Agenda and draft minutes

Council - Wednesday, 15th November, 2023 7.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, The Forum. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  01442 228209


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 235 KB

To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting of the Council of 27th September 2023 and the Extraordinary meeting of the council with took place on 25th October 2023.’

Additional documents:


Please note that due to a technical fault, the video record of this item is not available to view.


The minutes of the previous full Council meeting which took place on 27th September 2023, and the Extraordinary Council meeting which took place on 25th October 2023 we agreed.





Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Public Participation

To consider questions (if any) by members of the public of which the appropriate notice has been given to the Assistant Director (Legal and Democratic Services)


There was no public participation.



To receive announcements and business brought forward by the Mayor, Leader, and the Chief Executive.


4.1       By the Mayor:


4.2       By the Chief Executive:


4.3       By the Group Leaders:  Any apologies for absence



Cllr Tindall gave apologies on behalf of Cllrs BLink, CLink, Freedman, SHobson, Santamaria & Mottershead.


Cllr Williams offered apologies on behalf of Cllrs Anderson, Guest & Riddick.


Cllr Pesch gave apologies on behalf of Cllr Mitchell.


Cabinet Member Updates pdf icon PDF 279 KB

Members of the Council may ask the Cabinet member any question without notice upon an item on the report as published in this agenda;


5.1       Councillor Tindall        Leader of the Council (verbal update only)


5.2       Councillor Bromham   Portfolio Holder Neighbourhood Operations


5.3       Councillor England     Portfolio Holder Climate & Ecological Emergency


5.4       Councillor Wilkie         Portfolio Holder Place


5.5       Councillor Weston      Portfolio Holder People & Transformation


5.6       Councillor Tindall        Portfolio Holder Corporate and Commercial Services


5.7       Councillor Dhyani       Portfolio Holder Housing & Property Services

Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council gave a verbal update, which included the following statement as displayed on screen;


I am pleased to announce that healthcare in Dacorum could have a new approach, following an outline agreement with our major health partners, together with support from our local MP, Sir Mike Penning, to explore the potential for a new health campus in the heart of Hemel Hempstead.


The Council, in partnership with West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and the NHS Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board, is going to explore the future viability of an Integrated Health Campus at the former Market Square in Hemel Hempstead. The decision follows initial exploration work, which has highlighted the advantages to the healthcare offer for local people and the wider regeneration of the town centre.


This is very early days, and a full study will be commissioned to develop detailed proposals for this potential campus. The evidence gathered so far suggests that the former Market Square site has several advantages. It is in an accessible location, in the heart of the town centre and the Council owns the land. Additionally, it provides a focal point as part of our wider ambitions for the transformation of the town centre. We believe that this would be an exciting and highly beneficial development for the town and wider borough.


The benefits of locating an Integrated Health Campus in the town centre would help consolidate healthcare provision in a modern purpose-built facility in a central location. It is a flat and well connected site, and the Water Gardens Car Park can provide parking for the new facility. In turn, this will increase footfall into the town centre, supporting local businesses and economic recovery and will bring underutilised land back into use.


A new Health Campus will provide an opportunity to co-locate many different health and social care services in the heart of Hemel town centre, close to transport interchanges making them much more accessible to our residents than the current hospital site which is on a steep hill.


This is the first step in an ambitious plan for the former Market Square site, which will require detailed engagement with multiple partners to develop an accurate understanding of the financial costs and benefits to deliver this scheme.


The Council will now work with both West Herts Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and the NHS Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board to develop the next stages of the project and I look forward to updating Council at the next available opportunity – which I expect to be in early 2024 – on what will follow.


The remaining Portfolio Holder updates were taken as read and the Mayor invited questions, which can be viewed via the webcast.





Business from the last council meeting pdf icon PDF 202 KB

To consider any business referred from the previous meeting


The action points from the previous meeting, including two items that remain in progress, were noted. 



It was suggested by Cllr Douris, and agreed by the Mayor, that when an outstanding action has not been completed by the following meeting, the update document circulated with the agenda includes an indication of the timescales a final response can be expected within.



Cabinet referrals pdf icon PDF 96 KB

To consider the following referrals from Cabinet:


7.1 CA/86/23 17th October  Annual Treasury Report


The Mayor introduced the item and handed over to Cllr Tindall who moved the Cabinet referral.


17th October 2023



Cabinet decision;


Cabinet RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND that Council approved the contents of the report on Treasury Management performance and the Prudential Indicators for 2022/23.


Cllr England seconded the referral.



The recommendation was unanimously agreed.



Overview and Scrutiny referrals

There are no referrals from Overview & Scrutiny


There were no referrals from Overview & Scrutiny. 



Polling District & Polling Place Order pdf icon PDF 573 KB


Cllr Tindall to introduce the report, which was taken as read and the Mayor invited questions, which can be viewed via the video record of the meeting.



That Council approve the updated Polling Districts & Polling Places Order



The recommendation was agreed, subject to a correction to wording in the report which still states the boundary of Nash Mills in Leverstock Green would change; it was initially proposed for change, but it was established those changes could not be made as the boundaries should be consistent with the Hertfordshire County Council boundaries.  It was confirmed that the Nash Mills boundary would not be changed, the rest of the recommendation was agreed.



Waiver of 6 month councillor attendance rule pdf icon PDF 105 KB


Cllr Tindall introduced the report with the recommendation that a further 6 months waiver be agreed for Cllr Mottershead who is suffering ill health.



Unanimously agreed.



Changes to committee membership

To consider any proposals for changes to committee membership



The Mayor invited any changes from the group leaders.


Cllr Tindall proposed that Cllr S Hobson be given a seat on the Health & Wellbeing Committee.



It was agreed that SHobson becomes a member of the Health & Wellbeing Committee. 



Change to committee dates

To consider any proposals for changes to committee dates



The Mayor invited the group leaders to advise of any changes to committee dates; there were none.
