Issue - meetings

Alcohol Policy

Meeting: 20/10/2015 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Alcohol Policy pdf icon PDF 102 KB

Additional documents:


That Council be recommended to approve the Alcohol Testing Policy as set out in the Cabinet report which is intended to supplement the Council’s  existing Alcohol  Drugs and Substance Misuse Policy.


That Council be recommended to approve the Alcohol Testing Policy as set out in the Cabinet report which is intended to supplement the Council’s  existing Alcohol  Drugs and Substance Misuse Policy.

Reason for Decision


To seek approval to an Alcohol Testing Policy.






           There are costs associated with procurement of monitoring equipment as detailed in the report.

Risk Implications


Currently there is a risk that action could be taken against the Council for unfair dismissal as there is no objective testing/screening to test employees for alcohol limits whilst at work.  To ensure that the final process is objective an independent accredited organisation would be employed to conduct the final alcohol test using home office approved breathalyser. Any risks are offset by the consequences of any incident or accidents caused by personnel that have excess alcohol whilst engaged in work activities or driving. 


The key risks :


·        Statutory non compliance

·        Risk of serious accidents/fatalities

·        Legal action taken against the Council (both criminal & civil)

·        Reputational damage to Council


Community Impact Assessment

A Community Impact Assessment is not applicable as the drink/drive used for the purposes of this policy are set out in legislation and do not discriminate between individuals, culture, gender, disability or age etc. This policy relates to employees only.


It is proposed this policy applies to all staff across the Council. This addresses concerns from the unions that operational staff at the depot could be targeted unfairly as many of the depot staff drive or operate machinery.

Health And Safety Implications

None. Implementation of the policy will enable DBC to demonstrate they are complying with Health & Safety requirements and best practice.

Corporate Objectives

Resources and Value For Money;

Optimise Resources and Implement Best Practice.




The Portfolio Holder for Environmental, Sustainability & Regulatory Services introduced the report and explained that currently there were no objective methods of testing, so this policy would change that. It was highlighted that the Union fully supported the proposals. The Portfolio Holder stressed that this policy would cover all staff regardless of grade, department or role.

The process would involve two stages for testing and could be carried out if there was suspicion that a member of staff was drunk, following an accident or as part of random testing. Environmental Health staff would carry out the initial test and then if one was positive it would be passed to external testers.


The Group Manager for People added that as part of the initial random testing, fifty names would be selected from a staff database, which would be reviewed to ensure the process remained fair and consistent across the organisation.


Consultation took place with:

  • Unions
  • Cupid Green Health & Safety Group
  • Health & Safety Committee

·        CMT



