Issue - meetings

Local Development Scheme

Meeting: 21/07/2020 - Cabinet (Item 68)

68 Local Development Scheme pdf icon PDF 114 KB

Additional documents:


That the justification for an additional consultation under Regulation 18 be noted, and approve it being incorporated into the revised timetable for the Local Plan and other updates to the Local Development Scheme appended to this report and delegate authority to the Assistant Director- Planning, Development and Regeneration to make any final minor editorial and typographical revisions to the document including any necessary to reflect the Cabinet’s discussions and decision.



That the justification for an additional consultation under Regulation 18 be noted, and approve it being incorporated into the revised timetable for the Local Plan and other updates to the Local Development Scheme appended to this report and delegate authority to the Assistant Director- Planning, Development and Regeneration to make any final minor editorial and typographical revisions to the document including any necessary to reflect the Cabinet’s discussions and decision.


Corporate objectives


The Council’s Local Plan helps support all 5 corporate objectives:

·         Safe and clean environment: e.g. contains policies relating to the design and layout of new development that promote security and safe access;

·         Community Capacity: e.g. provide a framework for local communities to prepare area-specific guidance such as Neighbourhood Plans, Town / Village Plans etc.;

·         Affordable housing: e.g. sets the Borough’s overall housing target and the proportion of new homes that must be affordable;

·         Dacorum delivers: e.g. provides a clear framework upon which planning decisions can be made; and

·         Regeneration: e.g. sets the planning framework for key regeneration projects, such as Hemel Hempstead town centre and the Maylands Business Park.


Deputy Monitoring Officer:  

Further to section 15 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 local planning authorities must prepare and maintain a Local Development Scheme which must set out the documents that the Council will prepare as local development documents and the timetable for their preparation.  Publishing a revised LDS as proposed in this report will satisfy this duty.

Deputy S.151 Officer

The changes to the local plan completion proposed are not expected to have a financial implication, and the local plan will be delivered within the existing funding envelope provided.



Councillor G Sutton introduced the report to members and said the purpose of the report was to consider the revised local development scheme including a revised timetable for the preparation of a new local plan. The progress of submitting a new local plan has not been smooth and has been difficult at times and so the department have sought counsel’s advice.


J Doe said the team are learning lessons from other council’s and regulation 18 should help to make the process more robust.

Councillor Birnie referred to page 41, paragraph 10 and the infrastructure shortcomings. He asked what these shortcomings are and said this information should be made available to the Local Plan Task and Finish Group and SPAE OSC.
J Doe said there was a shortfall in the information needed to understand the requirement. Further information is required from HCC on education and there is additional transport work to be completed. The whole notion of this report is to make sure that when we reach the publication stage in early summer 2021, the work is complete and robust. He said he was confident that enough information will be available for members to consider the draft local plan in November. The task and finish group are being kept updated on the progress of the infrastructure delivery plan which must be ready at the time of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 68