Issue - meetings

Parking Report

Meeting: 12/09/2023 - Cabinet (Item 79)

79 Parking Report pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Report to follow


1.  Cabinet agreed to progress to informal consultation on the proposed changes to parking tariffs and charging policy as set out in the report. These include:


·                     Off-Street Parking tariff changes for 2024

·                     On-Street tariff changes for 2024 – Minimum hourly tariff for on street parking to be set at £2,

·                     Changing on-street Limited Wait Bays to chargeable spaces,

·                     Extending the current operating hours of the car parks,

·                     Introducing new longer stay off-street tariffs to support extended car park operating hours

·                     Consolidating off-street (car parks) short stay sessions to introduce a new minimum stay of 2 hours

·                     Opening up part of the upper level of the Water Gardens North car park for public use Mon – Fri.

·                     Reducing free parking sessions from 1hr to 45 minutes


2. That Cabinet agreed to progress the implementation of ‘smart’ technology as part of the re-commissioning of the parking enforcement contract





1.  Cabinet agreed to progress to informal consultation on the proposed changes to parking tariffs and charging policy as set out in the report. These include:


·                     Off-Street Parking tariff changes for 2024

·                     On-Street tariff changes for 2024 – Minimum hourly tariff for on street parking to be set at £2,

·                     Changing on-street Limited Wait Bays to chargeable spaces,

·                     Extending the current operating hours of the car parks,

·                     Introducing new longer stay off-street tariffs to support extended car park operating hours

·                     Consolidating off-street (car parks) short stay sessions to introduce a new minimum stay of 2 hours

·                     Opening up part of the upper level of the Water Gardens North car park for public use Mon – Fri.

·                     Reducing free parking sessions from 1hr to 45 minutes


2. That Cabinet agreed to progress the implementation of ‘smart’ technology as part of the re-commissioning of the parking enforcement contract



Corporate Priorities


A clean, safe and enjoyable environment

Building strong and vibrant communities

Ensuring economic growth and prosperity

Ensuring efficient, effective and modern service delivery

Climate and ecological emergency


Statutory Officer Comments:


Monitoring Officer:


The report proposes that a period of informal public consultation will take place regarding the  proposed changes to ensure that the views of affected persons are considered prior to the implementation of the new tariffs and policies. The outcome of the consultation will be further considered by Cabinet before the formal statutory consultation is commenced.


S151 Officer:


The proposed parking policy changes will provide additional income to the Council to support the commercial strategy income generation projections and in line with the approved 2022 MTFS.




Cllr Symington introduced the report, advising this report was deferred from previous Cabinet in July, to take account of feedback.  New report has now been considered at F&R OSC with no further recommendations.  Proposal to go to 4 week consultation to seek resident and business feedback and will report back to Cabinet.


There were no questions.