94 Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement PDF 173 KB
Additional documents:
That the information provided on the Infrastructure Funding Statement in Appendix 1 be noted and agrees to its publication as required under the CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended).
That the information provided on the Infrastructure Funding Statement in Appendix 1 be noted and agrees to its publication as required under the CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended).
Corporate objectives
The Infrastructure Funding Statement shows that developer contributions are being used to support all corporate objectives, for example: -
• A clean, safe and enjoyable environment: e.g. utilising developer contributions to promote walkable neighbourhoods, accessible green infrastructure and prioritising pedestrians.
• Building strong and vibrant communities: e.g. utilising developer contributions to create a sense of place.
• Ensuring economic growth and prosperity: e.g. utilising developer contributions to facilitate sustainable transport opportunities to and from our business locations and creating a sense of place.
• Providing good quality affordable homes: e.g. using developer contributions to fund delivery of affordable housing.
Deputy Monitoring Officer
The Council has a statutory duty to prepare an Infrastructure Funding Statement further to the Community Infrastructure Levy (Amendment) (England) (No.2) Regulations 2019 annually between 2nd to 31st December. The recommendations in this report comply with this statutory duty.
Deputy S.151 Officer
The Infrastructure funding statement outlines the CIL and S106 proceeds invoiced and the spend and allocation to date.
Councillor G Sutton introduced the report to members and said the council were required to make an annual submission on their spend of CIL. £6.7 million has been collected in CIL since the levy was introduced in 2015 and £3 million was in the pipeline. This confirms the council has amassed CIL receipts in readiness for major spend, the reason is clear, there is a pressure to provide further infrastructure with the increased growth required. The new Infrastructure Delivery Plan will set out what is needed and when and how to make best use of the money.
Councillor Tindall referred to the government white paper and said there were proposals to make changes to CIL and s.106. He asked what impact this would have on the CIL fund moving forward.
J Doe said that the government have made the point that this change shouldn’t leave councils worse off. They are currently proposing to replace CIL with an infrastructure levy and there are not any details yet on how this will be set.
Councillor Williams was concerned about national levies as they are worth different amounts depending on where in the country you are.
Councillor Anderson said the white paper proposes that the levy is charged as a proportion of the value of the site instead of it being a flat rate per square metre. He said this would recreate an old issue that had been resolved by the introduction of CIL.
Recommendations agreed.
At the end of the meeting, Councillor Williams presented S Marshall with a gift from members as a thank you for her service and wished her well in her retirement.