90 Civic Centre Demolition PDF 82 KB
Additional documents:
That the award of the contract for the demolition of the Civic Centre to the contractor named in paragraph 6 of Appendix 1 Tender Report for the contract sum as set out in paragraph 5 be approved.
That the award of the contract for the demolition of the Civic Centre to the contractor named in paragraph 6 of Appendix 1 Tender Report for the contract sum as set out in paragraph 5 of the Cabinet report be approved.
Reason for decision
For Cabinet to review and approve the award of the contract for the demolition of the former Civic Centre to enable redevelopment of the site.
Corporate objectives
Affordable Housing: to enable the development of the site including an element of affordable housing.
Regeneration: drive value from Council-owned assets.
Safe and Clean Environment: maintain a clean and safe environment.
Dacorum Delivers: to use DBC assets more effectively and to generate financial efficiency by removing the liability for business rates.
Monitoring Officer/Deputy S.151 Officer comments
Monitoring Officer: The award of contract follows a procurement process carried out in accordance with the Council’s Commissioning and Procurement Standing Orders. Officers must ensure than an appropriate works contracts is completed prior to commencement of demolition.
Deputy S.151 Officer: The award of the contract can be met from within existing approved budgets.
D Skinner introduced the report and explained that this report was to award the contract for the demolition of the Civic Centre building. Additional surveys have been carried out due to the large amount of asbestos present in the building. The nature and scale of the project is quite complex due to the sub stations and the bore holes around the building but specialists have been involved in the whole process. There have been a lot of bids from companies and the procurement report sets out the recommended company.
Councillor Tindall asked what would be happening to the Health Centre.
Councillor Williams said the Health Centre and the Court are on a different plot of land which has been sold for the purchaser to demolish.
Councillor Williams said he was surprised to see so many bids and asked what the time scale was for the demolition company to be on site.
D Skinner said this would need to be clarified but the company have indicated that they could be on site within four weeks.
Councillor G Sutton asked why it was necessary to keep the lights on.
D Skinner said it was to act as a deterrent.
Councillor Williams mentioned that the back of the building was damaged – are there issues with people staying in there?
D Skinner confirmed there was.
Councillor Douris queried if there would be attempts to locate the time capsule that was buried under the site.
D Skinner said there had been numerous attempts to try and locate it.
Councillor Williams suggested it might be an idea to speak to the demolition company and see if they could be gentler in turning over those areas the time capsule could be to see if it can be retrieved.