Issue - meetings

Enforcement Policy

Meeting: 15/09/2015 - Cabinet (Item 36)

36 Enforcement Policy pdf icon PDF 189 KB





That Dacorum Borough Council’s Enforcement Policy as detailed in Appendix A of the report to Cabinet be approved.


That Cabinet wish to see a list of the enforcement policies for each department which would sit under this overarching Enforcement Policy.


Reason for Decision


To provide an opportunity for Members to comment on the Dacorum Borough Council’s Enforcement Policy.


That Cabinet wish to see a list of the enforcement policies for each department which would sit under this overarching Enforcement Policy.






This policy sets out the council’s approach to enforcement. There are no expected financial implications relating to this report. All officers costs associated with delivering the enforcement actions should be achieved within existing resources.


Value for Money


The Enforcement Policy should help to target action against those who decide to flout the law and minimise action against good businesses. This should help good/compliant businesses to thrive.


Risk Implications


Dacorum Council has a statutory requirement to develop an Enforcement Policy and a requirement to comply with the Regulators Code.  Failure to comply with this requirement could leave this authority open to legal challenge


Equalities Implications

None identified.


Health And Safety Implications

None identified.




Corporate Objectives

To produce an Enforcement Policy in line with current best practice and one that provides value for money and most economical use of resources



The Portfolio Holder for Environmental, Sustainability & Regulatory Services introduced the report and highlighted that this had been drawn up in light of the government regulators’ code. It had previously been considered by the council’s enforcement group and it went to the Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee in July, who suggested some improvements, for example attaching the relevant appendices (enforcement strategies for each department).

The policy was designed to be the overarching policy for the council and then there would be subsequent policies for each department.


The Group Manager for Regulatory Services added that this set out the principles of the policy but would not go into the detail.

The Leader of the Council asked if the scrutiny committees could look at the department policies within their remit.

The Portfolio Holder for Environmental, Sustainability & Regulatory Services confirmed this would be possible.


The Portfolio Holder for Housing asked how this differed to a working document and did the scrutiny committee ask for each department to have its own policy.

The Group Manager for Regulatory Services explained that the working document would not be publicised, but it would contain the principles from the overarching policy.

He said that anyone involved in enforcement, should have a department policy.


The Leader of the Council felt that all enforcement policies should conform to the principles of the overarching policy.

The Group Manager for Regulatory Services felt the policy acted as a useful guidance for those departments currently without written guidance.

The Portfolio Holder for Environmental, Sustainability & Regulatory Services asked if the Portfolio Holders would be responsible for ensuring the relevant departments within their remit had their own enforcement policy.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 36