Agenda, decisions and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 17th November, 2021 7.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, The Forum. View directions

Contact: Corporate and Democratic Support  01442 228209


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 622 KB

To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting of the Council on the 15th September 2021 and the Extraordinary meeting of the Council on 6th October 2021

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meetings held on 15 September and 6 October 2021 were agreed by the members present and then signed by the Mayor.



The minutes of the meetings held on 15 September and 6 October 2021 were agreed by the members present and then signed by the Mayor.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest


There were no declarations of interest.


There were no declarations of interest.


Public Participation

To consider questions (if any) by members of the public of which the appropriate notice has been given to the Assistant Director (Corporate and Contracted Services)









To receive announcements and business brought forward by the Mayor, Leader, and Members of the Cabinet or the Chief Executive.


4.1       By the Mayor:


4.2       By the Chief Executive:


4.3       By the Group Leaders:  Any apologies for absence


4.4       Council Leader and Members of the Cabinet:


Councillor Williams                 Leader of the Council

Councillor Barratt                    Environmental Services

Councillor Banks                     Community and Regulatory Services

Councillor Anderson               Planning and Infrastructure

Councillor Elliot                       Finance and Resources

Councillor Griffiths                  Housing

Councillor Williams                 Corporate and Contracted Services




4.1       By the Mayor:


The Mayor advised we would be using a new electronic voting system this evening.


The Mayor then announced the sad passing of former Councillor Mick Maloney. Councillors Guest and Douris shared their fond memories of him.


One minutes silence was held in remembrance.

4.2       By the Chief Executive:


The Chief Executive announced the resignation of Councillor Woolner (Berkhamsted West Ward) and Councillor Uttley (Boxmoor Ward).  


4.3       By the Group Leaders:


Councillor Williams gave apologies on behalf of Councillors Bassadone, Bhinder, Oguchi, Silwal and Sutton.

Councillor Tindall gave apologies on behalf of Councillors England, McDowell, Pringle and Wilkie. 

4.4       Council Leader and Members of the Cabinet:


(Full details are in the minutes under Announcements of the Leader and Cabinet).



4.1       By the Mayor:


The Mayor advised we would be using a new electronic voting system this evening.


The Mayor then announced the sad passing of former Councillor Mick Maloney. Councillors Guest and Douris shared their fond memories of him.


One minutes silence was held in remembrance.

4.2       By the Chief Executive:


The Chief Executive announced the resignation of Councillor Woolner (Berkhamsted West Ward) and Councillor Uttley (Boxmoor Ward).  


4.3       By the Group Leaders:


Councillor Williams gave apologies on behalf of Councillors Bassadone, Bhinder, Oguchi, Silwal and Sutton.

Councillor Tindall gave apologies on behalf of Councillors England, McDowell, Pringle and Wilkie. 

4.4       Council Leader and Members of the Cabinet:


Councillor Williams, Leader of the Council

Cllr Williams commented on how pleased he was with the first Dacorum Climate Action Network Meeting. He also encouraged groups within the community to bid for environmental funding. Finally, he passed his congratulations on to James Doe, who has been appointed to the role of Director.

Cllr Douris requested that Cllr Williams write to Arriva to complain about the termination of the 758 Green Line service. Cllr Williams agreed to do so but mentioned that the local MP has already written to Arriva and was told that they will simply review demand for the service in a few months’ time, and potentially reinstate it then. Cllr Douris responded that the service must be sustained and not reviewed, by which point it will be too late. Cllr Tindall asked that Cllr Williams join him in meeting with Green Line/Arriva to argue the Council’s case in person. Cllr Williams agreed.

Cllr Symington noted that the Council’s code of conduct hadn’t been updated since 2002 and asked if there were any plans to update it. Cllr Williams confirmed that this item is due to go to cabinet shortly.

In response to Cllr Stevens’ question on whether cabinet would consider releasing reports ahead of Council meetings, Cllr Williams stated that this would require constitutional change, but could be considered.

Cllr Ransley expressed distress at finding out a developer has put in front of Tring Council some ideas for 1,400 dwellings as part of the local plan which has not yet been agreed. Cllr Williams pointed out that it is the right of a site owner to submit a planning application without waiting for the local plan process to be completed.

Cllr Rogers aired his concerns about the lack of in-person staff members at the Forum. Cllr Williams opined that it is unlikely the levels of staffing at the Forum will return to pre-pandemic levels, but that this doesn’t equate to less service to the public. In some areas there is a backlog, but services are up and running as normal.

Councillor Barrett, Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services

Cllr Barrett presented a report on environmental services.

Litter picking on the A41 was completed over 6 days between there 15th and 22nd October. The pre-Remembrance Day clean-up was also completed in good time.

Over 80,000 winter bulbs have been planted  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Motions pdf icon PDF 191 KB


5.1       Proposed by Cllr Allen and seconded by Cllr Tindall


Given the interest shown by residents for the provision of 20 mph zones in Dacorum, the Council requests the Strategic Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee to review the current procedures, including liaison with Hertfordshire County Council, so that the introduction and maintenance of 20 mph zones is made easier.


A vote was held:


12 For,

21 Against, and

3 Abstentions,


Therefore the Motion failed.


5.2       Proposed by Councillor Symington and seconded by Cllr Barry-Mears


Cllr Symington stated that the Liberal Democrat group has accepted a proposed amendment to the motion in the interests of working collaboratively across the Council to ensure that ending violence against women and children is a clear priority across Dacorum.

The amended motion was as follows:

1. This Council declares:

a.  Enough is enough. This must stop. Male violence against women and girls is an “epidemic” and that “fundamental cross-system change” is urgently needed as recorded in the recent report from HMICFRS.

b. From cradle to grave male violence against women has a pernicious impact on women; it means girls grow up fearing things they should never have to think about, it makes women feel unsafe in all parts of the community, the threat of violence makes women change their behaviour and the experience of violence, directly and indirectly, affects mental health and causes serious physical harm.

c,  Violence isn’t always physical. Misogynistic violence is often mental, coercive and controlling. Like indecent exposure, it is not physically violent, but it is an abuse of power almost always perpetrated by men against women. Often it is the starting point to physical violence.

d,  In the most extreme cases male violence against women ends in murder. Every incident is an atrocious violation of individual rights and dignity.

2.  This Council welcomes:

The recent campaigns #hideandseek from charity Refuge, #Deservetobeheard from charity Women's Aid, mass engagement around the world through the #MeToo movement and the longstanding campaigning and advocacy by coalitions such as the End Violence Against Women Coalition. 

3.  This Council calls for The Leader of the Council, to write to the Home Secretary and Prime Minister:

a. Urging them to immediately declare Misogyny to be a hate crime.

b. Take all necessary action to immediately address the backlog in the courts and put in place the funding required so in future the criminal justice system deals with cases promptly so victims get justice and move on with their lives and the rehabilitation of the criminal can happen sooner.

c. Review investment in victims’ services, including in refuges, mental health services and legal aid support for all victims of domestic abuse and in particular of male violence against women.

4.  Further, this Council calls for The Leader of the Council, to write to both the Hertfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable:

a. To ask what steps they are taking to review safeguarding and vetting procedures and misconduct processes in Hertfordshire Police in light of  ...  view the full decision text for item 5.


5.1       Proposed by Cllr Allen and seconded by Cllr Tindall


Given the interest shown by residents for the provision of 20 mph zones in Dacorum, the Council requests the Strategic Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee to review the current procedures, including liaison with Hertfordshire County Council, so that the introduction and maintenance of 20 mph zones is made easier.


A vote was held:


12 For,

21 Against, and

3 Abstentions,


Therefore the Motion failed.


5.2       Proposed by Councillor Symington and seconded by Cllr Barry-Mears


Cllr Symington stated that the Liberal Democrat group has accepted a proposed amendment to the motion in the interests of working collaboratively across the Council to ensure that ending violence against women and children is a clear priority across Dacorum.

The amended motion was as follows:

1. This Council declares:

a.  Enough is enough. This must stop. Male violence against women and girls is an “epidemic” and that “fundamental cross-system change” is urgently needed as recorded in the recent report from HMICFRS.

b. From cradle to grave male violence against women has a pernicious impact on women; it means girls grow up fearing things they should never have to think about, it makes women feel unsafe in all parts of the community, the threat of violence makes women change their behaviour and the experience of violence, directly and indirectly, affects mental health and causes serious physical harm.

c,  Violence isn’t always physical. Misogynistic violence is often mental, coercive and controlling. Like indecent exposure, it is not physically violent, but it is an abuse of power almost always perpetrated by men against women. Often it is the starting point to physical violence.

d,  In the most extreme cases male violence against women ends in murder. Every incident is an atrocious violation of individual rights and dignity.

2.  This Council welcomes:

The recent campaigns #hideandseek from charity Refuge, #Deservetobeheard from charity Women's Aid, mass engagement around the world through the #MeToo movement and the longstanding campaigning and advocacy by coalitions such as the End Violence Against Women Coalition. 

3.  This Council calls for The Leader of the Council, to write to the Home Secretary and Prime Minister:

a. Urging them to immediately declare Misogyny to be a hate crime.

b. Take all necessary action to immediately address the backlog in the courts and put in place the funding required so in future the criminal justice system deals with cases promptly so victims get justice and move on with their lives and the rehabilitation of the criminal can happen sooner.

c. Review investment in victims’ services, including in refuges, mental health services and legal aid support for all victims of domestic abuse and in particular of male violence against women.

4.  Further, this Council calls for The Leader of the Council, to write to both the Hertfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable:

a. To ask what steps they are taking to review safeguarding and vetting procedures and misconduct processes in Hertfordshire Police  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.



To consider questions (if any) by members of the Council of which the appropriate notice has been given to the Assistant Director (Corporate and Contracted Services)


Question to Councillor Williams from Councillor Stevens:

1          Dacorum Borough Council adopted a Motion at its meeting in July 2019 that acknowledged we faced a Climate Emergency.

2          To better understand the scale of the challenge, the Council commissioned the Association for Public Service Excellence [APSE] to conduct and prepare a study that would provide a baseline of carbon emissions generated in the Borough.

3          The Report’s findings identified different categories of emissions, with Scope 1 being those generated by activities and buildings under the direct control of the Borough.

4          More recently, the Tyndall centre at Manchester University has modelled the reduction of carbon emissions across the public sector that would be required to achieve the national carbon reduction goals. This has featured in the presentation to Councillors and Officers to inform our Carbon Literacy. The key prediction is the Borough will have exhausted its ‘carbon budget’ by 2027 if we do not implement measures to reduce our carbon emissions.

5          In the APSE report, the Borough’s 2019 consumption of gas under Scope 1 is 2132 tCO2. Around 50 % of emissions is from gas used at the Council’s Leisure Centres.


Question: As an example, the APSE study estimated the 2019 cost of installing Air Source Heat Pumps at Berkhamsted as £135k with an annual saving £24k and CO2 reduction by half.

Does the Borough have a plan to replace gas fired plant at the Council’s Leisure Centres?


Cllr Williams responded that the leisure centres are not under direct control of the Council, so fall within the carbon neutral target of 2050 rather than 2030. But, of course, the Council would hope to bring that target forward. The APSE report also stated that heat pumps by themselves would not be financially viable for larger buildings based on current technology.

Cllr Stevens asked a supplementary question on whether the Borough has made any application to central government for funds to install alternative heating solutions.

Cllr Williams replied that the APSE report doesn’t give the Council sufficient information to make such an application.

Cllr Stevens’ second supplementary question was on whether the Borough had prepared a list of ‘shovel-ready’ projects that could be used to apply for grant funding, but the answer to this was provided in Cllr Williams’ previous response.


Question to Councillor Williams from Councillor Allen:


Question 1: In light of the COP26 declaration for accelerating the transition to 100% zero emission cars and vans, and DBC’s own ‘Ecological Emergency Strategy and High Level Action Plan’ report (presented to SPAE 2nd November), highlighting the need for EV chargers to tackle the climate emergency, while identifying that the lack of GOVT funding is delaying the roll out, how does DBC intend to ensure the Government commit the funding to DBC so desperately needed at the earliest opportunity?”


Cllr Williams replied that they do not have the power to ‘ensure’ they have the money that the Council thinks is necessary. What is happening is that they are working through the grant  ...  view the full decision text for item 6.


Question to Councillor Williams from Councillor Stevens:

1          Dacorum Borough Council adopted a Motion at its meeting in July 2019 that acknowledged we faced a Climate Emergency.

2          To better understand the scale of the challenge, the Council commissioned the Association for Public Service Excellence [APSE] to conduct and prepare a study that would provide a baseline of carbon emissions generated in the Borough.

3          The Report’s findings identified different categories of emissions, with Scope 1 being those generated by activities and buildings under the direct control of the Borough.

4          More recently, the Tyndall centre at Manchester University has modelled the reduction of carbon emissions across the public sector that would be required to achieve the national carbon reduction goals. This has featured in the presentation to Councillors and Officers to inform our Carbon Literacy. The key prediction is the Borough will have exhausted its ‘carbon budget’ by 2027 if we do not implement measures to reduce our carbon emissions.

5          In the APSE report, the Borough’s 2019 consumption of gas under Scope 1 is 2132 tCO2. Around 50 % of emissions is from gas used at the Council’s Leisure Centres.


Question: As an example, the APSE study estimated the 2019 cost of installing Air Source Heat Pumps at Berkhamsted as £135k with an annual saving £24k and CO2 reduction by half.

Does the Borough have a plan to replace gas fired plant at the Council’s Leisure Centres?


Cllr Williams responded that the leisure centres are not under direct control of the Council, so fall within the carbon neutral target of 2050 rather than 2030. But, of course, the Council would hope to bring that target forward. The APSE report also stated that heat pumps by themselves would not be financially viable for larger buildings based on current technology.

Cllr Stevens asked a supplementary question on whether the Borough has made any application to central government for funds to install alternative heating solutions.

Cllr Williams replied that the APSE report doesn’t give the Council sufficient information to make such an application.

Cllr Stevens’ second supplementary question was on whether the Borough had prepared a list of ‘shovel-ready’ projects that could be used to apply for grant funding, but the answer to this was provided in Cllr Williams’ previous response.


Question to Councillor Williams from Councillor Allen:


Question 1: In light of the COP26 declaration for accelerating the transition to 100% zero emission cars and vans, and DBC’s own ‘Ecological Emergency Strategy and High Level Action Plan’ report (presented to SPAE 2nd November), highlighting the need for EV chargers to tackle the climate emergency, while identifying that the lack of GOVT funding is delaying the roll out, how does DBC intend to ensure the Government commit the funding to DBC so desperately needed at the earliest opportunity?”


Cllr Williams replied that they do not have the power to ‘ensure’ they have the money that the Council thinks is necessary. What is happening is that they are working through the grant  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Business from the last council meeting pdf icon PDF 85 KB

To consider any business referred from the previous meeting






Cabinet referrals








Overview and Scrutiny referrals







Changes to committee membership

To consider any proposals for changes to committee membership



Cllr Tindall nominated Cllrs Stevens and Tindall to the vacancies on the Development Management Committee.



Cllr Tindall nominated Cllrs Stevens and Tindall to the vacancies on the Development Management Committee.



Change to committee dates

To consider any proposals for changes to committee dates


Development Management Committee have requested an additional meeting on the 2nd December 2021



The following changes to committee dates were agreed:


An additional Development Management Committee meeting to be held on the 2nd December.


The following changes to committee dates were agreed:


An additional Development Management Committee meeting to be held on the 2nd December.


Exclusion of the Public

To consider passing a resolution in the following terms:


That, under s.100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 Schedule 12A Part 1 as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006 the public be excluded during the items in Part 2 of the Agenda for this meeting, because it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, that, if members of the public were present during those items, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information relating to the financial and business affairs of the Council and third party companies/organisations.


Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A, Part 1, paragraph 3.



The Part 2 minutes from the meeting held on 6 October 2021 were agreed.


The Part 2 minutes from the meeting held on 6 October 2021 were agreed.


There being no further business to discuss, the Mayor closed the meeting.