Issue - meetings


Meeting: 15/07/2020 - Council (Item 5)


Motions to the Dacorum Borough Council Meeting on Wednesday 15th July, 2020.


A.  Climate Emergency.  Proposed by Cllr. Ron Tindall


This council takes note of the Strategy and Action Plan adopted by the Cabinet at their meeting on 23rd June.  In addition, the council welcomes the Climate Change Emergency Statement and the undertaking to work with businesses, community groups and residents to reduce emissions across the Borough.


In furtherance of these decisions and objectives, the council believes that the bringing together of those interested in working with the Council in a public programme of Community Engagement would be beneficial, and asks that as soon as reasonably possible, given the present restrictions imposed because of the health crisis, a series of consultative events are promoted which will engage all sectors of the community, culminating in a Climate Emergency event at which representatives of those community sectors will meet to discuss with the Council the attainment of the Council's objectives by 2030.




B.  Overview and Scrutiny.  Proposed by Cllr. Adrian England


This Council recognises that scrutiny is an important part of a well-functioning administration where policies, strategy and decisions are tested by members and justified by Portfolio-holders with the support of officers.


Now that the Council is once again in a state of credible balance, and all Councillors have at least one year's experience, Council believes that scrutiny ought rightly to be led by a politically-proportionate group of Chairs and Vice-Chairs.


The council resolves to review Scrutiny and reform Chairmanship of OSCs so that Scrutiny in Dacorum is cross-party, with Chairs and Vice Chairs being drawn proportionately from the recognised political groups of the council, the appropriate amendment to the Constitution to be presented to the Council at their meeting in September.





The following Motion was proposed by Councillor Tindall and seconded by Councillor Freedman:


1.            Climate Emergency


This council takes note of the Strategy and Action Plan adopted by the Cabinet at their meeting on 23rd June. In addition, the council welcomes the Climate Change Emergency Statement and the undertaking to work with businesses, community groups and residents to reduce emissions across the Borough.


In furtherance of these decisions and objectives, the council believes that the bringing together of those interested in working with the Council in a public programme of Community Engagement would be beneficial, and asks that as soon as reasonably possible, given the present restrictions imposed because of the health crisis, a series of consultative events are promoted which will engage all sectors of the community, culminating in a Climate Emergency event at which representatives of those community sectors will meet to discuss with the Council the attainment of the Council's objectives by 2030.


An amendment to the motion was proposed by Councillor Williams and seconded by Councillor Griffiths


Revise the first line to read:


“This council endorses the administrations ambitious Strategy and action plan….”


A vote was held on the amendment to the motion:


36 For, 0 Against and 1 Abstain


Therefore the amendment was agreed

A vote was then held on the amended motion

39 For, 0 Against and 1 Abstain


Therefore the Motion was carried.



The following Motion was proposed by Councillor England and seconded by Councillor Hobson:


2.            Overview and Scrutiny


This Council recognises that scrutiny is an important part of a well-functioning administration where policies, strategy and decisions are tested by members and justified by Portfolio-holders with the support of officers.


Now that the Council is once again in a state of credible balance, and all Councillors have at least one year's experience, Council believes that scrutiny ought rightly to be led by a politically-proportionate group of Chairs and Vice-Chairs.


The council resolves to review Scrutiny and reform Chairmanship of OSCs so that Scrutiny in Dacorum is cross-party, with Chairs and Vice Chairs being drawn proportionately from the recognised political groups of the council, the appropriate amendment to the Constitution to be presented to the Council at their meeting in September.


The following amendment was made by Councillor Williams and seconded by Councillor Griffiths:


Delete all text after the first paragraph and insert a new second paragraph


“This  council resolves that the current arrangements for Chairs and Vice Chairs supports the effective process of scrutiny and supports continuing with the current allocations of Chairs and Vice Chairs of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees”


A vote was held on the amendment to the motion:


24 For, 18 Against and 3 Abstain


Therefore the amendment was agreed

A vote was then held on the amended motion

21 For, 17 Against and 3 Abstain


Therefore the Motion was carried.




The following Motion was proposed by Councillor Tindall and seconded by Councillor Freedman:


1.         Climate Emergency


This council takes note of the Strategy and Action Plan adopted by the Cabinet at their meeting on 23rd June. In addition, the council welcomes the Climate Change Emergency Statement and the undertaking to work with businesses, community groups and residents to reduce emissions across the Borough.


In furtherance of these decisions and objectives, the council believes that the bringing together of those interested in working with the Council in a public programme of Community Engagement would be beneficial, and asks that as soon as reasonably possible, given the present restrictions imposed because of the health crisis, a series of consultative events are promoted which will engage all sectors of the community, culminating in a Climate Emergency event at which representatives of those community sectors will meet to discuss with the Council the attainment of the Council's objectives by 2030.

An amendment to the motion was proposed by Councillor Williams and seconded by Councillor Griffiths to revise the first line to read:


“This council endorses the administrations ambitious Strategy and Action Plan….”


Councillor Tindall thanked everyone involved and said we all needed to work together to succeed.


A vote was held on the amendment to the motion:


36 For, 0 Against and 1 Abstention.


Therefore the amendment was agreed.

A vote was then held on the amended motion:

39 For, 0 Against and 1 Abstention.


Therefore the Motion was carried.



The following Motion was proposed by Councillor England and seconded by Councillor Hobson:


2.         Overview and Scrutiny


This Council recognises that scrutiny is an important part of a well-functioning administration where policies, strategy and decisions are tested by members and justified by Portfolio-holders with the support of officers.


Now that the Council is once again in a state of credible balance, and all Councillors have at least one year's experience, Council believes that scrutiny ought rightly to be led by a politically-proportionate group of Chairs and Vice-Chairs.


The council resolves to review Scrutiny and reform Chairmanship of OSCs so that Scrutiny in Dacorum is cross-party, with Chairs and Vice Chairs being drawn proportionately from the recognised political groups of the council, the appropriate amendment to the Constitution to be presented to the Council at their meeting in September.


Councillor England said he hoped the majority group would engage with this motion. The purpose of the OSC’s which he quoted from the DBC website says ‘there are three OSC’s which support the work of cabinet and council as a whole. They allow citizens to have the greater say in council matters by holding public enquiries into matters of local concern and these leads to reports and recommendations’. He didn’t feel OSC’s had been doing much reporting and recommending as they should according to the description on the website, reports are typically just noted. He felt giving some responsibilities of Chairman to the minority group would introduce right and proper market forces to the operation of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5