Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday, 12th February, 2019 7.30 pm

Venue: Conference Room 2 - The Forum. View directions

Contact: Corporate and Democratic Support  01442 228209

No. Item



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on  29 January 2019.



Minutes of the meetings held on 29 January 2019 were agreed by Members present and signed by the Chair.



Minutes of the meetings held on 29 January 2019 were agreed by Members present and signed by the Chair.



Apologies for Absence


To receive any apologies for absence.



Apologies of absence were received from Councillor Elliot


Apologies of absence were received from Councillor Elliot


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest


A member with a disclosable pecuniary interest or a personal interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered -


(i)            must disclose the interest at the start of the meeting or when the interest becomes apparent


and, if the interest is a disclosable pecuniary interest, or a personal interest which is also prejudicial


(ii)            may not participate in any discussion or vote on the matter (and must withdraw to the public seating area) unless they have been granted a dispensation.


A member who discloses at a meeting a disclosable pecuniary interest which is not registered in the Members’ Register of Interests, or is not the subject of a pending notification, must notify the Monitoring Officer of the interest within 28 days of the disclosure.


Disclosable pecuniary interests, personal and prejudicial interests are defined in Part 2 of the Code of Conduct for Members


[If a member is in any doubt as to whether they have an interest which should be declared they should seek the advice of the Monitoring Officer before the start of the meeting]



There were no declarations of interest.


There were no declarations of interest.


Public Participation

An opportunity for members of the public to make statements and ask questions in accordance with the rules as to Public Participation.




There was no public participation. 


There was no public participation. 


Referrals to Cabinet

There were no referrals to Cabinet


There were no referrals to Cabinet.



There were no referrals to Cabinet.



Cabinet Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 56 KB


The forward plan was noted with the following changes:

·        To add Brexit preparations to the March agenda

·        To remove Sports Strategy Action Plan from June

·        Add Local Plan Update to the May agenda



The forward plan was noted with the following changes:

·        To add Brexit preparations to the March agenda

·        To remove Sports Strategy Action Plan from June

·        Add Local Plan Update to the May agenda



Budget 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 358 KB

Additional documents:



General Fund Revenue Estimate

a) set a Dacorum Borough Council General Fund Council Tax requirement of £11.532m, and a provisional amount of £12.348m for the combined Borough Council and Parish Councils’ requirement for 2019/20;

b) approve an increase of 2.99% in Council Tax for
Dacorum Borough Council;

c) approve the base estimates for 2019/20, as shown in Appendix A1, and the indicative budget forecasts for
2019/20 – 2022/23, as shown in Appendix A2;

d) approve the forecast balances of Revenue Reserves as shown in Appendix J, and approve section 10 of this report as the updated Reserves Strategy;

e) approve increases in Fees and Charges for 2019/20 as set out in Appendices C3, D3, and E3;

f) approve and adopt the Treasury Management Strategy
for 2019/20, attached at Appendix K;

g) approve and adopt the Treasury Management Principles and Practices for 2019/20, attached at Appendix L;

h) approve and adopt the Capital Strategy for 2019/20, attached at Appendix M;

i) note that this budget paper, if approved by Council, will form part of the Medium Term Financial Strategy.

Capital Programme

j) approve the revised Capital Programme and Capital Strategy for 2018/19, and for 2019/20 to 2022/23, as
detailed in Appendix I and Appendix M respectively;

k) approve the financing proposals in Appendix I subject to an annual review of the financing options by the Corporate Director (Finance & Operations), in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources, during the preparation of the Statement of Accounts.

Housing Revenue Account (HRA)

l) reduce dwelling rents by 1% in accordance with government legislation, resulting in an average rent of £100.08 per week (based on 52 weeks);

m) approve the HRA estimate for 2019/20 as shown in Appendix F.


Employer Terms & Conditions

n) approve the continued application of a living wage supplement for all affected employees, in accordance with the rates of the Living Wage Foundation, for 2019/20 (to be reviewed annually thereafter).


Statement by Chief Finance Officer

o) approve the statement by the Chief Finance Officer regarding the robustness of the budget estimates and level of reserves as set out in Appendix N.




General Fund Revenue Estimate

a) set a Dacorum Borough Council General Fund Council Tax requirement of £11.532m, and a provisional amount of £12.348m for the combined Borough Council and Parish Councils’ requirement for 2019/20;

b) approve an increase of 2.99% in Council Tax for Dacorum Borough Council;

c) approve the base estimates for 2019/20, as shown in Appendix A1, and the indicative budget forecasts for 2019/20 – 2022/23, as shown in Appendix A2;

d) approve the forecast balances of Revenue Reserves as shown in Appendix J, and approve section 10 of this report as the updated Reserves Strategy;

e) approve increases in Fees and Charges for 2019/20 as set out in Appendices C3, D3, and E3;

f) approve and adopt the Treasury Management Strategy for 2019/20, attached at Appendix K;

g) approve and adopt the Treasury Management Principles and Practices for 2019/20, attached at Appendix L;

h) approve and adopt the Capital Strategy for 2019/20, attached at Appendix M;

i) note that this budget paper, if approved by Council, will form part of the Medium Term Financial Strategy.

Capital Programme

j) approve the revised Capital Programme and Capital Strategy for 2018/19, and for 2019/20 to 2022/23, as
detailed in Appendix I and Appendix M respectively;

k) approve the financing proposals in Appendix I subject to an annual review of the financing options by the Corporate Director (Finance & Operations), in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources, during the preparation of the Statement of Accounts.

Housing Revenue Account (HRA)

l) reduce dwelling rents by 1% in accordance with government legislation, resulting in an average rent of £100.08 per week (based on 52 weeks);

m) approve the HRA estimate for 2019/20 as shown in Appendix F.

Corporate objectives

All of the Council’s corporate objectives are reflected in the Budget proposals.


Monitoring Officer/S.151 Officer comments


Monitoring Officer
Under the Council’s Constitution it is the responsibility of Cabinet to draw up firm proposals for the Budget, having regard to the responses to the consultation, and to present those proposals to full Council for approval. Once full Council has approved the Budget it is the responsibility of Cabinet to implement it.


S.151 Officer
Comments contained in body of report. Chief Finance Officer Statement contained in Appendix N of the report.



J Deane introduced the report and said there had been no material changes since the last Joint Budget OSC. There have been a couple of minor changes, in Appendix E3 the waste collection service should be £55 not £50 and the purchase of additional green bins remains at £25, not £26 as stated. This budget includes savings of £900,000 and there is a £450,000 decrease in income due to the recycling downturn which makes a total savings of £1.3 million. Savings become difficult when services are becoming leaner but DBC are making these savings whilst protecting front line services. Council tax will increase by 2.99% which the vast majorities of local authorities are also doing  ...  view the full minutes text for item CA/19/18


Period 9 Budget Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 205 KB

Additional documents:


1. Consider the budget monitoring position for each of the above accounts;


2. the approval of the revised capital programme to move £11.8m slippage identified at Quarter 3 into financial year 2019/20 as detailed in Appendix C;


3. the approval of the one-off supplementary budgets required to deliver several service changes as set out below. Details for these supplementary budgets are set out in the body of the report and have a net nil impact on the General Fund Working Balance:


·        £40k to fund pension costs of staff transferring to the third party contractor under TUPE, funded from the Management of Change reserve.


·        A one-off increase to the Adventure Playground service employees budget of £16k to support costs of restructuring the service, funded from the Management of Change reserve.


·        An increase in the parks and open spaces budget of £25k to meet one-off health and safety costs, funded from the Dacorum Development reserve.


·        An increase in the waste services consultancy budget of £30k, funded from the Invest to Save reserve.


·        £25k to support one-off costs of feasibility in Strategic Planning, funded from the Planning & Regeneration Project Reserve.


·        Increase to the homeless hostels premises budget of £75k to support health and safety work, funded from the Dacorum Development Reserve.

·        As part of the Forum building developments to facilitate the CCG moving into the Forum, there is a requirement for £10k for additional IT licensing budget and £10k for Facilities Management budget, to support one-off improvement works to The Forum, to be funded from the Invest to Save reserve.


4. the approval of supplementary capital budgets.


·        2018/19 Capital budget of £15k for Tring Community Centre door upgrade


·        2018/29 Capital budget of £195k to continue the improvement works to The Forum


5. Agree the Council’s flexible use of capital receipts strategy at Appendix D of this report.


·        Note the set up costs of £600k falling under this strategy and agree these be funded from capital receipts.




1. Consider the budget monitoring position for each of the above accounts;


2. the approval of the revised capital programme to move £11.8m slippage identified at Quarter 3 into financial year 2019/20 as detailed in Appendix C;

3. the approval of the one-off supplementary budgets required to deliver several service changes as set out below. Details for these supplementary budgets are set out in the body of the report and have a net nil impact on the General Fund Working Balance:

·        £40k to fund pension costs of staff transferring to the third party contractor under TUPE, funded from the Management of Change reserve.


·        A one-off increase to the Adventure Playground service employees budget of £16k to support costs of restructuring the service, funded from the Management of Change reserve.


·        An increase in the parks and open spaces budget of £25k to meet one-off health and safety costs, funded from the Dacorum Development reserve.


·        An increase in the waste services consultancy budget of £30k, funded from the Invest to Save reserve.


·        £25k to support one-off costs of feasibility in Strategic Planning, funded from the Planning & Regeneration Project Reserve.


·        Increase to the homeless hostels premises budget of £75k to support health and safety work, funded from the Dacorum Development Reserve.


·        As part of the Forum building developments to facilitate the CCG moving into the Forum, there is a requirement for £10k for additional IT licensing budget and £10k for Facilities Management budget, to support one-off improvement works to The Forum, to be funded from the Invest to Save reserve.


4. the approval of supplementary capital budgets.


  • 2018/19 Capital budget of £15k for Tring Community Centre door upgrade


  • 2018/29 Capital budget of £195k to continue the improvement works to The Forum


5. Agree the Council’s flexible use of capital receipts strategy at Appendix D of this report.


·        Note the set up costs of £600k falling under this strategy and agree these be funded from capital receipts.


Corporate objectives

Delivering an efficient and modern council.


Monitoring Officer/S.151 Officer comments

Monitoring Officer
No Comments to add to the report.

S.151 Officer
Comments included within the body of this report


N Howcutt introduced the report and said the overall position is a £113,000 pressure but this is an improvement on the last quarter. Good fiscal management will continue to bring a balanced budget.





Local Plan Update pdf icon PDF 136 KB

Additional documents:


That progress on preparing Dacorum’s Local Plan as set out in the report is noted.



That progress on preparing Dacorum’s Local Plan as set out in the report is noted.

Corporate objectives

The Council’s Local Plan helps support all 5 corporate objectives:

·        Safe and clean environment: e.g. contains policies relating to the design and layout of new development that promote security and safe access;

·        Community Capacity: e.g. provide a framework for local communities to prepare area-specific guidance such as Neighbourhood Plans, Town / Village Plans etc.;

·        Affordable housing: e.g. sets the Borough’s overall housing target and the proportion of new homes that must be affordable;

·        Dacorum delivers: e.g. provides a clear framework upon which planning decisions can be made; and

·        Regeneration: e.g. sets the planning framework for key regeneration projects, such as Hemel Hempstead town centre and the Maylands Business Park.


Monitoring Officer/S.151 Officer comments

Monitoring Officer
No comments to add to the report.

Deputy S.151 Officer
No further comments to add to the report.


Councillor G Sutton introduced the report and said it was to update members on the progress of the Local Plan. The new Local Plan looks ahead to 2036 and will replace the current Core Strategy. The new plan is progressing well and paragraph 8 of the report sets out a number of key issues that the plan will need to address. The Task & Finish Group is considering key issues for the content of the draft plan, and evidence underpinning the plan is at Appendix A. A key piece of technical work will evaluate the suitability of sites put forward by landowners and developers. This will be complete in the spring and will inform the Council’s choices on suitable and sustainable locations for development. The council are still waiting for the final version of the government’s standard methodology for assessing local housing needs which is critical for moving the plan forward. A further progress report will be brought to Cabinet on 21st May.

Councillor Tindall asked if there was any further information from the government when they will be issuing their revised targets.

J Doe said not at the moment. There was a consultation on the Government’s revised methodology for assessing housing need late last year which DBC submitted a response. All DBC have is the figure from draft proposals but this needs confirmation.

Councillor Tindall said he was concerned that LA5 went before DMC last week and the LA3 application is fast approaching, are the number of houses built here part of the revised figure?

Councillor Williams said the LA sites in the current plan are delivering towards the 430 new homes annual target. The Task & Finish Group are looking at additional sites beyond 2031 and beyond the 430 housing target.






Senior Officer Pay 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Additional documents:




1.     That Council to adopt the Pay Policy for 2019/20 as set out in appendix 1 to this report.

2.     That any amendments to the Pay Policy throughout the financial year 2019/2020 which are required as a result of legislative changes can be approved by the Chief Executive in conjunction with the Council’s Monitoring Officer be agreed.




1.     That Council to adopt the Pay Policy for 2019/20 as set out in appendix 1 to this report.

  1. That any amendments to the Pay Policy throughout the financial year 2019/2020 which are required as a result of legislative changes can be approved by the Chief Executive in conjunction with the Council’s Monitoring Officer be agreed.

Corporate objectives

The Council’s policies in respect of pay and terms and conditions support all five of the Council’s strategic objectives as part of ensuring that services to the community can be delivered to the required standards and with due regard to economy, efficiency and effectiveness

Monitoring Officer/S.151 Officer comments

Monitoring Officer
The Pay Policy at Appendix 1 meets the Council statutory requirements under S.38 Localism Act 2011.

S.151 Officer
No further comments to add to the report.


Councillor Harden introduced the report. There are a few changes from last year; more junior posts are receiving a higher percentage increase and the new pay scales are in Appendix A. Redundancy payments have been changed to reflect the agreements reached with the trade unions. The gender pay gap now shows that women are on average, earning higher than men. There has also been a slight increase in election fees to reflect the increased cost of living.






Growth and Infrastructure Strategy pdf icon PDF 96 KB

Additional documents:



1.     That Council approves the draft strategy as set out in Appendix 1 to this report, and the draft executive summary at Appendix 2.

2.     That non-substantive editing changes be delegated to the Corporate Director – Housing and Regeneration, in consultation with the Leader of the Council.  




  1. That Council approves the draft strategy as set out in Appendix 1 to this report, and the draft executive summary at Appendix 2.

  2. That non-substantive editing changes be delegated to the Corporate Director – Housing and Regeneration, in consultation with the Leader of the Council. 

Corporate objectives

The proposed Growth and Infrastructure Strategy helps support all 5 corporate objectives:

  • Safe and clean environment
  • Community Capacity
  • Affordable housing
  • Dacorum delivers
  • Regeneration


Monitoring Officer/S.151 Officer comments

Monitoring Officer
The Strategy is not a statutory document but it sets a vision for future growth in the borough.  The statutory Local Plan is still the overriding document for determining volume and location of growth in the borough but this document helps to set out how the Council aims to manage that growth.

Deputy S.151 Officer
No further comments to add to the body of the report and outlined strategy.


Councillor Williams introduced the report and said this strategy would be looking at the growth and infrastructure requirements up to 2050. This will fit in with the South West Herts joint working which is looking at infrastructure requirements across the county.

J Doe said the report included an executive summary and the full document which sets out the main issues. This provides the framework to bring forward further action plans to deliver necessary infrastructure.





New Normal Programme pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Additional documents:


That the New Normal Strategy be approved.




That the New Normal Strategy be approved.

Corporate objectives

Delivering an efficient and modern Council

Monitoring Officer/S.151 Officer comments

Monitoring Officer
All projects agreed under the New Normal Programme will follow the Council’s project management guidance and constitutional rules to ensure required approvals are obtained and project outcomes are properly monitored and reported.

Deputy S.151 Officer

There are no initial financial implications of this strategy. As the programme develops proposals, business cases including any financial implications will be submitted for approval, in line with Dacorum financial regulations.


Councillor D Collins introduced the report to members. This programme is a council wide approach to delivering continuous improvement and change management across services. Adopting this approach should enhance the council’s ability to react, examine opportunities and avoid duplications to maximise service benefits. Greater clarity is the engine of change and the strategy addresses three main service areas.

S Marshall added that we are living in a world where change is constant. One of the challenges posed to the senior leadership team was what does the council of 2018 and beyond look like? There are three core work streams and what they will be doing is to look at delivering a modern and efficient council with a human face. This will focus on how we work with partners, identifying skills and managing cultural change within the organisation and councillors adopting a community leadership role. The overarching strategy is setting the direction, action plans will need to be developed to focus change.

Councillor Douris referred to councillors adopting a community leadership role. He said he hoped there would be an opportunity after the election in May within the member development programme to recognise that leadership role.

S Marshall said the member development programme will be shaped to support members and equip them through the process.

Councillor Tindall said attendance at member development sessions has been small, it would be helpful if there could be a way on impressing on members that it is their obligation to keep up with training.

Councillor Williams said this has been part of the discussions and whether some training should be made compulsory. Some training is clearly critical and members need to attend.

S Marshall said a report will be coming to the March meeting about how the programme is being developed and what training should be mandatory.





South West Herts Memorandum of Understanding pdf icon PDF 91 KB


That Cabinet authorise the approval of the South West Partnership Memorandum of Understanding.



That Cabinet authorise the approval of the South West Partnership Memorandum of Understanding

Corporate objectives

·                 A clean, safe and enjoyable environment

·                 Building strong and vibrant communities

·                 Ensuring economic growth and prosperity

·                 Providing good quality affordable homes, in particular for those most in need


Monitoring Officer/S.151 Officer comments

Monitoring Officer

The Memorandum of Understanding does not include any legally binding obligations but does set out key areas, which the partners will focus on and work together to achieve.   Any key decisions that flow from the actions of the partnership will still be subject to the Council’s usual decision-making processes and constitutional rules.

Deputy S.151 Officer

No further comments to add to the report


Councillor Williams introduced the report. He said that leaders and chief executives from five councils have been meeting fortnightly to discuss working together on infrastructure demands. He sought to reassure members that other authorities are aware of DBC’s red lines over sovereignty on housing numbers and there is some discussions to be had about what degree joint working goes forward for developing joint plans. There are benefits to us and SW Herts to participate in joined up working and infrastructure requirement are across the county and does not stop at the borough boundary.







Exclusion of the Public

To consider passing a resolution in the following terms:


That, under s.100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 Schedule 12A Part 1 as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006 the public be excluded during the items in Part 2 of the Agenda for this meeting, because it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, that, if members of the public were present during those items, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information relating to the financial and business affairs of the Council and third party companies/organisations.


Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A, Part 1, paragraph 3.



That, under s.100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 Schedule 12A Part 1 as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006 the public be excluded during the items in Part 2 of the Agenda for this meeting, because it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, that, if members of the public were present during those items, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information relating to the financial and business affairs of the Council and third party companies/organisations.


Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A, Part 1, paragraph 3.



That, under s.100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 Schedule 12A Part 1 as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006 the public be excluded during the items in Part 2 of the Agenda for this meeting, because it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, that, if members of the public were present during those items, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information relating to the financial and business affairs of the Council and third party companies/organisations.


Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A, Part 1, paragraph 3.



Longdean Dual Use Agreement


Full details in Part 2 decision sheet.


Full details in Part 2 minutes.