Issue - meetings

Update on Sustainability Development Action Note and Sustainability Check List

Meeting: 13/12/2016 - Cabinet (Item 132)

132 Update on Sustainable Development Advice Note and Sustainability Checklist pdf icon PDF 103 KB

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Resolved to Recommend:

(a)   The updated Sustainable Development Advice Note and associated Sustainable Development Checklist to inform Development Control decisions be adopted; and

(b)   Authority be delegated to the Assistant Director, Planning, Development and Regeneration to make any necessary minor editorial changes to the Advice Note (Annex A of the report to Cabinet) and Checklist (Annex B of the report to Cabinet), prior to their final publication.




Resolved to Recommend:

(a)   The updated Sustainable Development Advice Note and associated Sustainable Development Checklist to inform Development Control decisions be adopted; and

(b)   Authority be delegated to the Assistant Director, Planning, Development and Regeneration to make any necessary minor editorial changes to the Advice Note (Annex A of the report to Cabinet) and Checklist (Annex B of the report to Cabinet), prior to their final publication.


Reason for Decision


To agree an updated advice note setting out how the Council apply its policies related to sustainable development in light of the recent government policy changes. 


Corporate Objectives

The Sustainable Development Advice Note (alongside updated Sustainable Development Checklist) supports the ‘Dacorum Delivers’ and ‘Clean and Safe Environment’ objectives.  It will improve efficiency and effectiveness of services through the provision of upfront and clear advice on the sustainable development. It also demonstrates that the Council is able to respond to changes in national policy in a prompt and effective manner. The note will continue to ensure that sustainability remain a focus for change within the borough.


Monitoring Officer/S.151 Officer Comments


Monitoring Officer:  


The updated Sustainable Development Advice Note will provide clarity to developers and ensure compliance with Core Strategy policies and is therefore recommended for approval.

Deputy S.151 Officer:

There are no direct financial implication so f this decision. Any resource implication in the future will need to be incorporated within the budget setting framework.




Councillor Sutton introduced the report and said its purpose was to agree an updated advice note setting out how the Council applied its policies related to sustainable development in light of the recent government policy changes. 


J Doe added that there were a number of changes included within the report. It set out the national situation and Dacorum’s response to it. The new advice note also set out examples of good practice.


Councillor Marshall asked if there would be any impact on staff as a result of this.

J Doe said no, if anything the process had been made simpler and the new checklist had simplified the process and the system being used.



