152 Regulatory Services Q2 Performance Report PDF 99 KB
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E Walker introduced the item to members and ran through the key points:
Councillor Anderson thanked E Walker for including the accident data in the report as requested.
Councillor Birnie asked what progress was being made on the noise complaints on Bovingdon Airfield.
E Walker said she believed it was still with the planning department who are working to reach a resolution.
Councillor Riddick said that staff turnover in the department seems to high.
E Walker said there was a national shortage of qualified staff and only two universities in the country offer the course needed.
Councillor Riddick referred to paragraph 3.1 and the number of accidents. He asked if the member of the public would be likely to claim against the council.
E Walker said the incident involved a child jumping of a swing and breaking their wrist. It was unlikely to come back against the council.
Councillor Riddick asked how staff were able to train at the University of Birmingham – do they get day release or is it distance taught?
E Walker said it was a mixture of both. University of Birmingham provides the masters course and University of Middlesex provide an undergraduate degree.
Councillor Riddick referred to the ASB noise order and asked what happened to the tenants.
E Walker said she was unsure but would come back to Councillor Riddick on that point.
Councillor Timmis congratulated the dog warden on the Gold Award.
Councillor Anderson thanked the department for all their hard work despite the staff vacancies and issues faced.
That the Strategic Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee approve the report.