Issue - meetings

Strategic Risk Register Q2

Meeting: 14/12/2021 - Cabinet (Item 103)

103 Strategic Risk Register Q2 pdf icon PDF 122 KB

Additional documents:


Cabinet Agreed


That the position on the Strategic Risk Register, as at the end of quarter 2, 2021/22 be noted.


Cabinet Agreed


That the position on the Strategic Risk Register, as at the end of quarter 2, 2021/22 be noted.


Corporate Objectives

All. Risk management is an essential part of ensuring that the

Council meets all its corporate objectives


Monitoring Officer


This is a Deputy Section 151 Officer report.


S.151 Officer

No comments to add to the report.


Cllr Elliot introduced the report


Cllr Birnie refereed to the audit committee meeting mentioned they were concerned about the infrastructure risk, risk to both the local plan and the Hemel Garden Communities because of the lack of control that the Council have over funding infrastructure, and the sort of lottery that the government set up for bid to cover large items of expenditure on infrastructure. It seemed to him that he Council had no way of mitigating this and wondered whether they had or would approach government or have some other means of addressing this problem.


JDoe responded that there were a number of risk associated with this but he thought there were two statutory ones, there were risks around whether the funding could be achieved or not. There were two main things to be aware of, one id the mitigation in terms of the local plan and weather you can get their local plan through, that could be mitigated through their infrastructure delivery plan, which was something that they prepared in line with the local plan, so they make sure that is up to date. They are doing some more work on this at the current time, as the local plan is being revised and updated following last year’s publication. They do have to give an indication through the section 106 or SILL contributions but also where government support is needed or through bidding through to government programmes which is a spate process. He said the second mitigation is that when the development process moves on it moves to planning application stage then the developer has to prove it can provide for all the parts of infrastructure that were needed, so planning permission would not be granted until those things are in place and there are checks on that. He said they were currently working with the Hemel Garden Communities Programme now on a separate bid through to Homes England funding for next year and a big component that is around infrastructure. They envisage there will be more of those programmes moving forward.


Recommendation agreed


That the position on the Strategic Risk Register, as at the end of quarter 2, 2021/22 be noted.