Issue - meetings

Senior officer Pay Policy

Meeting: 09/02/2016 - Cabinet (Item 18)

18 Senior officer Pay Policy pdf icon PDF 81 KB

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Resolved to recommend:


(1)   to adopt the Pay Policy for 2016/17 as set out in appendix 1 to the Cabinet report.

(2)   That any amendments to the Pay Policy throughout the financial year 2016/2017 which are required as a result of legislative changes can be approved by the Chief Executive in conjunction with the Council’s Monitoring Officer is noted.


Resolved to recommend:


(1)  to adopt the Pay Policy for 2016/17 as set out in appendix 1 to the Cabinet report.

(2)  That any amendments to the Pay Policy throughout the financial year 2016/2017 which are required as a result of legislative changes can be approved by the Chief Executive in conjunction with the Council’s Monitoring Officer .


Reason for Decision


To set the Council’s pay policy for the financial year 2016/17, as required by Section 38 of the Localism Act 2011.




Equality Implications

The Pay Policy Statement adheres to national guidance on pay equality.


Risk Implications


There needs to be a robust procedure in place to ensure transparency of information and equality in staffing costs and remuneration.


Health & Safety

No implications from this report.

Corporate Objectives

The Council’s policies in respect of pay and terms and conditions support all five of the Council’s strategic objectives as part of ensuring that services to the community can be delivered to the required standards and with due regard to economy, efficiency and effectiveness




The Portfolio Holder for Residents & Corporate Services explained that the Senior Officer Pay Policy has been refreshed for 2016/2017 in line with the Localism Act 2011 requirements. The main changes are:


·        The amendment to the leadership structure following retirement of the   

   Assistant Director Chief Executive’s Unit.

·        A section on additional payments for deputising Statutory Officers

·        Additional information on election fees

·        A note on the possible imposed a cap on ‘exit payments’ which can be made

   to public sector employees who leave voluntarily and the implications this   

   may have on the pay policy.


The Chief Executive highlighted that paragraph 11 within the report should be amended to read that ‘these changes are proposed to take effect from 1 May and not 1 June’. She added that paragraph 4 of appendix 1 related to section 8.8 of the policy.

The Leader of the Council asked how the new national living wage fitted in the DBC pay scales.

The Corporate Director for Finance and Operations explained that the national living wage would be £8.20 so the council pay scales would reflect this.

The Leader of the Council noted that this would mean that council staff would be on a band 3 at least.



Consultation took place with:

·  Sally Marshall (Chief Executive)



