103 Camelot Rugby Club Lease PDF 685 KB
2. Delegate authority to the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources and the Leader of the Council to consider any representations received from the public notice published, pursuant to Section 123 Local Government Act 1972 and decide whether to proceed with the leasehold disposal and finalise the terms of disposal.
Monitoring Officer comments
Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1972 applies as the land is subject to an ‘open land’ designation and requires a local authority to advertise its intention to dispose of the land in question in a locally-circulating newspaper for a period of at least two consecutive weeks. The local authority has an obligation to give consideration to any objections that may be received and to demonstrate that it has considered these. A positive Cabinet decision would mean that this exercise would have to be undertaken and delegations are proposed to ensure that the appropriate Portfolio Holders give consideration to the responses receieved before proceeding.
Deputy S.151 Officer comments
The comments of the Deputy S.151 Officer are included in the body of the report.
Councillor Elliot introduced the report and the recommendations are to delegate authority to the Leader and the Portfolio Holder over the approval of the 75 year lease at Chaulden Lane Playing Field to Camelot Rugby Club. The lease will be available to the club once they have secured funding and planning permission. This will support the club’s ambitions and will help them attract external funding to develop and improve the community rugby club with enhanced facilities.
Councillor Birnie asked if the Boxmoor Trust had been consulted and were in agreement.
Councillor Elliot confirmed they were.
Councillor Griffiths said this issue had been going on for some time and the club wanted a stable background instead of having many short term leases. This is a great asset to the borough.
Recommendations agreed.