Issue - meetings

Little Gaddesden Conservation area character appraisal

Meeting: 15/03/2022 - Cabinet (Item 24)

24 Little Gaddesden Conservation area character appraisal pdf icon PDF 368 KB

Additional documents:


Cabinet Agreed


1.     To delegate to the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Infrastructure to consider any further comments from Members on the Little Gaddesden Conservation Area: Character Appraisal received before 5pm on 21 March 2022.


2.     To delegate authority to the Strategic Director (Place) to make any final minor editorial revisions to the document received in line with Recommendation 1 above and any minor typographical revisions required.


3.     To delegate the approval of the Little Gaddesden Conservation Area: Character Appraisal final document to the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Infrastructure.




1.         To delegate to the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Infrastructure to consider any further comments from Members on the Little Gaddesden Conservation Area: Character Appraisal received before 5pm on 21 March 2022.


2.         To delegate authority to the Strategic Director (Place) to make any final minor editorial revisions to the document received in line with Recommendation 1 above and any minor typographical revisions required.


3.         To delegate the approval of the Little Gaddesden Conservation Area: Character Appraisal final document to the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Infrastructure.


Corporate Objectives


 A clean, safe and enjoyable environment

The appraisal highlights the important character of the conservation area in particular in relation to design and layout which will inform any new development to ensure that the environment is protected or enhanced.


Building strong and vibrant communities Joint working with the parish council to produce the document has ensured community support for the proposal which in part seeks to protect the vitality of the village.


Ensuring efficient, effective and modern service delivery

Provides a clear framework upon which planning decisions can be made.


Statutory Officer Comments:



Deputy Monitoring Officer:  


Pursuant to section 69(2) of the Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas Act 1990 the Council is required to carry out reviews ‘from time to time’ to determine whether any parts or further parts of its area should be designated as conservation areas, and if it so determines, that part (s) shall be designated as such. Although there is no statutory requirement for consultation, it is considered appropriate that the proposal to designate an area with Conservation Area status is subject to public consultation given the effect that such designation may have on future development proposals within the designated area.


Deputy S.151 Officer


No further comments to add.




A Robinson introduced the report, he said that the Little Gaddesden Character Appraisal was the latest in a number of conservation area appraisals that they had undertaken over the years and that this report was produced entirely by the Parish Council working with officers over the last year. The proposal is to extend the area to the east as set out on page 7. The conservation area appraisal was consulted on last year in November & December and was received positively from a whole range of residents and organisations. Historic England were very complimentary about the levels of details in the report and because of that, they will probably be using this model to update further conservation area appraisals in the future.


The original recommendation was for Cabinet to note however due to a late appendix it a recommended that the authority be delegated to the portfolio holder following a period of consultation with members.


Cllr Douris said he was the local Cllr for this area and he echoes and supports the report and the comments of Historic England. He thought that the appendix was excellent, the people from Little Gaddesden enjoyed doing this, its large piece of work that they have done with great  ...  view the full minutes text for item 24