150 Budget Monitoring Q2 PDF 120 KB
Additional documents:
Skinner introduced the item to members and ran through the main
highlights of the report:
In paragraph 3.4, the forecast for Investment Income is
showing a deficit of £115k. However, since the report was
written, the Bank of England raised interest rates so this will be
updated for the next quarter and will have a positive impact on the
Medium Term Financial Strategy.
The report mainly contains a
continuation of areas explored in previous quarters.
There are still vacancies in
Building Control and these are being filled by agency
A pressure of £75k has arisen in Strategic
Planning and Regeneration from initial feasibility work on the
proposed conversion of The Bury into a museum and this cannot be
treated as capital expenditure.
There is an overachievement in income with planning
fees which has picked up after the uncertainty caused by Brexit.
This will need to be monitored in the future.
There is also an overachievement in income from the
Alternative Financial Model and reflects the good work undertaken
by the department.
Councillor Riddick referred to paragraph 4.3 and asked if the
increase in planning fee income was due to the scale of
applications or the volume.
Doe said it was the scale and there have been a large number of
major applications submitted recently.
Councillor Barrett referred to the decrease in commercial waste
income and asked if it was a current trend.
Skinner said this decrease was not over one quarter. Measures have
been taken to review and optimise the round structure to ensure
that collection is taking place in the most effective
Councillor Anderson thanked D Skinner for all his hard work on
the committee. The Strategic Planning and Environment Overview and
Scrutiny Committee approved the report.