Issue - meetings

Brownfield Land Register

Meeting: 14/12/2021 - Cabinet (Item 104)

104 Brownfield Land Register pdf icon PDF 142 KB

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Cabinet Agreed


That Cabinet approves the sites listed in Part 1 of the Brownfield Land

Register (BLR) as drafted in Appendix 1 and delegates authority to the

Assistant Director (Planning, Development and Regeneration) to finalise

the site-specific information before publication and notes that no sites are

Recommended for inclusion in Part 2.




That Cabinet approves the sites listed in Part 1 of the Brownfield Land Register (BLR) as drafted in Appendix 1 and delegates authority to the Assistant Director (Planning, Development and Regeneration) to finalise the site-specific information before publication and notes that no sites are recommended for inclusion in Part 2.


Corporate Objectives

A clean, safe and enjoyable environment; Building strong and vibrant communities; Ensuring economic growth and prosperity; Providing good quality affordable homes; Delivering an efficient and modern council;


The Brownfield Register will assist in more housing led sites becoming available for development This will provide more local housing, improved communities and economic growth.


Monitoring Officer

This report considers the Council’s statutory requirement to review its Brownfield Land Register at least once every year. It is noted that no sites are recommended for approval in Part 2 of the register and therefore approval of Part 1 remains an Executive decision to be made by the Council’s Cabinet.


S.151 Officer


There are no direct financial considerations arising from this report.




Cllr Anderson introduced the report


A Robinson reminded members that this was an annual report that they were required to publish and this was the 4th one they had produced. The changes they had made were largely limited to updating information on sites, for example if sites have started on site they have made that clear. He wanted to draw members attention to four specific changes where they have removed some sites form the Brownfield Land Register on the basis that they have started on site or that in their assessment they have concluded that they should not appear on the register anymore and that related to 2 garden centers that are in the borough.


Cllr Williams asked for more information about why these sites may have come off.


ARobinson explained that although garden centers are strictly speaking, brownfield land officers felt that it would be prudent for those sites to be considered more formally through the planning process rather than giving an indication that thy might be suitable for housing development. This gives a little more clarity and a bit more control over what comes forward in future.


Recommendation Agreed