Issue - meetings

Cabinet referrals

Meeting: 18/01/2017 - Council (Item 7)

7 Cabinet referrals pdf icon PDF 88 KB

To consider the following referrals from Cabinet:


7.1  CA/117/16   29 November 2016 Governance Arrangements for the Community

 Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

7.2  CA/127/16   13 December 2016   Budget Monitoring Quarter 2 2016/17

7.3  CA/132/16   13 December 2016   Update on Sustainable Development Advice

  Note & Sustainability Checklist

7.4  CA/134/16    13 December 2016  Committee Timetable 2017/18

7.5  CA/135/16    13 December 2016  Council New Build Programme Update




That the following be approved:

29 November 2016

7.1 CA/117/16 Governance Arrangements for the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)



1)    the Terms of Reference to the Infrastructure Advisory Group as set out in Appendix 3 of the Cabinet report, including that authority is delegated to the Chairman of the Infrastructure Advisory Group to approve spending of CIL receipts of up to £50,000 on projects not identified in the Infrastructure Business Plan.


2)    the allocations of CIL funds to those Infrastructure themes set out in Section 3 of the Cabinet report


3)    that funding is allocated to these themes for use in 2018/19 and 2019/20


4)    that submissions for CIL funds are encouraged from April 2017 using the CIL submission forms at Appendix 4.


5)    entry into the Memorandum of Understanding with Hertfordshire County Council as set out in Appendix 5 of the report to Cabinet


6)    that authority is delegated to the Assistant Director (Planning, Development and Regeneration) to:


(a)  finalise the wording of the CIL submission bid form and associated guidance notes; and


(b)  finalise guidance notes for Town and Parish Councils and Ward Councillors.


13 December 2016


7.2 CA/127/16 Budget Monitoring Quarter 2 2016/17



1.    the supplementary budgets set out below be approved. Details for these supplementary budgets are set out in the body of the report to Cabinet and have a net nil impact on the General Fund Working Balance:


·      Increase the People and Performance Supplies and Services budget by £40k


·      Increase use of the Management of Change reserve by £40k


·      Increase the Community Partnerships Supplies and Services budget by £15k


·      Increase use of the Management of Change reserve by £15k


·      Increase the capital budget for Disabled Facilities Grants by £133k to reflect additional grant funding received





7.3 CA/132/16 Update on Sustainable Development Advice Note & Sustainability Checklist



(a)  The updated Sustainable Development Advice Note and associated Sustainable Development Checklist to inform Development Control decisions be adopted; and

(b)  Authority be delegated to the Assistant Director, Planning, Development and Regeneration to make any necessary minor editorial changes to the Advice Note (Annex A of the report to Cabinet) and Checklist (Annex B of the report to Cabinet), prior to their final publication.

7.4 CA/134/16 Committee Timetable 2017/18



The Meeting Timetable for 2017/18 as set out in Annex A to the Cabinet report be approved.


7.5 CA/135/16 Council New Build Programme Update


a supplementary estimate to fund a consultancy budget of £50,000 to develop plans to build new homes on 2 garage sites at Westerdale and Northend garage sites (as detailed in the report to Cabinet, subject to securing planning permission) be approved.



The referrals from Cabinet on 29 November 2016 and 13 December 2016 were submitted.  It was moved by Councillor Williams, duly seconded and




That the following be approved:


29 November 2016






That the following be approved:


1)    the Terms of Reference to the Infrastructure Advisory Group as set out in Appendix 3 of the Cabinet report, including that authority is delegated to the Chairman of the Infrastructure Advisory Group to approve spending of CIL receipts of up to £50,000 on projects not identified in the Infrastructure Business Plan.


2)    the allocations of CIL funds to those Infrastructure themes set out in Section 3 of the Cabinet report


3)    that funding is allocated to these themes for use in 2018/19 and 2019/20


4)    that submissions for CIL funds are encouraged from April 2017 using the CIL submission forms at Appendix 4.


5)    entry into the Memorandum of Understanding with Hertfordshire County Council as set out in Appendix 5 of the report to Cabinet


6)    that authority is delegated to the Assistant Director (Planning, Development and Regeneration) to:


(a)  finalise the wording of the CIL submission bid form and associated guidance notes; and


(b)  finalise guidance notes for Town and Parish Councils and Ward Councillors.



13 December 2016


7.2       CA/127/16       BUDGET MONITORING QUARTER 2 2016/17




That the following be approved:


1.    Approval of the supplementary budgets set out below. Details for these supplementary budgets are set out in the body of the report to Cabinet and have a net nil impact on the General Fund Working Balance:


·      Increase the People and Performance Supplies and Services budget by £40k


·      Increase use of the Management of Change reserve by £40k


·      Increase the Community Partnerships Supplies and Services budget by £15k


·      Increase use of the Management of Change reserve by £15k


·      Increase the capital budget for Disabled Facilities Grants by £133k to reflect additional grant funding received







That the following we approved:

(a)  The updated Sustainable Development Advice Note and associated Sustainable Development Checklist to inform Development Control decisions be adopted; and

(b)  Authority be delegated to the Assistant Director, Planning, Development and Regeneration to make any necessary minor editorial changes to the Advice Note (Annex A of the report to Cabinet) and Checklist (Annex B of the report to Cabinet), prior to their final publication.


7.4       CA/134/16       COMMITTEE TIMETABLE 2017/18




That the following be approved:


  • The Meeting Timetable for 2017/18 as set out in Annex A to the Cabinet report.


The Leader advised that the changes to committee dates detailed in item 10 would be incorporated into the timetable. He understood that the timetable wasn’t easy to read on the iPads so he agreed that all members could have a paper copy printed for them so they could get the meeting dates in to their diaries.







That the following be approved:  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7