Issue - meetings


Meeting: 27/09/2023 - Council (Item 6)


Question from Cllr Mitchell to Cllr Wilkie:


The 36 workers currently employed at the Wilko branch in Hemel Hempstead will be made redundant at the latest in early October; 32 of these workers live in the Borough and 11 of them are not entitled to any redundancy at all. For every one of these workers, losing their job will impact on their lives, the lives of their families, and their community.  Being put at risk of redundancy has a big emotional impact and is a major life change to come to terms with especially when an organisation such as Wilkos goes into administration. What will this administration and the Borough Council do to assist these workers in finding alternative employment?


Cllr Mitchell confirmed that the pre-submitted question had been responded to by officer KSolely and she thanked the administration for its thorough and comprehensive package of support for Wilko employees.


Cllr Mitchell read out the question as follows:

The 36 workers, now 35 workers, currently employed at the Wilko branch in Hemel Hempstead will be made redundant at the latest in early October; 32 of these workers live in the Borough and 11 of them are not entitled to any redundancy at all. For every one of these workers, losing their job will impact their lives, the lives of their families, and their community. Being put at risk of redundancy has a big emotional impact and is a major life change to come to terms with, especially when an organisation such as Wilko goes into administration. What will this administration and the Borough Council do to assist these workers in finding alternative employment?


Cllr Wilkie noted that an officer has already visited the store manager and that the store closed on 28th September 2023 with the store being cleared the following day. The manager advised that the head office suggested a site visit from Jobcentre Plus but that this hasn't been arranged and therefore support from the Council was welcomed. The store manager has suggested a job support session at the store to take place on 28th September 2023 and a written update on this will be provided to members. Officers are working with partners such as Jobcentre Plus, West Herts College and Community Action Dacorum to provide support on skills assessments, CV and job application writing and interview training as well as completing Universal Credit claims. The session in store will also include signposting to job vacancies, including those at the Council, and provide advice on where job adverts are posted. It was confirmed that the following officers would be in attendance at the in-store session:

- Economic Development Officer

- DBC HR and OD Manager

- Hemel Jobcentre Plus representative

- Jobcentre Plus representative

- Dells representative

- Step2Skills representative

- Sunnyside Rural Trust representative

- CAD representative

- West Herts College representative


Cllr Mitchell commented on the pressures on high street retail and suggested that a similar situation may arise. Cllr Mitchell asked if the Council would consider a similar support strategy policy to be rolled out should the situation occur elsewhere.


Cllr Wilkie noted that officers were aware of the process following the loss of Amazon, though workers could be placed elsewhere within Amazon. There is a system that can be introduced, though it is hoped that it won't be necessary.


Cllr Mitchell asked if the new administration would consider a new strategy for empty buildings and floor space in local precincts that are owned by the Council so they can be used for community projects.


Cllr Wilkie referred to the Hemel Place strategy and Hemel Gardens Community project that looks to reimagine the centre, including looking at the usage of space. Cllr Wilkie agreed that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6