Issue - meetings

Financial Monitoring Report

Meeting: 15/11/2022 - Cabinet (Item 96)

96 Financial Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 544 KB

Additional documents:


1.    Cabinet noted the financial outturn position for the General Fund and Housing Revenue account as forecast at Quarter 2. The revenue outturn forecast is a deficit of £0.111m for the General Fund and a deficit of £0.538m for the Housing Revenue Account. The Council’s capital programme is forecast on budget, with additional slippage of £3.387m on General Fund schemes and slippage of £17.278m for the HRA.


2.    Cabinet RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND to Council the approval of the draw down of £870k from the Dacorum Development Reserve to fund the 2022/23 employee pay award and the reallocation of £270k of the HRA revenue contribution to capital.




1.            Cabinet noted the financial outturn position for the General Fund and Housing Revenue account as forecast at Quarter 2. The revenue outturn forecast is a deficit of £0.111m for the General Fund and a deficit of £0.538m for the Housing Revenue Account. The Council’s capital programme is forecast on budget, with additional slippage of £3.387m on General Fund schemes and slippage of £17.278m for the HRA.


2.            Cabinet RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND to Council the approval of the draw down of £870k from the Dacorum Development Reserve to fund the 2022/23 employee pay award and reallocation of £270k of the HRA revenue contribution to capital.


Corporate Priorities

A clean, safe and enjoyable environment; Building strong and vibrant communities; Ensuring economic growth and prosperity; Providing good quality affordable homes, in particular for those most in need; Ensuring efficient, effective and modern service delivery; Climate and ecological emergency.


Statutory Officer Comments:

Monitoring Officer:


The report is part of the Council’s continual budget monitoring and provides members with the required oversight of the Council’s financial position at quarter 2.



S151 Officer:


This report is a S151 Officer report.



Cllr Elliot introduced the report and recommendations, there were no questions. 

Recommendations agreed