Issue - meetings

Markyate Surgery Update

Meeting: 12/09/2017 - Strategic Planning & Environment Overview & Scrutiny (Item 116)

Markyate Surgery Update

A verbal update will be given at the meeting.


J Doe gave a verbal update to the committee on the progress of the Markyate Surgery. The background to this issue is that a new unit was built for the surgery to move into but the previous practice did not think it was fit for purpose. They did look at building a new surgery on the Council owned car park with a development partner that they would rent back to the practice. The unit was also rejected by the CCG as it was not fit for a refurbishment. J Doe advised members that he was attending meetings with the practice, the CCG and NHS England. There may be a chance to use funding from NHS England which must be used by March 2019. As matters develop and progress, then reports can be submitted to the committee for consideration.

Councillor Timmis said this affects her ward and been involved with the potential solutions. The surgery should have been built by the developer under a s106 agreement. It is frustrating that a solution seems no closer.
J Doe assured councillors that progress was being made but it is currently commercially sensitive.
Councillor Birnie asked who was responsible for paying for the new surgery.
J Doe said there were two options – one would be in partnership with a development partner who would rent the premises back to the surgery and the second option would be some input NHS England for capital works.


That the Strategic Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee approve the report.