Venue: Council Chamber - The Forum
Contact: Democratic Support 01442 228209
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest Minutes: The following delectations of interest were received;
Cllr Reynolds declared that his home address is opposite the Marshcroft site that will be discussed in the Local Plan this evening and therefore will not be able to take part in the discussion or voting on that item.
Cllr Wilkie declared that due to a possible conflict of interest of one of the developments near her home, she will not be taking part on those discussions this evening.
Cllr Symington declared that she is the Dacorum Borough council representative on the Chiltern conservation board and a Hertfordshire County council in Tring Division and has also previously spoken on behalf of Tring residents at the Marshcroft appeal for land East of Tring. Cllr Symington confirmed her understanding that she can take part in discussions and debate but wanted to be clear regarding her roles. Media |
Announcements To receive announcements and business brought forward by the Mayor, the Chief Executive or the Group Leaders
3.1 By the Mayor:
3.2 By the Chief Executive:
3.3 By the Group Leaders: Any apologies for absence
Minutes: 4.1 The Mayor introduced the meeting and set out the reason for the Extraordinary meeting and the way in which she expected it to be conducted.
This announcement can be heard in full by viewing the video minutes.
4.2 The Chief Executive announced a number of political changes within the Council;
Cllr Goverdhan Silwal, Ward Councillor for Grovehill has joined the Labour Party
Cllr Ron Tindall, Ward Councillor for Adeyfield West is now an Independent councillor
In addition, following their announcement at the Council meeting on 25th September 2024, the following Councillors have resigned from the Liberal Democrat party and will each stand as an Independent councillor representing their elected wards;
Cllr Sammy Barry-Mears, Highfield Cllr Michela Capozzi, Tring East Cllr Toni Cox, Apsley & Corner Hall Cllr Claire Hobson, Boxmoor Cllr Lara Pringle, Northchurch Cllr Victoria Santamaria, Hemel Hempstead Town Cllr Carole Weston and Cllr Sheron Wilkie both of Tring Central
4.3 The group leaders gave apologies on behalf of their members;
Cllr England gave apologies on behalf of Cllrs C Link, Patterson, Stewart & McArevey
Cllr Williams gave apologies on behalf of Cllr Elliot
Cllr Pesch gave apologies on behalf of Labour group leader Cllr Mitchell and Cllr Hannell
The Democratic Services Manager gave apologies on behalf of independent Cllr Hobson
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Changes to committee membership To consider and approve the revised committee membership (this report will follow as a supplement)
Minutes: The Leader, Cllr England, announced changes to his Cabinet and introduced the revised committee membership as circulated with the agenda.
There was some discussion on this matter which can be viewed via the video minutes.
Decision The committee membership as published in the agenda was agreed. Media |
To consider the following referrals from Cabinet:
4.1 Local Plan Subject to approval of recommendations at the Cabinet meeting being held on 14th October 2024. The report and recommendations can be viewed via the Cabinet agenda (Item 8)
Cabinet agenda link: Agenda for Cabinet on Monday, 14th October, 2024, 10.00 am (
4.2 CA/71/24 23rd July 2024 Provisional Financial Outturn 2023/24
4.3 CA/82/24 10th Sept 2024 Dacorum Borough Council Corporate Plan: “Our Plan For Dacorum 2024-28
Additional documents: Minutes: 4.1 CA/91/24 14th October 2024 Local Plan
The Leader, Cllr England, introduced the referral, which was seconded by Cllr Dhyani.
The Mayor then opened the floor to debate before Cllr England made his closing remarks and the recommendations were taken to a vote.
Vote For: 25 Against: 13 Abstain: 2 (as declarations of interest given earlier in the meeting)
Decision The recommendations as set out in the Cabinet referral were agreed.
A short recess was called at 9.20pm to allow members of the public so to exit the meeting should they wish to.
The meeting reconvened at 9.30pm, with the exception of Cllrs Barry Mears, Capozzi, Wilkie, Santamaria, Cox, Weston, Pringle and Tindall who did not return.
4.2 CA/71/24 23rd July 2024 Provisional Financial Outturn 2023/24
The Leader, Cllr England, introduced the referral, which was seconded by Cllr Dhyani.
Decision The recommendations as set out in the Cabinet referral were agreed.
4.3 CA/71/24 23rd July 2024 Dacorum Borough Council Corporate Plan: “Our Plan for Dacorum 2024-28”
The Leader, Cllr England, introduced the referral, which was seconded by Cllr Dhyani.
Decision The recommendations as set out in the Cabinet referral were agreed.
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Portfolio Holder Updates Members of the Council may ask the Cabinet member any question without notice upon an item on the report as published in this agenda;
5.1 Leader of the Council(No verbal update due as this business was transacted at the Council meeting held 25th September 2024) 5.2 Portfolio Holder Neighbourhood Operations 5.3 Portfolio Holder Place 5.4 Portfolio Holder People & Transformation (including Climate and Ecological Emergency) 5.5 Portfolio Holder Corporate and Commercial Services 5.6 Portfolio Holder Housing & Property Services Additional documents:
Minutes: The Mayor introduced the Portfolio Holder updates, as provided within the agenda pack and advised that there would be no verbal update from the Leader as this was already given to the ordinary meeting of the Council that took place on 25th September 2024.
The Mayor reminded Council that when asking questions of the Cabinet it must relate to the item on which they are providing an update, or a matter falling within their portfolio and that the right to ask a question on any matter over which the Council has powers and duties, or which effects the Borough, would be subject to the rules as set out within the Council’s constitution and proper notice would be required.
The Mayor then invited questions of each Portfolio Holder in turn, which can be viewed via the video minutes.
The following actions were noted;
1. Cllr Guest addressed Cllr Bromham, Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Operations in respect of parking solutions (verge hardening) and asked; is it legal information that the Council has highlighted regarding the status of leisure land that is preventing schemes being installed at the Galley Hill end of Spring Lane and the cul-de-sac end of Quinces Croft.
Cllr Bromham responded that due to the specific nature of the question, he would request that an email is sent setting out and requesting that particular information.
Cllr Guest requested that any response be sent to her ward Councillor colleagues. Cllr Douris pointed out that it is the general practice for answers to such questions asked at Council to be shared with all members.
2. Cllr Douris addressed Cllr Bromham, also in respect of the parking solutions (verge hardening) and asked; could you give us a timeline of this as you have mentioned some figures and funding but haven’t said when it will come about and our residents will be very interested in that.
Cllr Bromham responded to advise he would provide a written response to that query.
3. Cllr Timmis referred to the River Gade restoration works and commented that there seems to be a great deal of work going on in Great Gaddesden and asked the Portfolio Holder for some indication of what is happening there as it looks like the river has been dried up. Cllr Timmis clarified this is not the work taking place in Gadebridge Park, this is further up in Great Gaddesden.
Cllr Bromham advised that he was not familiar with that, it may be that the Environment Agency is carrying out work but advised he would look into it and provide a written response.
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To consider the following motion proposed by Cllr Julie Banks; Winter Fuel Allowance and Protecting Pensioners from Fuel Poverty Minutes: The Mayor referred to the motion and advised she had been notified of the intention of the mover of this motion to withdraw it, inviting Cllr Banks to confirm.
Cllr Banks confirmed that in light of the time passed since this was originally submitted, it is apparent that Council officers have worked tirelessly to engage with residents and has asked for her thanks to be passed on to all those concerned
Decision The withdrawal of the motion was seconded by Cllr Anderson and agreed. Media |
Business from the last council meeting To consider any business referred from the previous meeting Minutes: The Mayor advised that all updates are provided in the action point update as published in the agenda pack.
This was noted and agreed. Media |