Issue - meetings

Climate Change

Meeting: 23/06/2020 - Cabinet (Item 59)

59 Climate Change pdf icon PDF 320 KB

Report to follow after the SPAE OSC meeting being held on 16th June 2020.


1.         That the approach to the development and delivery of the Climate Emergency Strategy and Action plan as set out in the report be approved.


2.         That the Climate Emergency Statement in Appendix 4 be approved


Resolved to recommend:


3.         The creation of a budget for the Climate Emergency of £75,000 in 2020/21  and authority be delegated for its expenditure be made to the Corporate Director Housing and Regeneration and the Assistant Director Corporate and Contracted Services in consultation with the Leader be approved


4.         That an annual review of the progress of the Strategy and Action Plan be made to Cabinet each year and an update be provided to Cabinet in September 2020 on initial progress


5.         That a training and development programme for both staff and Members be delivered in 2020/21

6.         That a ‘Climate Emergency impact statement’ be incorporated into Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny reports




1.    That the approach to the development and delivery of the Climate Emergency Strategy and Action plan as set out in the report be approved.

2.    That the Climate Emergency Statement in Appendix 4 be approved


Resolved to recommend:

3.    The creation of a budget for the Climate Emergency of £75,000 in 2020/21  and authority be delegated for its expenditure be made to the Corporate Director Housing and Regeneration and the Assistant Director Corporate and Contracted Services in consultation with the Leader be approved

4.    That an annual review of the progress of the Strategy and Action Plan be made to Cabinet each year and an update be provided to Cabinet in September 2020 on initial progress


5.    That a training and development programme for both staff and Members be delivered in 2020/21

6.    That a ‘Climate Emergency impact statement’ be incorporated into Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny reports

Corporate objectives

The Council’s Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan will help to support all 5 corporate objectives:

·         Safe and clean environment: e.g. contains actions relating to the quality of existing environments and design and layout of new development that promote security and safe access;

·         Community Capacity: e.g. provide a framework for local communities to be better informed and involved in climate emergency mitigation.;

·         New and Affordable housing: through both direct delivery and setting improved sustainability requirements in new homes would help to reduce both the cost of energy and water and the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions the homes would produce;

·         Dacorum delivers: fulfilling the zero carbon pledge will make a huge contribution to local sustainability and assist in the national target to reach zero carbon as a nation by 2050;

·         Regeneration: the strategy and action plan will provide improvements to air quality, biodiversity, opportunities for cycling and walking as well as major economic potential for ‘green’ businesses.



Monitoring Officer comments


The Strategy and Action Plan will require continual review against the baseline data in order to measure the effectiveness of the agreed actions.


S151 Officer comments

The recommended £75k budget can be funded through draw down from the Climate Change and Sustainability Reserve.

Whilst the Council remains ambitious in the delivery of its Climate Change Action Plan, it should be acknowledged that there may be occasions when financial restrictions prevent the implementation of desirable service changes in the future.

Future recommendations to Members will need to be presented within the context of the Council’s broader financial position in order to support evidence-based decision-making.




Councillor Williams introduced the report and asked for feedback from cabinet members about the comments from overview and scrutiny about their service areas.

Councillor Griffiths said she had concerns over the recommendation from SPAE OSC about increasing rents. This recommendation has not been discussed by H&C OSC and was not happy with the suggestion. The council needs to bring people along and some tenants are already in fuel poverty so increasing rents or forcing them to go all electric in their homes which is  ...  view the full minutes text for item 59