Issue - meetings


Meeting: 21/07/2020 - Cabinet (Item 66)

66 Garage Programme Update pdf icon PDF 93 KB


That the progress of the programme and the impact of COVID-19 on the garage programme be noted



That the progress of the programme and the impact of COVID-19 on the garage programme be noted.

Corporate objectives

Building strong and vibrant communities and ensuring economic growth and prosperity

Deputy Monitoring Officer comments:

There are no legal implications to this report.

Deputy S151 Officer comments:

There are no financial implications to this report.



L Roberts introduced the report to members and gave an update on the programme. Since lockdown started, there have been 386 requests for garages, 189 offers made and 108 offers confirmed so the team have not seen a decrease in demand for garages which is surprising as it was thought that lockdown may affect household income and therefore the demand on garages. It is still early days but will continue to monitor the situation.


Councillor Birnie referred to the 6,855 garages stated in the report and asked if this was the total number of garages or the number due to be surveyed.
L Roberts said it was the number of garages due to be surveyed as 756 had already been done by council staff. There are approximately 7,500 garages in total across Dacorum.


Recommendations agreed.