Issue - meetings

Risk Management Quarter 2

Meeting: 20/10/2015 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Strategic Risk Register - Quarter 2 2015 pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Additional documents:


That Cabinet note the updates to the Strategic Risk Register as at the end of Quarter 2, 2015, and identify any amendments to existing risks or areas for further consideration by Officers.


That Cabinet note the updates to the Strategic Risk Register as at the end of Quarter 2, 2015, and identify any amendments to existing risks or areas for further consideration by Officers.


Reason for Decision


To provide Cabinet with the quarterly update on the Strategic Risk Register.





The effective management of strategic risks and opportunities reduces the time and associated costs of dealing with unforeseen events and increases the likelihood that the Council will be able to take advantage of opportunities to deliver its objectives as set out in the Corporate Plan and supporting strategies (e.g. medium-term financial strategy, asset management strategy).


Risk Implications


Risk Assessments are included for each item on the proposed revised Strategic Risk & Opportunity Register.

Equalities Implications

None identified.


Health And Safety Implications

Effective risk management supports the Council’s Health & Safety policies. By giving careful thought to the risks inherent in projects and changes in the ways services are delivered, the health and safety of both service users and staff are better protected.

Corporate Objectives

Corporate Governance


The Portfolio Holder Finance & Resources introduced the report and noted that it was the first one following the workshop held in July.



Consultation took place with:

·       Cabinet

·       Leader of the Opposition

·       Chief Officer Group

·       Linda Dargue, Insurance & Risk Manager

·        Mazars (the Council’s Internal Auditors)



