18 was for abuse training and 22 March 18 for GDPR training.
Actions 1. To add the training room to the forms 2. Follow up on who will provide data protection training on 25th Jan 2018 3. Add the 2 new dates for training to the programme.
Member Development Programme 2017/18 PDF 59 KB Minutes: Cllr Douris asked if the emergency planning will be offered to other local authorities.
Cllr Taylor said this was discussed last Wednesday, the training has a full programme. Cllr Taylor will ask Mikayla how many presentations are in the borough.
Cllr Doris said we need to be clear if its emergency plan or emergency planning as there is a difference. In the title of the course we need an actual situation, an example that will prompt people to think about the situation.
MDSG Work Programme 2017/18 PDF 45 KB Minutes: The next meeting will be held on 6 December 2017